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Patch and Installation Time.

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  • Patch and Installation Time.

    I am trying to see how long it takes everyone to patch and install the game on their various systems and connections; so people have an idea how long an installation takes. If you are (re-)installing from scratch, please provide specs of your computer, box installation type, and timing (In the format below).

    As of August 26, with all the patches up until such time.
    I have the following specs:
    HARD DRIVE: 200 GB HD 7200 RPM ATA/133
    PROCESSOR: Pentium 4 - 2.4 GHZ
    First release version of FFXI and PlayOnline box
    First release Add-on FFXI Expansion

    Time needed to install AND FULLY PATCH PlayOnline, FFXI, and the Expansion:
    Base Install (POL & FFXI): 15 minutes
    First Patch of POL: 30 minutes
    Expansion Install: 20 minutes
    FFXI and Expansion Patch: Step 1 - 45 minutes; Step 2 - 4 hours and 30 minutes; Step 3 - 15 minutes.

    Total time from nothing to complete installation and patch:
    6 hours and 35 minutes

    Note: FFXI and Expansion Patch is approximately a 6075 files patch.
    Signature was intentionally left blank.

  • #2
    I just reinstalled my FFXI but unfortunately I did not keep track exactly of all the times butperhaps thiswill be of some usefulness.

    40GB HD System ram: 512MB SDRAM (notDDR)
    Processor:Athlon 1300
    Connection:256kb DSL
    Installation box: ffxi/expansion separate

    Base Install:30-40minutes
    Expansion:not installed yet
    Patches:8 hours (note: apparently mysettings were orginally made to disconnect me after 20 minutes of POL afk time, so I gotdisconnected twice before realizing to change these settings to off, andeach disconnect resulted in about 45 minutes of reproccesing the 6000 files before downloading the missing files)

    Total time: 9 hours or so
    Still trying to play way too much...
    60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
    BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
    BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

    Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
    Alksomething - 0/8


    • #3
      maybe 4 hours total on mine

      Installed fresh copy on my computer 9/1/03:

      AMD Athlon 1700+ 384MB SDRAM
      120GB WD 7200RPM HD
      2.1 mbit Cable (Road Runner)
      PowerColor ATI Radeon 9600pro (only 2700 on benchmark???)
      First release version of FFXI and PlayOnline box (import)
      First release Add-on FFXI Expansion (import)
      CD-ROM speed: 52x read

      From opening box to playing:
      Installing POL/FF11 (base install): 10 minutes
      Patching POL: 5 minutes
      Registering POL: 1 hour (was having trouble figuring out how to input japanese kanji etc. etc.)
      FFXI patching: Step 1/2/3 - 5 minutes/60 minutes/ 5 minutes
      FFXI expansion install: 5 minutes
      FFXI expansion patching: Step 1/2/3 - 10 minutes/30 minutes/3 minutes

      Maybe a little over 4 hours total, a fourth of which was spent reading over Osaka's install faq in the forums.

      Speaking of which, now that I have the import game, how do I register for "importer status" for the forums? And who do I notify to be included in the player directory?



      • #4
        AH, good question.

        The importer status, you need to post at the Comments/Suggestion forums, there is a thread for the importer status. PiNG handles all of that.

        Once you get the importer status, send me a PM with the appropriate information in the directory and I will add you.
        Signature was intentionally left blank.


        • #5

          Hi, I've been gone for the past 4 months and haven't catch up on anything about FF11. So is this patch inlucuded in the game? And Btw, I'm talking about the POL patch. For future FFXI Patches, is it going to be automatically installed for us or do we have to download it at some site?


          • #6
            4 days and counting... BEcAUSE I CANT UPDATE GRRR !


            • #7
              I'm playing Jap version on Jap PS2 in Australia

              HARD DRIVE: 40 GB HD (the BB unit one)
              SYSTEM RAM: 4MB ??
              PROCESSOR: 233Mhz ??
              CONNECTION: 512/128bit ADSL
              INSTALLATION BOX:
              FFXI All In One (jap) PlayOnline Entry Disc, FFXI, Testra Master
              FFXI All In One (jap) FFXI Expansion Data Disc

              Time needed to install AND FULLY PATCH PlayOnline, FFXI, and the Expansion:
              BB Unit Initialisation (format HDD): ~10 Min
              BB Unit Navigator: ~10Min
              BB Unit Patch (version up): ~20Min
              POL: ~10Min
              POL Patch (version up): 29Min
              (the "square" title changes to "square enix" after patch)
              FFXI+Expansion: 40Min
              FFXI patch (version up): 1H 58Min
              (~3000 files updated, got error&disconnected 3 times)
              Total Installation Time: ~4Hours


              • #8
                56k internet, machine specs in signature.

                POL Install: 1-2 minutes
                FFXI Install: 10-12 minutes
                Expansion: 1-2 minutes

                POL Patch: 20-25 minutes
                FFXI Patch: 12 hours

                Times done: 5 (once while on broadband)

                I've had hell maintaining my system as of late and as such I have had to reformat or reinstall windows several times which means reinstalling ff11 entirely everytime... Why the hell can't they have an executable patch that can be downloaded and run? I hate dialup.


                • #9
                  I will be a little bit less detail:

                  Athlon XP 2600
                  512 MB DDR 3200 RAM
                  GeForce4 TI 4600
                  Cable Modem

                  Total Install Time: 45 mins
                  Total Update Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes

                  Total Time start to finish: 2 Hours


                  • #10
                    My comp is a little slower:

                    1.9 ghz P4
                    1024 MB Ram
                    GeForce 3 64meg DDR
                    80 gig HDD

                    but my connection is blazingly fast

                    100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Cable

                    and 10Mbps for Lap Top

                    For some reason the updating time was still about 2 hours for each. I think the update server is slow or speed limited so everyone can download at once. Because that should have take a half an hour.


                    • #11
                      Built this computer 5 years ago when this stuff was cutting edge, so don't laugh! :dead:

                      HARD DRIVE: 120 GB HD 7200 RPM Seagate [new purchase]
                      40 GB Maxtor 7200RPM
                      SYSTEM RAM: 512 MB 2100 133Mhz RAM
                      PROCESSOR: AMD Thunderbird 900 Mhz OC'ed to 1.01 Ghz with graphite mod =)
                      CONNECTION: 3 Mbps donwnstream Cable [Mediacom]

                      Total time Install + updates as of 1/2: 2.5 hours


                      • #12
                        I am living in the middle east in the kingdom of Bahrain it an Island in the middle of the person Gulf ! and I using DSL/Lan internet counection! 100mb

                        POL Install: 5 minutes
                        FFXI Install: 15 minutes
                        Expansion: 1-2 minutes

                        POL Patch: 30 minutes
                        FFXI Patch: 8 hours

                        Associate with well-mannered persons and your manners will improve. Run around with decent folk and your own decent instincts will be strengthened.

                        -Stanley Walker-


                        • #13
                          AMD Athlon XP 2200+
                          512MB DDR333
                          60GB SEAGATE HDD
                          8GB SEAGATE HDD (FOR BACKUP PURPOSES)
                          GeForce FX5700 256MB DDR

                          Im using a ADSL service of 512/128 and my times are the following..

                          POL install: 2~4min
                          FFXI install: 13~17min
                          EXPANSION install: 3~5min

                          POL update: Normaly takes 5min but if my sister is using all the bandwidth with p2p progs -_- it can take from 20min to 2h30min

                          FFXI update: same case.. Normaly 9hours, if I get bandwidth occupied, can go up to 18hours..


                          • #14
                            P4 3.0Ghz
                            1024MB DDR400 PC3200
                            120GB Western Digital
                            Radeon 9800 XT
                            Cable Modem 3000/256 (upstream and downstream in bits)
                            (MCHSI - Mediacom)

                            POL install - 2 minutes
                            FFXI install - 8 minutes
                            Expansion install - 4 minutes

                            POL update - 6 minutes
                            FFXI update - 2h 28m


                            • #15
                              Re: Patch and Installation Time.

                              Isn't there any way to backup the patch files and upload it to a server or tracker?

