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Any questions for SE?

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  • #76
    Re: Any questions for SE?

    Will we See NM and BCNM Fights in the TOAU missions, or Will they Mainly be Assault Type Missions?
    Do You Ever Plan to Put PLD and NIN on the same level?
    SE has already announced this. Please don't ask questions which they've already answered.


    • #77
      Re: Any questions for SE?

      Originally posted by Feba
      SE has already announced this. Please don't ask questions which they've already answered.

      Which FF Character Are You?

      And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


      • #78
        Re: Any questions for SE?

        The talk about equipment changing made me think of another one.

        Q: Is it absolutely necessary to make it so when people change gear it untargets them?
        I mean... Have you ever tried refreshing somebody that swaps gear every 10 seconds? Or what about healing people that swap their gear out all the time? It becomes quite annoying to have to retarget them every time.
        Generic Info!


        • #79
          Re: Any questions for SE?

          PLD buffing was announced at Fan Fest, they said they want PLD to be a good tank as well.

          NMs and BCNMs were announced on the main page of POL a few days ago.


          • #80
            Re: Any questions for SE?

            omg -_- that untargeting thing, oi. That hurt so many parties when i have my macros set to /ma "Cure V" <stpc > and when you target them to cure after taking a big mob ws and they change equip before you could reselect them.... then mob score a death blow crit yea x.X that's a prob
            Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


            • #81
              Re: Any questions for SE?

              Originally posted by Akashimo
              Diffently please do something about those nm, i can't say how many times i've had to give up something cause of those things being camped only.

              As for the gilsellers catch and delete idea, that's gotta be the most stupid and probally way oversuggested idea that would proabably not work and or get se sued.

              Sorry to be a jerk about it but this idea won't work for a number of reasons.

              1. You will ban a delivery mule who likely only has about 10 mil on them

              2.This has a large possiblility of causing legal problems, let me ask you a question. Have you ever heard of ANY mmo getting into a legal battle with rmt? No, there is a reason for this. I'll use this quote from Marcus Eikenberry ( a man who runs an ultima online rmt site called markee dragon) from an issue of the escapist magazine to show why:

              As Eikenberry puts it, "They don't want to go to court and actually have a value assigned."

              His argument makes sense. If that suit of Runescape armor is legally found to constitute a separate product of Jagex, the company behind the game, a host of messy legal questions immediately crop up. For instance, what if Jagex's armor doesn't work as advertised? Is Jagex liable for damages? Or would it be the player who sold the armor on eBay? An 8 percent sales tax on $167.50 is $13.40. Who pays that, the game company or the player? And what if the buyer, the seller and Jagex (a British company) are all in different countries? What authority would collect those taxes? And, to take it a step further (though not that big a step), if game gold is a recognized currency, what would be the anti-money-laundering reporting requirements when large "money" transfers were made?

              This would also set all kinds of legal precedents that frankly, no one wants to be held responsible for.

              Here's what I think se currently does about rmt (based on what I've seen on forums about which rmt get banned and which don't):

              If a character who is rmt is actively cheating then they are most likely banned on the spot.

              If they are not obviously cheating but are higly likely to be rmt then their transactions are monitored alongside the transactions of other suspected rmt in order to see the bank account at the end of the long laundering process.

              then all the banks are banned and the farmers are left intact so that the new banks can be more readily dicovered.

              The problem is that the farmers being intact causes them to wreck the game even more while trying to make up for the lost gil in the banks. I really hope that se finds a better strategy soon (buy and ban is NOT a better strategy).
              My crowning achievement:

              who avesta is


              • #82
                Re: Any questions for SE?

                Accounts though, just not the deliery mule, the accounts they're apart of would make that idea work.
                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                • #83
                  Re: Any questions for SE?

                  Originally posted by Macht
                  You know that's kind of how lot of law enforcement runs. They give them a base saying anything over this is illegal, then a max saying anything over this is criminal. What's inbetween those two is to the officer's own disscretion, what is criminal is regardless of the situation you will be arrested for that action.
                  aye but the way the GM's seem to operate it seems that they've been given a guide that says, anything over this is a misdemenour or criminal or something, work it out for yourselves. It seems like everything is given over to the GM's common sense (which is highly variable and failable. With most law enforcement, there are checks and balences along the way. Officers are generally given some sort of guideline as to what is arrestable. Like they may have a guide line about speeding, if it's only a couple of mph, let it pass, up to 10 over, pull em over and talk to them, anything more ticket them. Sure it's open to interpretation, but at least they have a guide.
                  GM's however seem to only have the TOS. So some GM's will hand out bannage for relativly small things. While others give warnings for much bigger things. Is being offensive in shout in Jeuno allowed? Some will warn, some will advise the offended party to simply /blist.

                  With the AV example above. At the time AV was the HNM. A lot of LSs were shooting for him. The dev team were obviously watching. The GM's were obviously watching. Would it of been so much work for the devs to contact the GM's and simply say "that tactic is/isn't intensionally designed into the game" it was being used for a couple of weeks before it was successful, so it's not liek something new was sprung on them. Then at least all GM's would have the same info to form their policies off, even if they are given leeway.

                  It'd be nice to have them all singing from the same songsheet is all.
                  Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                  • #84
                    Re: Any questions for SE?

                    Originally posted by GereOfRemora

                    Sorry to be a jerk about it but this idea won't work for a number of reasons.

                    1. You will ban a delivery mule who likely only has about 10 mil on them

                    2.This has a large possiblility of causing legal problems, let me ask you a question. Have you ever heard of ANY mmo getting into a legal battle with rmt? No, there is a reason for this. I'll use this quote from Marcus Eikenberry ( a man who runs an ultima online rmt site called markee dragon) from an issue of the escapist magazine to show why:

                    This would also set all kinds of legal precedents that frankly, no one wants to be held responsible for.
                    I'm not sure I understand. You're saying that the rmt would drag SE into court? I can't see how any legal issues can crop up for banning a suspected gilseller's account.

                    And, even if you just ban those accounts with delivery mules, in order to create another delivery mule they'd need to buy another copy of the game. Sure, it won't completely destroy the gilsellers, but it'll definately hamper their operations.

                    Heck, they could order gil, get the account of who passed them the gil, monitor it, trace through the trades, find the farmers, then ban them all at once.


                    • #85
                      Re: Any questions for SE?


                      why did you remove /pol?
                      Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                      • #86
                        Re: Any questions for SE?

                        If IGE ever did try to take SE to court, they'd probably get laughed out because of the "We can ban you at any time for any reason, even if it's just because we don't like you, or our toes are cold" part of the agreement.


                        • #87
                          Re: Any questions for SE?

                          Originally posted by rsironko
                          Q: Are they any plans to improve upon the situation of Puppetmaster? Currently they suffer from extremely poor gear and becoming almost worthless after level 10. I could recommend a few ways to help this problem.

                          Give Puppetmaster better gear, for example, gear that Monks use.
                          Give Puppetmaster higher hand-to-hand weapon rating -OR-
                          Add new Automatons/increase the power/ability of Automatons.

                          Q: Square says that they are trying to get rid of RMTs/hackers all the time. Unfortunately, even the mass banning of accounts is not resolving this problem. If anything it is making it worse. I noticed that after the recent mass account banning, prices went from things costing 5,000, to costing 8,000-9,000. It seems to me Square could resolve this problem fairly easily by ordering gil off of websites like IGE and banning the accounts of the people involved. I am aware that if they did this, GameMasters would have to actually put a little more effort into their job, but it would help the thousands of players suffering from this.

                          Q: Square continues to try to even out the jobs and make all of them equally powerful. Unfortunately, every time they try to fix something, they end up messing things up even worse. Are there any plans to put a little more thought into job updates before releasing them?

                          Q: At the moment, the Summoner job is primarily used for backup healing. After I had learned about the Summoner job it really turned me off from what has always been my favorite job in the Final Fantasy series. Are there any plans to perhaps increase avatar power, or to somehow make Summoner more desirable?

                          Q: Currently, the high demand for supreme gear is causing MANY players to have to sit around for hours waiting for an NM to spawn. Aside from the hours of waiting, they are then challenged to get the NM before the countless number of other people who are also waiting. Are there any plans to perhaps increase the drop rate of NMs or decrease the time between spawns? Or perhaps having less powerful forms of the items dropped by certain NMs?

                          Q: Overcrowding is slowly becoming more and more of a problem. Especially after the release of Final Fantasy XI on the Xbox 360 console. This is causing many problems such as lag, more RMT, prices to skyrocket, etc. Are there plans to have World Migrations more often than 1-2 times a year?
                          Q: About the Windower and IME. I don't use either one of these, as I don't know where to find them. I personally see no reason why we can't use the Windower. Square has done such a poor job with the jobs that some people have to wait hours to find a party. During the time between parties, I think it would be great to be able to get on the internet or do something. Another way that would help find parties faster, and parties that would work much better, is the use of the IME. If I understand right, IME allows understandable communications between North American and Japanese players. I see NO problem with this, and I think it would make the game FAR more enjoyable.

                          Forgive my bad spelling.
                          Last edited by rsironko; 07-22-2006, 08:44 AM.


                          • #88
                            Re: Any questions for SE?

                            Originally posted by Feba
                            PLD buffing was announced at Fan Fest, they said they want PLD to be a good tank as well.
                            They only gave them auto refresh and Sheild tp, nothing that helps them take less DMG.

                            Which FF Character Are You?

                            And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                            • #89
                              Re: Any questions for SE?

                              And Deltran, you forget about the increased sheild proc, which helps quite alot with taking less damage.

                              I will live, and die by the Sword


                              • #90
                                Re: Any questions for SE?

                                Originally posted by ValisOfValefor
                                And Deltran, you forget about the increased sheild proc, which helps quite alot with taking less damage.
                                Yeah but that doesnt make them take the DMG NIN do.

                                Which FF Character Are You?

                                And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?

