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Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

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  • Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

    Are there any plans to fix/improve some of the minor, yet annoying gameplay issues such as:

    -being forced to wait to view AH sales or Delivery Box multiple times.
    -spell effects freezing engaging/disengaging actions. (wreaks havoc for thfs!)
    -large delay between other player character's apparant locations and where they actually are (also wreaks havoc for thfs!)
    -spell and skillchain effects not displaying when a player swaps equipment

    edit: Moved my chat filter/chat color stuff to the existing thread.
    Last edited by Drogen_Shomuro; 08-11-2006, 01:19 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

    Originally posted by Drogen_Shomuro
    -being forced to wait to view AH sales or Delivery Box multiple times.
    This is working as intended. It's like that to slow down bots. Unfortunately there are hacks that disable the wait so it doesn't really help at all. The delay between engaging multiple mobs is also in place for the same reason.

    -spell effects freezing engaging/disengaging actions. (wreaks havoc for thfs!)
    I 100% agree with this. I hate hate hate playing with BRD as THF because the songs mess up SATA WS every freakin time!

    -large delay between other player character's apparant locations and where they actually are (also wreaks havoc for thfs!)
    This is less harmful and not very important in my opinion. I believe a fix for this would require radical changes in the network code and even then lag will always have an effect on this. Probably not going to happen.

    -spell and skillchain effects not displaying when a player swaps equipment
    This happens because the client is loading the new character model after an equipment switch. A powerful computer probably would somewhat help.

    In my opinion armor should not be switchable while engaged, though. Or at least make it so you lose all your TP when you do. It would lead to a hit in character performance but it would also mean we no longer need to carry around 40 pieces of gear and it would get rid of the phasing character models. I also find it completely ridiculous that switching your weapon leads to a penalty, but switching armor, which should be a lot harder, does not.


    • #3
      Re: Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

      Originally posted by Maju
      This happens because the client is loading the new character model after an equipment switch. A powerful computer probably would somewhat help.
      I know it's because the client has to load a new model, but I don't see why spell and skillchain effects should be affected. It's not like spell effects change depending on what equip you're wearing...

      Originally posted by Maju
      In my opinion armor should not be switchable while engaged, though. Or at least make it so you lose all your TP when you do. It would lead to a hit in character performance but it would also mean we no longer need to carry around 40 pieces of gear and it would get rid of the phasing character models. I also find it completely ridiculous that switching your weapon leads to a penalty, but switching armor, which should be a lot harder, does not.
      Heck no =(
      Equip switching is what makes good players so much more better than lazy players... It's nice having that extra dimention to play with to improve one's performance.
      Losing TP when switching weapons is just logical; otherwise you could build TP with one of those multi-hit weapons then switch to a powerful one for WS. I guess that contradicts my opinion about armor swapping though.... oh well...


      • #4
        Re: Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

        This is working as intended. It's like that to slow down bots
        Um... No.

        AH, MH, Delivery Box and ect are slow because of the way they are programmed. Not to stop bots.
        Read my blog.
        Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
        Entry 32: Death to Castro


        • #5
          Re: Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

          Originally posted by Legal Fish
          Um... No.

          AH, MH, Delivery Box and ect are slow because of the way they are programmed. Not to stop bots.
          Half and half. Having everyone walk through a gate is a lot easier and safer then having everyone run through it.

          Network and client code probably needs a certain amount to not screw things up too much. Relately there are also some other issues with this.

          [There are some bugs on AH network , as well as cheating through this, which SE should address]

          And in the end, it's also anti-boting. The longer it takes, the more it multiplies in bulk.

          Same thing as the 1mil gil limit a while back. It doesn't impact normal players much because they don't send 24/7, but it does hamper people who do send money 24/7(RMT)


          • #6
            Re: Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

            Originally posted by Legal Fish
            Um... No.

            AH, MH, Delivery Box and ect are slow because of the way they are programmed. Not to stop bots.
            Why are they programmed that way then? Answer: To slow down bots. You can get rid of the delay with a hack that shall not be named so it isn't a system limitation.


            • #7
              Re: Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

              I don't think it's there for bots, but probably to reduce server request load.

              How are bots going to benefit from being able to check their AH items-on-sale list multiple times? How are bots going to benefit from being able to check their moghouse delivery box more than once per 10 seconds? How are bots going to benefit from being able to re open the send-items delivery box more than once per 10 seconds?

              Although, you might ask the same of normal players, but it's annoying when I'm mailing stuff and I accidentaly hit escape and need to wait 10 seconds before I can retry =/


              • #8
                Re: Improving FFXI's system mechanics.

                Originally posted by Drogen_Shomuro
                I don't think it's there for bots, but probably to reduce server request load.

                How are bots going to benefit from being able to check their AH items-on-sale list multiple times? How are bots going to benefit from being able to check their moghouse delivery box more than once per 10 seconds? How are bots going to benefit from being able to re open the send-items delivery box more than once per 10 seconds?

                Although, you might ask the same of normal players, but it's annoying when I'm mailing stuff and I accidentaly hit escape and need to wait 10 seconds before I can retry =/
                Because AH bots try to buy items from people who accidentally list items for a too low price. They spam bids on items constantly and it has to be done quickly before the player can take the item back. A normal player doesn't need to bid on something once per second but bots do it.

                Of course they aren't trying to somehow prevent botting by doing this. It's like this because bots cause lots of server load. Unfortunately, I bet most people who have bots also have the delay disabled.

