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Do we really need to buy a security token?

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  • #76
    Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

    The idea that it doesn't have an effect on the economy could be used to defend RMT in a game that has an NPC based economy instead of a player based one. It also leaves account selling totally in the clear; especially if you remove all the non-ra/ex gear and gil.

    RMT isn't just considered bad because it's harmful.


    • #77
      Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

      There's no amount of relating common sense to some people in these posts that will show them that they're whining is futile. lol

      Where's the /lockthreadandendstupidity button lol
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"



      • #78
        Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        The idea that it doesn't have an effect on the economy could be used to defend RMT in a game that has an NPC based economy instead of a player based one. It also leaves account selling totally in the clear; especially if you remove all the non-ra/ex gear and gil.

        RMT isn't just considered bad because it's harmful.
        you might as well be saying OMG RMT, when buying an expansion, or and extra character, or service

        Hell lets just call buying the game itself RMT as well.

        omg I have to pay for extra security? heaven forbid

        "hey cool we get extra space when we buy the security token." but no instead all there is is bitching an moaning, no change or addition or new feature, will ever make people happy.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #79
          Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

          There's no amount of relating common sense to some people in these posts that will show them that they're whining is futile. lol
          You couldn't be any more wrong. If playing this game has taught me anything, it's that whining produces results.
          you might as well be saying OMG RMT, when buying an expansion, or and extra character, or service

          Hell lets just call buying the game itself RMT as well.
          Are you serious? There's a tremendous difference between paying $20 for an expansion pack chock full of new content, and paying $10 for more storage space. One has dozens of new zones, enemies, quests and missions, as well as new battlefield types, equipment, and jobs, and plenty of man-hours and money to produce. The other probably only takes them half an hour to implement, and they could've/should've done so for free. It makes all the sense in the world to pay for an expansion pack. Paying $10 for a massive amount of extra storage space (comparable to doing every single damned Gobbiebag in the game, and for those that already have Gobbiebags, some Mog Safe expansions as well) is pretty much a [ame=]micropayment[/ame].

          Of course, the $10 is going towards the Security Token. But the end result of bundling both things and making the Satchel unavailable elsewhere is that those that want the satchel have no other recourse but to pay $10 whether they wanted/needed the token or not. I'm not denying that the security token is extremely effective at what it does; but that's still no excuse to make the satchel ONLY available through its purchase, and that still doesn't change the fact that its value is diminished to practically 0 for console users.

          It may be just a $10 one-time payment, but it won't be so funny if they come up another high-demand bonus and make it only available through the purchase of some other $10 trinket. It may or may not happen.

          Anyways I wasn't here to Q_Q so much as to show why you coming in here going all "CRY MOAR. IT'S A $10 PAYMENT JEEZ JUST SUCK IT UP AND PAY" is not only flawed, it pisses people off. It might not be a big enough issue to cause an uproar over, but you're rather narrow-minded if you honestly can't see why people would be annoyed at the $10 payment.
          Last edited by Armando; 06-18-2009, 09:13 AM.


          • #80
            Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

            Originally posted by Armando View Post
            It may be just a $10 one-time payment, but it won't be so funny if they come up another high-demand bonus and make it only available through the purchase of some other $10 trinket. It may or may not happen.
            And that right there is the issue.

            At this point in time, they released a high value in game service with an incredibly useful but low demand rl item. SE wanted to make sure as many people as possible wanted the Token, because it would be best for everyone, the players, GMs, and SE themselves, if people had as secure an account as possible. So to make sure the demand for the token was universal they bundled it with an incredibly high value, and totally universal bonus.

            This is the first and only time this has happened in the seven year history of this game. Yet people are instantly saying that SE is going to start RMTing everything and their mothers and that they're all super evil for doing so. But I would personally prefer to wait and see if they do it again before I demonize them all.

            Personally, I can't ever see them releasing some useless $10 that comes with a widly desired in game item. In the end, there is no other item that could ever match the pure usefulness of the token to so many players, especially since this token will work for all future online SE titles. SE are a bunch of dicks because they made me eat my veggies before getting my ice cream, but in the end, they're right, it's good for me.

            But to be blunt, this topic is supposed to be about why they didn't do both the Token and an SMS service, and in the end that explanation is simple. They didn't want to pay for both services. Since the Token can reach more people then the SMS system and has a lower cost overall, they went with the Token alone.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #81
              Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

              In the end, there is no other item that could ever match the pure usefulness of the token to so many players
              15-20 line macros would do the trick. Console users, and anti-Windower PC users would be all over that like a starved lioness on an injured zebra.


              • #82
                Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                You couldn't be any more wrong. If playing this game has taught me anything, it's that whining produces results.
                Actually, I couldn't be closer to the truth. It's one thing to be dissatisfied with some aspect of the game and voice your opinions and thoughts, go thru the proper channels and try to change things in hopes that change will take effect. It's another thing to cuss and squeal and throw a tantrum on forums and have a hypocritical stance about it until you get your way, which is what my inferrence was. o.0 duh

                Are you serious? There's a tremendous difference between paying $20 for an expansion pack chock full of new content, and paying $10 for more storage space. One has dozens of new zones, enemies, quests and missions, as well as new battlefield types, equipment, and jobs, and plenty of man-hours and money to produce. The other probably only takes them half an hour to implement, and they could've/should've done so for free. It makes all the sense in the world to pay for an expansion pack. Paying $10 for a massive amount of extra storage space (comparable to doing every single damned Gobbiebag in the game, and for those that already have Gobbiebags, some Mog Safe expansions as well) is pretty much a micropayment.

                Of course, the $10 is going towards the Security Token. But the end result of bundling both things and making the Satchel unavailable elsewhere is that those that want the satchel have no other recourse but to pay $10 whether they wanted/needed the token or not. I'm not denying that the security token is extremely effective at what it does; but that's still no excuse to make the satchel ONLY available through its purchase, and that still doesn't change the fact that its value is diminished to practically 0 for console users.

                It may be just a $10 one-time payment, but it won't be so funny if they come up another high-demand bonus and make it only available through the purchase of some other $10 trinket. It may or may not happen.

                Anyways I wasn't here to Q_Q so much as to show why you coming in here going all "CRY MOAR. IT'S A $10 PAYMENT JEEZ JUST SUCK IT UP AND PAY" is not only flawed, it pisses people off. It might not be a big enough issue to cause an uproar over, but you're rather narrow-minded if you honestly can't see why people would be annoyed at the $10 payment.
                That's hard to argue in the face of knowing you pay, what is it, a buck .95 for an additional character? Do you happen to own any mules? If so, then you already pay additional costs to have something that "should be made available and free to use already." Yet, you're paying additional costs anyway. Seems that people have come to accept the fact you pay extra money for additional characters. I think I can remember back in the day people complaining about it. Squeenix never changed it. If you don't have mules, that's fine. But lots of people pay for additional characters to have 2nd characters or mules. I mean, we're talking apples to apples here. If we're going to complain about having to pay additional money "just" to get a service that is tremendously helpful, we may as well include the whole shebang. I don't see ppl complaining about that.

                Which leads into this statement: want in one hand and sh*t in the other and see which fills up faster?

                I was meh about having to pay 10$ to get the token... I play on PC and have had my account hacked before, so it was useful to me... but hey, it came with the added bonus of a mog satchel. Of course, people who don't want the token, but want the satchel would have to pay the 10$. Ok. This is a valid point. If you want the satchel, just pay the 10$. You could look at it this way. You get the satchel and then a free bonus of a security token. However, you know, its just another one of those things..... companies use marketing stratgies to accomplish certain goals. Let's complain about it all day, but in the end what will change? ..... Sometimes nothing. Just like in the case of the added chars.

                =D But hey, that's what forums are for. Do your duty and cry about it, we're all here listenin!
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"




                • #83
                  Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                  Originally posted by Armando View Post
                  15-20 line macros would do the trick. Console users, and anti-Windower PC users would be all over that like a starved lioness on an injured zebra.

                  I for one wouldnt, and I play on 360 AND am fervently against windower.........I take advantage of the 6 macro lines i get per square just fine. Wanting all those macro lines in one square is just laziness really.
                  Originally posted by Van Wilder
                  Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                  Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                  I'M BACK BABY!


                  • #84
                    Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                    Originally posted by hexx View Post
                    I for one wouldnt, and I play on 360 AND am fervently against windower.........I take advantage of the 6 macro lines i get per square just fine. Wanting all those macro lines in one square is just laziness really.
                    well it does depend on what jobs you play, some (like RDM) for optimum leetness, has to swap 3-4-6-8 gear parts to do something (I find it stupid but eh, its how some people play) so double the lines would be very useful to many players

                    I swap gears as DRG, but no where near as much as a RDM would or BRD
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • #85
                      Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                      Yeah, converting for 1.1k+ as a hume is pretty stupid.

                      Or sticking a Slow for max effect, then swaping back to full melee gear. Man that's retarded.

                      I mean people should only macro 1-3 pieces of HNM gear or don't do it at all as a mage. For melee you just need to swap those cool +acc earrings on ws and you are set.

                      That's how really successful players roll. d(^^d)
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #86
                        Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                        Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                        well it does depend on what jobs you play, some (like RDM) for optimum leetness, has to swap 3-4-6-8 gear parts to do something (I find it stupid but eh, its how some people play) so double the lines would be very useful to many players

                        I swap gears as DRG, but no where near as much as a RDM would or BRD

                        Thats why you spread your gear swaps across more than one square lol duh!

                        I mean hell to go from full DEF to full ATK on pld it takes me two and a half squares each to swap all my gear out, do I mind? Fuck no! Its worth it if it means busting out an awesome vorpal or a hellacious spinning slash!
                        Originally posted by Van Wilder
                        Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                        Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                        I'M BACK BABY!


                        • #87
                          Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                          Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                          Yeah, converting for 1.1k+ as a hume is pretty stupid.

                          Or sticking a Slow for max effect, then swaping back to full melee gear. Man that's retarded.

                          I mean people should only macro 1-3 pieces of HNM gear or don't do it at all as a mage. For melee you just need to swap those cool +acc earrings on ws and you are set.

                          That's how really successful players roll. d(^^d)
                          well atleast for me its not just earrings, I also look at what the main mod is for that WS and equip the rings for it, then dont forget my Dusk gloves/feet/leggings

                          and dual helmet swapping for healing breath

                          god the more I think about it.... I hope FFXIV, does not become gear swapping hell like FFXI has... but this is for another thread ;p
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #88
                            Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                            Maybe if you could only change you attributes (be it equipable or job related) in your MH and battles depended much more on player skill rather than stats.

                            It would be a very interesting change that's for sure.

                            Otherwise, be it materia, gear swapping, magic junction, etc. -as long as you are able to min/max on the spot- swapping will be the norm.
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • #89
                              Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                              That's hard to argue in the face of knowing you pay, what is it, a buck .95 for an additional character? Do you happen to own any mules? If so, then you already pay additional costs to have something that "should be made available and free to use already." Yet, you're paying additional costs anyway. Seems that people have come to accept the fact you pay extra money for additional characters. I think I can remember back in the day people complaining about it. Squeenix never changed it. If you don't have mules, that's fine. But lots of people pay for additional characters to have 2nd characters or mules. I mean, we're talking apples to apples here. If we're going to complain about having to pay additional money "just" to get a service that is tremendously helpful, we may as well include the whole shebang. I don't see ppl complaining about that.
                              The need for a secondary character is low in this game because you can level every single job on the same character. While the complaints about having to pay $1 for a mule haven't been that numerous, the complaints about storage space have, and they're 100% related. Increased storage space lowers dependency on mule characters. The community has been pressing SE for more space at pretty much every single fanfest. And speaking about that, it makes even more sense to complain about having to pay for the Satchel because it's even more useful than a mule or a fourth Mog Safe. The satchel doesn't just boost your storage capacity immensely, it doubles your inventory space, making it far easier to carry consumables, tools, loot, and still have all the space you could ever need for equipment. It wouldn't surprise me if some people deleted a mule upon getting the Satchel.
                              Thats why you spread your gear swaps across more than one square lol duh!
                              This inevitably slows you down (thanks to our sloppy and unresponsive UI), and either increases the clutter of your macro palettes or makes your palettes pan out over multiple sets or books. It's not 100% crippling, but it's very inconvenient - just like having insufficient inventory. Not just that, it also becomes harder to perform "maintenance" on your macros when you have to look through different sets or books.
                              -as long as you are able to min/max on the spot- swapping will be the norm.
                              Quoted for truth.


                              • #90
                                Re: Do we really need to buy a security token?

                                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                                This inevitably slows you down (thanks to our sloppy and unresponsive UI), and either increases the clutter of your macro palettes or makes your palettes pan out over multiple sets or books. It's not 100% crippling, but it's very inconvenient - just like having insufficient inventory. Not just that, it also becomes harder to perform "maintenance" on your macros when you have to look through different sets or books.Quoted for truth.

                                Guess I'm just "different" for I really dont care if it means maximizing my damage output or efficiency. I swear, I think I spent like 4-5 hours working out all my macros for my 5 75's plus all the different subs that are commonly used (/war, /thf, /nin, /dnc, etc). I rarely need to do maintenance on them, and when I do its very minimal actually >.>

                                Either way, I still dont see how the Mog Satchel being included as a bonus with the Security Token is considered RMT. I mean hell, what if SE had NOT mentioned the bonus and people didnt find out about it till AFTER other people purchased and linked it to their account? The point is (as others have already mentioned) is that the satchel was the dessert, and the token was the veggies we are required to eat (i.e. pay the $10 fee) in order to get our dessert. My guess is the main reason some people bitch about it is cuz for so long, SE stated they couldnt increase the mog safe capacity due to ps2 limitations, and yet lo and behold, we get the mog satchel >.>

                                I dunno, I just dont see the point in all the Q.Qing really...........seems to me like Feba is just mad cuz they didnt take his advice on this (as if they do on anything else) =P
                                Originally posted by Van Wilder
                                Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                                Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                                I'M BACK BABY!

