Q: What exactly affects a magic enfeeble landing, procing (meaning the number of times paralyze will activate and the strength of slow, blind and gravity's evasion down effect) and duration? Does two int = 1 enfeeble skill for gravity and blind and does two mnd = 1 enfeeble skill for slow and paralyze?
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What stats effect enfeebles and exacy how do they effect them?
Re: What stats effect enfeebles and exacy how do they effect them?
They are not going to come out and tell you. The whole point of having hidden or not well known stats and effects was for the playerbase to figure it out.
If SE says anything in relation to this question or any like it, you probably going to get a response similar to when they asked about directional synthing at the fan fest.
Thanks 0
Re: What stats effect enfeebles and exacy how do they effect them?
Well, just let them answer how they're going to. For the record, they spelled out the relationship between dex and accuracy, so there's no reason why they shouldn't spell it out with the stats and enfeebling.
The main thing I want to know is:
1. is the relationship the same as dex>accuracy
2. is it really mnd for para and slow, and int for blind and gravity (there's rumors that pop up sometimes that int is the only stat for all offensive magic, and mnd only affects your resistance to magic. I'd like that killed once and for all)
It's been tested alot, but I still want a straight answer from SE.
Thanks 0