Re: Limited Merits at Player Discretion
Lots of things carry over from one job to another because they enhance your character, not any specific job.
Do you think that you should have to buy spells again for every job that uses the same one, or that you should have to get your subjob again every time you want to level a job through the dunes, or do the limit break quests for ever job you decide to take past 50? Perhaps you should have to recap the same skills over and over and over again. Every time you level a job other then your highest you have benifits that someone else may not have.
Originally posted by TenchiHawkwing
Do you think that you should have to buy spells again for every job that uses the same one, or that you should have to get your subjob again every time you want to level a job through the dunes, or do the limit break quests for ever job you decide to take past 50? Perhaps you should have to recap the same skills over and over and over again. Every time you level a job other then your highest you have benifits that someone else may not have.