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Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see how

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  • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

    lol @ malacite. what are you running it at? i have both overlay and BG to 2560x2048, looks GREAT i think we have same GPU, is that M after 8600 a typo? cuz i hav nVidia 8600 GT, no m, i'm looking at the box lol and that's odd, i have vista as well and it was in the same place described!


    • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
      Gotta love DX8 and the crappy client, no matter how good your computer is you will still get a frame rate hit when you have many players on screen at the same time.

      (Regardless of if you have the game set at 800x800 or 2048x2048)

      Also apparently SE said in an interview in November that they were dropping DX9 because it would take "too much time", so they were focusing on improving the DX8 client instead. Which hasn't happened either, specially now that Nvidia went and fixed the problems they had with XI. So SE probably decided it wasn't worth it for them since people will still play the game anyway.
      Too much time ? lazy sob's! A graphical Update wouldnt bloody hurt shesh!
      Though when i did the regedit blah blah xD Hmm main things i noticed was shadows are sharp as :D Also 0 fuzzyness on the characters nice . crisp and sharp
      If its a 8600M then thats the mobile series for lappys so youll need to get some custom drivers for that xD
      My Dreams Are Unattainable...That Makes Them All The More Achievable...


      • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

        It would appear that most if not all the images posted here over the years are broken now, so many can't see the differences that this makes! So in light of that, here are some I made recently to show some of my friends who look at the game box and go icky...thats horrible!

        I'm in the process of returning this month, and trying to get friends to join me that are looking for that older style of MMO play, unlike many of these new ones that float you around on a golden platter the whole time and give you everything with no challenges!

        Also an update for those using Windows Vista, click on these folders in order after running RegEdit using the Run command:
        • SOFTWARE
        • WoW6432Node
        • PlayOnlineUS
        • SquareEnix
        • FinalFantasyXI
        Then do the hex editing as described many places in this thread and choose a resolution your PC can handle!

        Minimum FFXI Settings!

        Max FFXI Settings!

        2304*2304 Forced BG Textures!

        4096*4096 Forced BG Textures! Not much difference than above but eh!


        • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

          Sorry for the bump but, how do you actually "edit" the values?

          It's a drop down list for me..
          In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
          And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
          Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
          Yeah, It’s true.
          It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

          [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


          • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see


            Stop reading this thread, go to instead.
            Ellipses on Fenrir
            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
            . . .


            • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

              i have tried this regedit "tweak" .
              for me it does nothing,
              i changed it to a couple diverent values but non did work.


              • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

                What specifically did you change, and what did you change them to? Did you read the article linked to in the post just above yours? (This thread is very, very old.)
                Ellipses on Fenrir
                There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                . . .


                • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

                  yes i noticed it was old, yesterday night i found your wiki link.
                  that actualy made sence to me and it worked, thank u ellipsis


                  • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

                    I need some help with this. I just installed FFXI on my new computer and I'm trying to figure out how to do this again(had it running fine on my old computer). The problem is I don't have the PlayOnlineUS folder in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE... I'm wondering if it has something to do with running a 64 bit OS? My last one was 32 bit so...

                    EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. Everything was located in a subfolder called Wow6432Node.
                    Originally posted by Ellipses
                    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                    Originally posted by MCLV
                    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                    More Sig:


                    • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

                      Hmm I will try this once I download all of the pc version of the game


                      • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

                        Looks awsm now, but takes longer to load other chars around me, any1 know why?


                        • Re: Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see

                          Originally posted by Archerpr View Post
                          Looks awsm now, but takes longer to load other chars around me, any1 know why?
                          because placing the game in a higher rez, takes more of a toll on your CPU, makes it take longer to load the same things.

                          Solution would be to get a better CPU or turn the settings down some.

                          I always found a good formula to be double what ever your native resolution for your monitor is as I have mine......
                          Rez 1440x900
                          background rez 2880x1800

                          on my 52in TV I plan on trying the settings.....
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

