Is it possible to make note of what items were dropped from a monster due to the thief's Treasure Hunter ability?
You find a fire crystal on Tiamat.
Treasure Hunter! You find a pair of herald's gaiters on Tiamat.
You find a wyrm horn on Tiamat.
Since SE goes through great lengths to hide the method of Treasure Hunter's functionality, could we at least see when it works? This would add a bit more recognition to what could be the thief's best ability if people actually knew it was working, not to mention how fun it would be to seem them shine when they cause a nice drop.
You find a fire crystal on Tiamat.
Treasure Hunter! You find a pair of herald's gaiters on Tiamat.
You find a wyrm horn on Tiamat.
Since SE goes through great lengths to hide the method of Treasure Hunter's functionality, could we at least see when it works? This would add a bit more recognition to what could be the thief's best ability if people actually knew it was working, not to mention how fun it would be to seem them shine when they cause a nice drop.