going from some of the suggestions here
On job change one of the options in the menu should be disable merits, allowing you to turn off job incompatible merits when leveling a new job.
And on attaining 75 in a second (or more job) you should be allowed another set of merits retaining all current caps. allowing you to progress in each job's main weapon you've attained level 75 in that 2nd job.
As a illustrative example this would mean to the Mages that they would be able to merit MP if previously they merited HP for their tank job, merit Club if they had sword merited and merit - spell interrupt if they had +enimity merited before.
On job change one of the options in the menu should be disable merits, allowing you to turn off job incompatible merits when leveling a new job.
And on attaining 75 in a second (or more job) you should be allowed another set of merits retaining all current caps. allowing you to progress in each job's main weapon you've attained level 75 in that 2nd job.
As a illustrative example this would mean to the Mages that they would be able to merit MP if previously they merited HP for their tank job, merit Club if they had sword merited and merit - spell interrupt if they had +enimity merited before.