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Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

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  • Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

    Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear? There are three reasons I ask this question.

    1) There is a consistent agreement amongst players that DRG's gear selection is highly limited on all fronts.
    2) DRG functions uniquely from all other jobs in how the main job is affected by its sub, primarily through the wyvern.
    3) Other jobs without MP are supported via equipment when using a mage sub. Examples include PUP and COR--who have multiple choices in regular equipment prior to incorporation of their AF--to BRD and BST--who have no MP of their own, but are so accepted with a mage sub that JSE supports that.

    It must be said that DRG is not entirely without equipment to boost MND, INT, MP, and wyvern HP. Yet these options are generic at best. They are merely a token to "All Jobs." DRG's potential exceeds that of other non-MP jobs and is on the verge of actual party utility and full solo viability. At a time where the game is being modified to sidestep supposed exploitation and encourage original thinking and tactics, one would think this a great time to expand our options within the existing framework.
    4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .

  • #2
    Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

    Originally posted by Balodoth
    Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear? There are three reasons I ask this question.

    1) There is a consistent agreement amongst players that DRG's gear selection is highly limited on all fronts.
    2) DRG functions uniquely from all other jobs in how the main job is affected by its sub, primarily through the wyvern.
    3) Other jobs without MP are supported via equipment when using a mage sub. Examples include PUP and COR--who have multiple choices in regular equipment prior to incorporation of their AF--to BRD and BST--who have no MP of their own, but are so accepted with a mage sub that JSE supports that.

    It must be said that DRG is not entirely without equipment to boost MND, INT, MP, and wyvern HP. Yet these options are generic at best. They are merely a token to "All Jobs." DRG's potential exceeds that of other non-MP jobs and is on the verge of actual party utility and full solo viability. At a time where the game is being modified to sidestep supposed exploitation and encourage original thinking and tactics, one would think this a great time to expand our options within the existing framework.
    Similar stuff was asked elsewhere in the world, some guy said something about "that's not supposed to be how DRG is played". Meh, I'd like to see more mage gear implimented for DRG too.


    • #3
      Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

      Originally posted by Draco Dagon
      Similar stuff was asked elsewhere in the world, some guy said something about "that's not supposed to be how DRG is played". Meh, I'd like to see more mage gear implimented for DRG too.
      I second that ^.^

      DRG/WHM or /RDM is a great combo, makeing some gear to complement that would be great
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

        as much as i can see the only piece of DRG's AF that have MP is AF2 hands.
        as for DRG/Mage combo, in party you'll need wyvern HP+ not MP+ since you'll most likly get refreshed.
        and just don't let them know that 2 DRG/Mage can function better than having a WHM (in some limited mobs) or they'll limit healing breath's powers =P

        75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


        • #5
          Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

          Dragoon's itemisation is very poor in my opinion. I see no reason a dragoon shouldn't be able to equip a scorpion harness or an osode for example. They are after all light armour and in line with the armour equipable by dragoons throughout their career.


          • #6
            Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

            dragoon can equip scorpion harness,

            75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


            • #7
              Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

              DRG/mage doesnt really need a lot of MP gear to work if any at all.
              You can activate healing breath for as low as 6mp, so all you really need is refresh/ballad.
              Also dont forget the Homam set, it has 127 MP on it total, and legs enhance fastcast.

              When I sub mage I use Tamas and Electrum rings and have Homam Cosciales and thats pretty much always enough MP. The thing that makes DRG/mage so great is the fact that you dont really need mage gear for it to work, you can keep your DD gear on and still do decent damage while healing yourself/party.



              • #8
                Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                As Sugesuke said, you do not really need alot of mp. I soloed Lesser Toucan Sams from 63-65 with a level 18 rdm sub. Slap on sanction refresh and the only times I rested where when I ran out of birds.

                Once you get high enough the Ethereal Earring is very nice.
                Thanks Kazuki.
                Dragoon Equipment


                • #9
                  Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                  No wonder I keep getting the loldrg...


                  • #10
                    Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                    Originally posted by seq
                    dragoon can equip scorpion harness,
                    I really meant haub but yeah.


                    • #11
                      Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                      its unfortunate too that we have 0 pure sky drops except for a Kirin's Pole.

                      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                      • #12
                        Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                        Um... how is Haub light armor, at all? It's probably one of the 'heaviest' types of armor in the game.

                        Also, Osode isn't light armor either.
                        Read my blog.
                        Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                        Entry 32: Death to Castro


                        • #13
                          Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                          Originally posted by Legal Fish
                          Um... how is Haub light armor, at all? It's probably one of the 'heaviest' types of armor in the game.

                          Also, Osode isn't light armor either.
                          Haub is chain armour, osode is cloth with the exception of the shoulder plates. Throughout their career dragoons wear chain armour and below. Care to try again?


                          • #14
                            Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                            Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                            Haub is chain armour, osode is cloth with the exception of the shoulder plates. Throughout their career dragoons wear chain armour and below. Care to try again?
                            I dont think DRG can wear any chain armor at all, and Osode is overrated XD, I'm not missing it much.



                            • #15
                              Re: Why does SE withhold support for subbing mage to DRG through gear?

                              Originally posted by Sugesuke_Plain
                              I dont think DRG can wear any chain armor at all
                              That's a valid point you make. Dragoons can wear scale mail, solid mail, etc but not chain mail or above. Taking that into account a hauby would be out of the question but something like an osode should be acceptable still. Shame they can't use shura also but that's reserved for the Eastern jobs. Still think there needs to be more gear choices for a dragoon endgame though. There's nothing for them in Sky or the 3 kings for example.

