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Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

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  • #46
    Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

    For a person that "doesnt want to play FFXI", i am sure doing a lot in order to play it. Dont ya think? My earlier point still stands, i am doing an awful lot to try to be square's customer, when it should be the other way around.
    Doing a lot, except actually playing the game. You can argue and complain all day long about there being a lack of trial version; is SE going to drop what their doing to spit out a trial version just so you can find out if MAYBE you like the game? No. Are they going to do it for any other reason? Most likely, still no.

    I think it was Icemage that said this, but if you're too squeemish to (potentially) "waste" $30, then maybe you should stear clear from all MMO's to begin with, as they will eventually end up costing much more.

    It's understandable that you want to test out the game first, that's quite ideal. But life isn't always ideal. Either get a buddy pass from someone (I used mine on my girlfriend, sorry) or bite the bullet and buy the game. Complaining about not having a trial might be fun, but it's not really getting you any closer to actually playing the game. Sorry.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #47
      Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

      It is a completely valid point when almost every other MMO on the market has a free trial though. I don't know why people keep trying to write it off as some sort of anomaly, when it's really more the standard than anything else.


      • #48
        Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

        Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
        Doing a lot, except actually playing the game. You can argue and complain all day long about there being a lack of trial version; is SE going to drop what their doing to spit out a trial version just so you can find out if MAYBE you like the game? No. Are they going to do it for any other reason? Most likely, still no.

        I think it was Icemage that said this, but if you're too squeemish to (potentially) "waste" $30, then maybe you should stear clear from all MMO's to begin with, as they will eventually end up costing much more.

        It's understandable that you want to test out the game first, that's quite ideal. But life isn't always ideal. Either get a buddy pass from someone (I used mine on my girlfriend, sorry) or bite the bullet and buy the game. Complaining about not having a trial might be fun, but it's not really getting you any closer to actually playing the game. Sorry.
        Trying to play the game is my main objective isn't it? Its why i'm on this board, its why i've had this download going for hours. I can't actually play this game now remember?

        Like i said, i'll happily pay $30 for the retail version once i know that i enjoy it. Price isn't necessarily the issue here, its knowing that i am buying something that i will enjoy, or in the very least something that whets my appitite for more. I can't compare it to my wow experience because i have zero experience with FFxi.

        Is SE going to distribute trial software more freely just to see if i (and others) enjoy the game? From the looks of this thread, its doubtful. Would it be in their best interest to do so? Yes. (Developers dont waste time and money releasing demos and trials unless there was a chance that the end user liked what they saw and plunked down the change for the full version. This system has worked for YEARS). What you're basically arguing is that NO demo or trial has ever been useful.

        If i was the head of the playonline division of square (or whoever handles it). I would do as much as possible to ensure a steady flow of new customers, and so as much as possible. Imagine all the propective fans/subscribers of FFxi that will never play the game because S-E hasn't made any effort to make a trial available to them without forcing them to pay a $30 evaluation fee. (yes fee)

        Sorry to burst your bubbles, but a lot of people are like me and aren't going to invest $30 in a game and make a $12 a month commitment to a game without knowing first what they are getting into. In fact, i've never met a person offline that has ever played FFxi, not even a trial, which only means that S-E is doing something wrong.

        I'm not squeemish about spending $30, i'm squeemish about spending $30 on a trial that i may not like and stuck with a game i have no intention of subscribing to. Money IS NOT the issue here.

        What's unclear about that? I dont want to spend money on something i dont like, thats exactly what trials and demos are for. So far no luck on getting a buddy pass, like i said, if i dont get one within two weeks, i'm just going to join another MMO, ive played wow during their trial, i have experience with it, i can easily pick up where i left off, which is more than i can say for square.


        • #49
          Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

          Last edited by favian; 01-21-2007, 02:48 PM.


          • #50
            Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

            Honestly though, I'm not sure what you're expecting us ( to do about this issue. We aren't SE, we don't control SE, and we certainly don't produce trial versions. It's already pretty obvious that a trial would help educate people on FFXI, and probably increase the new user base; most of us agree on that.

            And now we're back to square (no pun intended) one. There's no trial; you want one. Tell us what it is that you want us to do.

            PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
            Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
            When ignorance reigns, life is lost


            • #51
              Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

              Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
              Honestly though, I'm not sure what you're expecting us ( to do about this issue. We aren't SE, we don't control SE, and we certainly don't produce trial versions. It's already pretty obvious that a trial would help educate people on FFXI, and probably increase the new user base; most of us agree on that.

              And now we're back to square (no pun intended) one. There's no trial; you want one. Tell us what it is that you want us to do.
              I dont expect anyone on this forum to do anything, i never said that i did.

              I am posting in a forum called "Ask SquareEnix Questions" So i am doing exactly that. I never blamed anyone in this forum for the lack of trials.

              lets not put words in people's mouths..
              Last edited by favian; 01-21-2007, 04:55 PM.


              • #52
                Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                I agree. Favian has a point. While I do think it's pretty improbable that complaining about the lack of open free trials, the only opinion that matters in this case is what Square-Enix feels about it.

                You know what I do think would be a good way to to do it? Add a new option to the World Pass system whereby you can purchase a Buddy Pass registration code in-game. That way online members can easily provide a code to new users with traceability without risking overspamming. In fact, I think this idea is so good that I just submitted it to PlayOnline as a suggestion...



                • #53
                  Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                  I agree Icemage. That opens up to everyone who plays the ability to allow someone they know to try out the game. Everyone is happy.

                  PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                  Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                  When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                  • #54
                    Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                    It's a start but it presupposes new players know someone who already plays or that they'll come to this site and ask existing players, who don't know them, to buy them passes.


                    • #55
                      Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                      I agree with Icemage, they should also take it a step further and sell buddy passes for $4.99 and include a link to the installation. For those people (such as myself) that dont know anyone who subscribes to the game, but are interested in playing (like myself and others). We already know the installation is just sitting on a server collecting dust (

                      I like your idea because it keeps out overspamming, but one buddypass per name/credit card could help limit the overspammers?
                      If i wanted a buddypass so i can play, and lets say i asked you to buy me one. Wouldn't i have to paypal you cash so you can buy the buddypass for me in the 'World Pass System'?

                      To use a crude analogy, Its sorta like a minor giving money to an adult so they can go into a store and get them alcohol.

                      How about once an FFXi member vouches for an 'outsider', they can produce a link which allows them to pay with their own credit card and download the game?
                      Last edited by favian; 01-21-2007, 04:55 PM.


                      • #56
                        Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                        Originally posted by favian View Post
                        1) [...]
                        2) [...]

                        3) [...]

                        4) [...]
                        1. Er. I was talking about why would people RENT game if they want the game for more than 30 days.

                        2. *shrug* True. You have to try it to find out.

                        3. Agreed; S-E should make the trial cheaper. However, complaining about it here over and over isn't likely to change anything. Or complaining anywhere else, for that matter.

                        4. Seems like an unproductive use of time just to save $30? lol.

                        * * *

                        I don't find the argument about server load a particularly convincing reason why S-E doesn't offer free, downloadable trials. If I have to guess, though:

                        A. Security. Trial accounts are essentially disposable accounts. RMT, griefers can use these easy to obtain accounts to do some quick transaction or a trick, then forget about them.

                        B. Bad design, point #1. FFXI isn't well suited for online download--it's too freaking large, and probably cannot be played with just a few parts installed w/out some serious hacks. (It's no Guild Wars, that's for sure.)

                        C. Expensive. Most people who download some free trial thingie never actually buy them--the sell through rate is low, while the download is large--and therefore expensive due to the network bandwidth needed.

                        On the other hand, people who actually pay money for a package are more likely to keep playing, since they've already "invested" in their character. Thus, downloadable "free trial" is likely an expensive and ineffective marketing effort compared to retail shelf space.

                        D. Bad design, point #2. It's hard to figure out what to do when one first starts in FFXI, especially for someone w/out experience with MMORPG's. That's a terrible "trial" experience, IMO.
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #57
                          Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                          4. Seems like an unproductive use of time just to save $30? lol.
                          its sad that i have to go through such measures to see if i want to be their customer isn't it? Most people wouldnt bother.

                          As far is it being too huge, they distributed the game online (2gb) before, i dont see why the wouldnt do it again, if even 20% of trial users ended up becoming permanent subscribers, it would be a success wouldnt it? They can always mirror the installation file on other servers, or use torrent to distribute the core game (without expansions)

                          blizzard distributes wow frequently online, and its compareable with the download size of FFXI.

                          One thing i've noticed throughout these posts is how difficult and inaccessible the game is when you start playing. Square obviously has enough confidence in their product, otherwise they wouldnt have a buddypass system in place. But not enough to begin a mass trial campaign?
                          Last edited by favian; 01-21-2007, 03:35 PM.


                          • #58
                            Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                            Icemage's idea is the best suggestion I've seen so far. Having paying customers able to purchase a Buddy Pass (even one that is a bit more limited than the version currently existing) would be a huge step in the right direction.

                            Games as large as or larger than FFXI have downloadable trials as well, so that's clearly not a huge issue for most game companies.

                            As BRP mentioned in a thread a while back, SE could really stand to revamp their newbie experience as well, as a way to hopefully draw more new players in, and better acquaint them with the system and game world. As it stands right now, there is the bare minimum of information provided to a newbie. You basically just start in the world, with no direction whatsoever beyond an NPC telling you to go get a free 50 gil.

                            Attacking the OP's intention for the folks here at FFXIO is a bit ridiculous, since this is the "Ask Square Enix Questions" section, and he has at no point demanded someone at FFXIO do something about this.


                            • #59
                              Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                              D. Bad design, point #2. It's hard to figure out what to do when one first starts in FFXI, especially for someone w/out experience with MMORPG's. That's a terrible "trial" experience, IMO.
                              badly designed? well if the trial experience was that bad, i wouldnt imagine why so many people played beyond the included 30 'free' days of the retail game.


                              • #60
                                Re: Any chance of distributing a trial for FFXI anytime soon?

                                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                                Icemage's idea is the best suggestion I've seen so far. Having paying customers able to purchase a Buddy Pass (even one that is a bit more limited than the version currently existing) would be a huge step in the right direction.

                                Games as large as or larger than FFXI have downloadable trials as well, so that's clearly not a huge issue for most game companies.

                                As BRP mentioned in a thread a while back, SE could really stand to revamp their newbie experience as well, as a way to hopefully draw more new players in, and better acquaint them with the system and game world. As it stands right now, there is the bare minimum of information provided to a newbie. You basically just start in the world, with no direction whatsoever beyond an NPC telling you to go get a free 50 gil.

                                Attacking the OP's intention for the folks here at FFXIO is a bit ridiculous, since this is the "Ask Square Enix Questions" section, and he has at no point demanded someone at FFXIO do something about this.

                                100% Agreed.

