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Regarding Enfeebling Magic and mage weapon skill caps

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  • Regarding Enfeebling Magic and mage weapon skill caps

    Q: Why are Ninjutsu :Ni enfeebles more effective than Red Mage enfeebles? Red Mage is the master of Enfeebling Magic, yet as RDM75 my enfeebling magic is regularly overwritten by Ninjas casting Kurayami: Ni and Hojo: Ni. Are there any plans to increase the potency of Enfeebling Magic so that the job with the most Enfeebling spells, Red Mage, can do that job best, as they should? Perhaps a trait, "Enfeebling Magic Bonus", which would operate similar to Magic Attack Bonus? The merit point spells are nice, but doesn't solve the problem in level restricted areas.

    Q: Why are White Mages more capable with their melee weapons than Red Mages? White Mage has a higher skill cap in Club than Red Mage has in Sword or Dagger, yet Red Mage has classically been the more martial of the two jobs.

    Q: Are we ever going to see Diaga 2 as a player castable spell?
    Last edited by LoneGamer; 07-31-2006, 11:11 PM.

    RDM 75/WHM 38/BLM 37/DRK 37/NIN 37/PLD 37 -- Cooking 96.7+1
    Image by Askannyi

  • #2
    Re: Regarding Enfeebling Magic and mage weapon skill caps

    We've already got Diaga2. It's the one rdm spell I'll never learn, too. Maybe you meant Diaga3. I wouldn't learn that one either.


    • #3
      Re: Regarding Enfeebling Magic and mage weapon skill caps

      We have Diaga 1. Diaga 2 is not castable by players at this time. I challenge you to show me a Scroll of Diaga II in the game on July 23, 2006.

      RDM 75/WHM 38/BLM 37/DRK 37/NIN 37/PLD 37 -- Cooking 96.7+1
      Image by Askannyi


      • #4
        Re: Regarding Enfeebling Magic and mage weapon skill caps

        Hmmm, guess your right. For some reason, I remember it coming out and me deciding to never buy it. I guess I do have all the spells.

