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How do we know ToS is being up held?

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  • #16
    Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

    Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
    After more talking, we came up with a plausable reason, kind of far off but far off.

    --Not my views, but it does seem to hold plausablitiy to it
    ***SE is working hand-in-hand with the RMT and server costs make them claim honest users as rmt seeing how RMT brings in higher profits and that ppl getting new accounts and then possibliy buy gil to power level back to 75. With server consolodations coming in the futures from these bannings.
    *X-Files music*

    I tend to agree with Illuen.
    FFXIV Balmung Server
    Tenro Matashi


    • #17
      Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

      I know some of these are now after being able to calm a bit down with spamming hexa strike. But still, would you stand back and take or watch someone take a false claim/mistake of one of the banns? I mean, would you if it was someone you heard in vent crying and not even being sure she wants to come back is it is in the end a temp or considers the option of starting all over again, even with help from hnmls members? And repeatedly stated she doesn't used what the report said when its the very thing she doesn't stand against? Something is fishy to me and how these numbers can be added up one way or another is too tipsy to say nothing about either side.
      Edit: And I wonder, where can we see the evidence to support their actions?
      double edit:
      You have been connected to SEL Agent Gurinder.
      SEL Agent Gurinder: Hello Leela, One moment please, while I read your question. Thank You!
      Leela : good evening
      SEL Agent Gurinder: I have just checked your account. It's a US acocunt. you need to contact the US customer service.
      Leela : oke
      SEL Agent Gurinder: I don't have access to your account.
      Leela : one question, on the screen it reads that i have to contact the PoL information center, I can not find that
      SEL Agent Gurinder: We don't have access to your account. You need to contact them. Thank you for your time.
      Leela : I understand that u dont have access, could you plz. just tell me where to find the PoL information center?
      Leela : Is it located on the website or in PoL?
      SEL Agent Gurinder: Well, arguing won't help you here. I don't have access to your account. Please contact the US customer service. You may now close this window.
      Your session has ended. You may now close this window.
      Now is that rude to 1, asking for some simple help and 2, very very odd.....espically after 5 years of service, you'd think they improve their customer relations.......
      Last edited by Akashimo; 01-25-2007, 05:44 PM. Reason: just remembered something & gotten info
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • #18
        Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

        Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
        Edit: And I wonder, where can we see the evidence to support their actions?
        You can't. FFXI is SE's world and they grant you the right to play in FFXI for a monthly fee. They do not need a reason to cancel your service, it is theirs to cancel whenever they choose for whatever reason they choose, and they are under no obligation, other than courtesy, to tell you why.

        It is not a legal matter, players have no rights in this situation, you agree to SE's ability to do this every time you click that "Accept" button and play. If you seriously believe that SE is unjust in their methods then stop paying their monthly fee.

        If someone I knew contacted me, crying over their banned FFXI account, the first thing I would do is tell them that maybe it is a good thing, because they are obviously a little too attached to a virtual world.

        If it were a case of their personal freedom and human rights I would cry with them and fight with them every inch of the way against the evil that is SE. Alas, it is not their personal freedom. It is not an issue of human rights. IT'S A FRICKIN' VIDEO GAME! GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON!
        FFXIV Balmung Server
        Tenro Matashi


        • #19
          Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

          I mean how often does the thought of loosing your account comes to your mind while playing if these things never happen? Not likely aye? And your argument of being "attached to a virtual world", you're playing it, you've taken time and effort into getting far as you have right? If it were a question of starting all over again if the same thing happened to me, I'd really wouldn't know what I'd pick....
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #20
            Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

            It all seems like much ado over nothing to me. Your friend lost their account, which is too bad, but SE does have the right to do that at any time. No matter how upset someone may be, that doesn't change that fundamental fact. It may be unfortunate, but that's just the way things go.

            Your friend now has a choice. Either A.) Stop Playing FFXI, or B.) Buy another copy of the game and start over.


            • #21
              Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

              Its in the TOS that they can ban anyone at any time for any reason they see fit. So even if it is true that they banned her for 'nothing', which I doubt, then they're still upholding the TOS.

              If it isn't a legitimate ban then I guess it sucks for her.

              Everyone always bitches about SE. Have you played any other games? FFXI is one of the only MMOs that even cares about or fights RMT.
              I understand everytime there's a ban people see gilsellers out and about and think SE isn't doing anything. Well, what are most of them doing? Camping Ulli 24/7? Camping shit in SSG all day? Sorry, but that isn't against the TOS. Yes, they're moving the money over to bank accounts and selling the gil... but that's what SE is banning. Those are the accounts you'll probably never see, unless of course you buy gil. They aren't going to ban the 'field agents' until they hack or bot... and a lot of them don't.

              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


              • #22
                Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                Every time there is a mass banning, people immediately start checking the known RMT. And then they see a lot of them there, and get all angry. What about all the regular players who cheat? They are all over the place.


                • #23
                  Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                  Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                  After more talking, we came up with a plausable reason, kind of far off but far off.
                  --Not my views, but it does seem to hold plausablitiy to it
                  ***SE is working hand-in-hand with the RMT and server costs make them claim honest users as rmt seeing how RMT brings in higher profits and that ppl getting new accounts and then possibliy buy gil to power level back to 75. With server consolodations coming in the futures from these bannings.
                  Ive been saying this for as long as RMT have been in the game. An trust me i was treated like Fox all these years too..

                  They dont inforce ToS. Its just there to be a legal binding contract for them to do with there actions whatever they want. Ive been griefed by the same guys over an over. Been /telled spammed, Harrassed. AN so on. Nothing ever happened. Im told to us /blist. Yeah right like im gonna do that after i spent 4+ hours in a zone waiting for somethign to pop. Or they say to turn it off in the features. Thats fine but how am i suppose to catch /tells from shell members, Or friends..

                  They need to do away with the GMs in game. An go to the WoW approuch an homepoint stones. Seriously i have yet to meet a helpful one. No matter how nice or Aholish i am. Same robotic response..

                  Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                  • #24
                    Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                    What do GMs and Homepoint stones have to do with each other?


                    • #25
                      Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                      if your friend is innocent why dont they contact Se customer service and find out what happened? if innocent means they used windowers and no plug ins they arent innocent. if they changed .dat files maybe not so innocent either. if they only used windowers on occasion they arent innocent. im not saying they are guilty, im saying maybe they arent as innocent as they say. i have known people to use windowers many of them friends. i have not known any of them to get caught or banned. i have been in partys with people and see them weapon skill just as i hit 100% tp. wild guess they had windowers and plug ins.
                      now if your friend is 100% innocent they need to contact someone and get it taken care of. i also would be ready to commit suicide if this happened to me and i lost everything i have accomplished in the 5 years ive been playing. yes i would quit for good, no need to start over. this is the reason i have never even looked for windowers or would have considered buying gil (right or wrong). the fear of losing my account is greater than all things. i wont even let my brother have my account info for this same reason.
                      really hope your friend is innocent and gets everythign fixed.


                      • #26
                        Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                        Originally posted by Minimee View Post
                        if your friend is innocent why dont they contact Se customer service and find out what happened? if innocent means they used windowers and no plug ins they arent innocent. if they changed .dat files maybe not so innocent either. if they only used windowers on occasion they arent innocent. im not saying they are guilty, im saying maybe they arent as innocent as they say. i have known people to use windowers many of them friends. i have not known any of them to get caught or banned. i have been in partys with people and see them weapon skill just as i hit 100% tp. wild guess they had windowers and plug ins.
                        now if your friend is 100% innocent they need to contact someone and get it taken care of. i also would be ready to commit suicide if this happened to me and i lost everything i have accomplished in the 5 years ive been playing. yes i would quit for good, no need to start over. this is the reason i have never even looked for windowers or would have considered buying gil (right or wrong). the fear of losing my account is greater than all things. i wont even let my brother have my account info for this same reason.
                        really hope your friend is innocent and gets everythign fixed.
                        I would certainly hope not. It IS just a game. Five years or not.


                        • #27
                          Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                          This whole thread is hilarious XD

                          Oh! And SE is in cahoots with all the child murderers and seal clubbers, which are getting their funds from RMT! And they all hate kittens and Jesus!




                          • #28
                            Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                            I don't see what's so ridiculous. Doesn't everyone hate kittens and Jesus?


                            • #29
                              Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                              Weeeee, off track. Anyways, I do agree with Little Ninja on GMs. One of the formor FFXI player that is a friend of my friend found a new artictle or blog post, (not sure which gotta check when he gets on vent) by a Formor GM said that GMs who wants to help the players the way we wanted them to either get yelled at or get fired. @.@ And on a note about WoW... >_>; 10 day trial and i kind of like how I haven't seen an AH yet so far... lol
                              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                              • #30
                                Re: How do we know ToS is being up held?

                                Ninja, your logic seems to confuse me a bit. This person is harassing you in /tells, and you won't blist them, and then whine when the tells go away? At some point, you have to take personal responsibility, and look to see where you could of defused the situation yourself before going to the GMs.

                                Murphie, that same quote stuck out to me as particularly weird. I've been a member of games online that would go on for three/four years and then just poof on you one day, without any warning, because the site runner was bored, or didn't want to pay for BW, and you just have to learn to see what a game is in of itself.

