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Any questions for SE?

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  • #91
    Re: Any questions for SE?

    Originally posted by Deltran
    They only gave them auto refresh and Sheild tp, nothing that helps them take less DMG.
    Yes and they said this is it, there is nothing else that will ever be done with PLD, suck it up babies and play second fiddle to NIN. Give me a few minutes here, I know I can find that quote from SE somewhere.

    If you want to tank by taking less damage, and only by taking less damage because if you cant get shadows back up your screwed, level NIN.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #92
      Re: Any questions for SE?

      Originally posted by Mhurron
      Yes and they said this is it, there is nothing else that will ever be done with PLD, suck it up babies and play second fiddle to NIN. Give me a few minutes here, I know I can find that quote from SE somewhere.

      If you want to tank by taking less damage, and only by taking less damage because if you cant get shadows back up your screwed, level NIN.
      I think instead of us "sucking it up" Square could do their job and quit being so damn lazy when it comes to FFXI. There is no reason that they can't make every job equal in value.


      • #93
        Re: Any questions for SE?

        Originally posted by ValisOfValefor
        And Deltran, you forget about the increased sheild proc, which helps quite alot with taking less damage.
        Indeed, but even with that, NIN is still a better tank than PLD, SE needs to work on making PLD tanking the same lvl as NIN.

        (And please SE don't nerf NIN, just freaking enhance PLD's defense for god sake)
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #94
          Re: Any questions for SE?

          Also Square could realize... Ninjas shouldn't be tanks. I thought Ninjas were supposed to be stealthy.


          • #95
            Re: Any questions for SE?

            When will retarded people stop quoting "They can't ban RMT against proof"? They can, it's in the ToS. They can ban you any reason, any time legaly.
            If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

            Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284


            • #96
              Re: Any questions for SE?

              Originally posted by rsironko
              Also Square could realize... Ninjas shouldn't be tanks. I thought Ninjas were supposed to be stealthy.
              That was the original idea about the job, but players discovered Utsusemi was godly for tanking, SE makes the jobs but there's no way of knowing how players will use the jobs until they are out.

              Now SE supports NIN tanking even though they were not meant to tank, so now NIN has a lot of +emnity and tanking gear.

              I like PLD more, but I can't deny NIN is better suited for tanking, and with all the dmg they do and +emnity they get PLD doesn't have much to offer against it specially when it comes to the new burn parties.

              The same is happening with WHM and BLM it seems.
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #97
                Re: Any questions for SE?

                Originally posted by rsironko
                I think instead of us "sucking it up" Square could do their job and quit being so damn lazy when it comes to FFXI. There is no reason that they can't make every job equal in value.
                Yep just get rid of different jobs all together and give everyone the same abilities.

                PLD is already a better tank, it just requires the players to not be so damn lazy. NIN tanks one way, PLD tanks another, and PLD is better at it. This is the whole reason for having different jobs, they do different things.

                NIN is still a better tank than PLD
                No its not. A good NIN tank has to be able to sleep on a giant pile of gil at night and not be afraid to use it. The idea that NIN is the ultimate tank has lead to so many leveling it to get quickly to 75 who couldn't generate enough hate to stop a mob from going to rip the WHM a new one after Cure 1.

                PLD tanks on its abilities
                NIN tanks on the players ability to make and spend gil.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #98
                  Re: Any questions for SE?

                  Originally posted by Mhurron
                  PLD tanks on its abilities
                  NIN tanks on the players ability to make and spend gil.
                  Yeah thats true. Their are only afew NIN with enough money to tank well and keep the hate PLD can.

                  Which FF Character Are You?

                  And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                  • #99
                    Re: Any questions for SE?

                    Originally posted by Bitter Wisp
                    When will retarded people stop quoting "They can't ban RMT against proof"? They can, it's in the ToS. They can ban you any reason, any time legaly.
                    (Abit Off topic response)

                    Unfortunatly I dont seem to understand what your saying here


                    Do you mean "They can't ban RMT without proof"

                    Well if that is what you mean, that is the truth, they cannot ban a person without a near perfect record that that person is or is not guilty.

                    And apparently by your signature you endorse the MPKing of people, which is against the ToS, just as much as RMT is.

                    And also would you refrain from using the word "Retarded"

                    I will live, and die by the Sword


                    • Re: Any questions for SE?

                      Originally posted by Mhurron
                      PLD tanks on its abilities
                      NIN tanks on the players ability to make and spend gil.
                      I know, but when it comes to making a party people will always look for a NIN first unless SE improves PLD tanking.

                      Even if it's about gil when it comes to performance...

                      A good NIN will always be better than a good PLD.
                      A decent NIN will be at the same lvl as a good PLD.

                      I play PLD and I like it, but there have been times when I feel like I'm gimping the party rather than helping. I don't like that.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • Re: Any questions for SE?

                        Originally posted by Raydeus
                        I know, but when it comes to making a party people will always look for a NIN first unless SE improves PLD tanking.

                        Even if it's about gil when it comes to performance...

                        A good NIN will always be better than a good PLD.
                        A decent NIN will be at the same lvl as a good PLD.

                        I play PLD and I like it, but there have been times when I feel like I'm gimping the party rather than helping. I don't like that.
                        I don't really feel like I'm gimping the party as Pld. Sure, a good Nin will probably get better EXP, but I don't think a decent Nin is on par with a good Pld. The chance they'll miscount their shadows and go down in flames is drastically higher, and even moreso with a poor Nin. Good, decent, and poor Plds don't really ever need to worry about that.


                        • Re: Any questions for SE?

                          Meh, to me, I take a tank depending on these things, partied with that person before, or the setup of the party. As WHM, no pld tank if no brd or rdm is in the party, too much down time and way too many lazy pld's i have had that can't even hold hate or use their mp expect at the start of the fight. Nins are my favorite just because i don't need a refresher nor do they if they're tanking. Plus most i've had know what to do and how to do it w/o me threatening no haste and regen 3 >.>;; Only good pld's i've seen are the ones that are in my dynamis ls and a few from exp. Espically ones that hold mnk and drk hate real well lol. Side's a good flash, and Cure V saves a nin that miscounted heh, but all that's been said, it really depends how well the tank does their job, not the job itself.
                          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                          • Re: Any questions for SE?

                            Originally posted by Raydeus
                            A good NIN will always be better than a good PLD.
                            A decent NIN will be at the same lvl as a good PLD.
                            Nope, a good PLD means the party doesn't have to worry about dying because the breeze stole hate, it takes a rich and well informed NIN, the definition of a great NIN, to approach that level.

                            People keep repeating NIN are amazing tanks that so many simply tank on Provoke and Utsusemi. That is a horrible tank. Maybe if PLD's stopped whining that NIN is so much better then they are people would realize this. NIN's best PR comes from PLD complaining they're so much better.

                            Sometimes I fell like I should use a sword and shield as DRK instead of Scythes and Great Swords with a NIN tank so I can come out of the party with more exp points then I had going in.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • Re: Any questions for SE?

                              Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                              1.) Is SE aware that a majority of players (not just on PC, but in general) want a built in windower for FFXI?

                              2.) Is SE aware that a majority of PC users use one despite a windower being against ToS?

                              3.) Is SE aware that an overwhelming majority of players would be content to use a built in windower (both in the sense that non TOS violators would start to use windows mode, and current ToS violators would stop violating the ToS)
                              I'm wondering if some of the questions are badly phrased. Unless SE themselves accept that a majority of players on pc do use windower, judging by previous interviews I've read with SE, you might get a reply along the lines of "We disagree that the majority of pc players use windower" rather than a answer to your question. Something like "Large amount" or "A significent amount of player I know" might be better although you might still get something like "That might be true for the people you know but not the larger player". Same with "Pup is gimp, what are you going to do to fix it?" might instead be phrased "We feel Pup is underperforming compared to other jobs, are you planning any changes to make it more competitive?"

                              I just think that questions that generalise or make assumption SE might disagree with, should be phrased differently, especially questions that they might not want to answer as them "correcting the question" gives them a way out of answering it.


                              • Re: Any questions for SE?

                                This is more of an idea for SE than a question:

                                Idea: Since it is pretty clear that players prefer Ninja tanks to Paladin tanks, wouldn't it make sense to change it so Paladin tanks require about the same amount of healing as a Ninja tank? A possible way this would work is have a job specific trait for Paladin where they have a low-key phalanx like effect, the effectiveness being based on their defense. They would still take damage, and often, but in lower amounts. This could end up equalling the amount of damage a Nin takes (less often, but in much higher amounts).

                                I think the tanks could function well if one (the Paladin) was used for better hate holding ability, and the other (Ninja) was used for dealing damage while tanking.

                                I feel it's very important to make Paladin a good tank again, and not just for Paladins, but also because Paladin is the basis for a "traditional party", and many jobs are being adversely affected by always having a Ninja tank.

