why Polearm weapons are so screwed?
here is a comparison betwen polearms and Axes that share the same NM,ENM,BCNM or whatever else it could be:
notice the incredible STR boost (i know, BSTs STR already suck and need this boost) but notice the DMG:45 too, it's almost the same as Lv70+ Axes's DMG right?
this Axe along with this Polearm weapon drop from the same group of NMs in the Eldieme Necropolis:
CHR+7? ._.
DMG:67? shouldn't be AT LEAST DMG:80+ like the other Level60 polearms?
to the Rune weapons, there are many rune weapons but again i'll pick Axe and Polearm only, Rune Axe:
DMG:45, pretty high for an Axe of that level again.
Rune Halberd:
DMG:68 for a Level70 Polearm?
to the ENM weapons, Maneater:
DMG:49, very good as DMG:50 seem to be the highest of the axes.
and this polearm from the same group:
DMG:71? shouldn't be like Mezraq's DMG or atleast like Driezack's DMG? DMG:87+?
i won't mention Sea's god weapons.
this is a Level 60 polearm weapon if you want to compare it to the Envy spear:
and a Level70 Polearm weapon:
and a Level75 Polearm weapon:
and why this one have a Ranged accuracy boost anyway...
Axes of similer levels to the above mentioned Axes:
this one have attack+30 too or i'm blind? :/
Woodville's Axe
i know i might get flamed for this, and i know i wrote a similer thread to this one before.
to those who will say most of this polearm weapons are Spear and so they've to have low DMG and low delay because only DRG can equip the lance type weapons bla bla bla, Gondo-Shizunori is a lance and it's DMG is pretty good and it's equipable by SAM not DRG only, Engetsuto have a high DMG almost the same as the lances of the same level and equipable by more than just SAM and DRG, Leviathan's Couse aswell.
the gap betwen Spear and Lance's DMG is so rediculous when compared to other weapons such as Axes's Tabar (Ex: Woodville's Axe), Pick (Ex: Retributor) or Battleaxe (Ex: Maneater).Polearm's Spears like Wyvern Spear, Lance like Orichalcum Lance (or Mezraq).
will changing this spears into lances break the game? Great Axes don't seem to have such varying DMG in it, Scythes don't have a varying DMG too... Great katana aswell don't have varying DMG...
Why only Polearm is having this varying DMG betwen Lances and spears?
here is a comparison betwen polearms and Axes that share the same NM,ENM,BCNM or whatever else it could be:
notice the incredible STR boost (i know, BSTs STR already suck and need this boost) but notice the DMG:45 too, it's almost the same as Lv70+ Axes's DMG right?
this Axe along with this Polearm weapon drop from the same group of NMs in the Eldieme Necropolis:
CHR+7? ._.
DMG:67? shouldn't be AT LEAST DMG:80+ like the other Level60 polearms?
to the Rune weapons, there are many rune weapons but again i'll pick Axe and Polearm only, Rune Axe:
DMG:45, pretty high for an Axe of that level again.
Rune Halberd:
DMG:68 for a Level70 Polearm?
to the ENM weapons, Maneater:
DMG:49, very good as DMG:50 seem to be the highest of the axes.
and this polearm from the same group:
DMG:71? shouldn't be like Mezraq's DMG or atleast like Driezack's DMG? DMG:87+?
i won't mention Sea's god weapons.
this is a Level 60 polearm weapon if you want to compare it to the Envy spear:
and a Level70 Polearm weapon:
and a Level75 Polearm weapon:
and why this one have a Ranged accuracy boost anyway...
Axes of similer levels to the above mentioned Axes:
this one have attack+30 too or i'm blind? :/
Woodville's Axe
i know i might get flamed for this, and i know i wrote a similer thread to this one before.
to those who will say most of this polearm weapons are Spear and so they've to have low DMG and low delay because only DRG can equip the lance type weapons bla bla bla, Gondo-Shizunori is a lance and it's DMG is pretty good and it's equipable by SAM not DRG only, Engetsuto have a high DMG almost the same as the lances of the same level and equipable by more than just SAM and DRG, Leviathan's Couse aswell.
the gap betwen Spear and Lance's DMG is so rediculous when compared to other weapons such as Axes's Tabar (Ex: Woodville's Axe), Pick (Ex: Retributor) or Battleaxe (Ex: Maneater).Polearm's Spears like Wyvern Spear, Lance like Orichalcum Lance (or Mezraq).
will changing this spears into lances break the game? Great Axes don't seem to have such varying DMG in it, Scythes don't have a varying DMG too... Great katana aswell don't have varying DMG...
Why only Polearm is having this varying DMG betwen Lances and spears?