In the July 24th patch, it was changed so that constant use of damaging magical attacks to Notorious Monsters (NMs) and High Notorious Monsters (HNMs) would cause the monster to build up resistance to magical damage until it capped. This obviously was intended to push people away from the mind set of throwing Black Mages at the monster until it died (manaburning) and would open up the use of more melee-type jobs.
However, the reasons you as developers felt that BLMs were overused and the reasons that players did it was very different. While I am sure there are other reasons, your main concern was to make fighting NM more open to other players. Players on the other hand, used BLMs primarily because the TP gained by the mob vs the damage done made using BLMs a safer way to kill a monster. BLMs could do 1500 damage with Thundaga III, while only giving the monster 10 TP. For that same 10 TP, melee jobs (like WAR, SAM, DRK, MNK etc) might average about 200-500 damage, depending if Weapon Skills are used. Because of this TP imbalance, it makes it very dangerous to use more melees at HNM fights, because of the greater amounts of TP given to a monster. (Resulting in more Hurricane Wings, Gates of Hades and what-not). While stocking up on +Subtle Blow gear, or the use of Monk's Roll to increase Subtle Blow, might seem like an option, the hard cap of +50% makes using that still less than ideal and still makes using more melee dangerous.
In order to favor a more diverse (in terms of jobs) NM fight, would it be possible to lower the amount of TP given to monsters through melee attacks, who con "Impossible to Gauge", so that using more melee isn’t as dangerous as it is now?
However, the reasons you as developers felt that BLMs were overused and the reasons that players did it was very different. While I am sure there are other reasons, your main concern was to make fighting NM more open to other players. Players on the other hand, used BLMs primarily because the TP gained by the mob vs the damage done made using BLMs a safer way to kill a monster. BLMs could do 1500 damage with Thundaga III, while only giving the monster 10 TP. For that same 10 TP, melee jobs (like WAR, SAM, DRK, MNK etc) might average about 200-500 damage, depending if Weapon Skills are used. Because of this TP imbalance, it makes it very dangerous to use more melees at HNM fights, because of the greater amounts of TP given to a monster. (Resulting in more Hurricane Wings, Gates of Hades and what-not). While stocking up on +Subtle Blow gear, or the use of Monk's Roll to increase Subtle Blow, might seem like an option, the hard cap of +50% makes using that still less than ideal and still makes using more melee dangerous.
In order to favor a more diverse (in terms of jobs) NM fight, would it be possible to lower the amount of TP given to monsters through melee attacks, who con "Impossible to Gauge", so that using more melee isn’t as dangerous as it is now?