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Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

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  • Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

    Hello. I've always been wondering, as a ranged damage dealing class, which this has been reflected in AF, skills and job specific weapons, how far does the availability of the ninja's #1 ranged weapon reflect its intended use?

    I think it's accepted that due to the difficulty that is obtaining shuriken (too expensive to craft and sell, high level ones are single ISNM drops or stack in 12 etc.), the Ninja was 'made', by players, into an effective tanking class. But is this what SE intended to use the jobs versatility for?

    I suppose the main answer I'm looking for is, in short, were Ninjas intended to rely on shuriken, but at the same time for them to be expensive and rare so that only the more experienced player could really dabble in the jobs many uses, or was it that shuriken were intended to be difficult to get ahold of, and such, shuriken are to be considered a ninjas 'occasional ace in the hole', or finally, is the player made economy simply hindering something that SE intended to be a primarily used weapon by the class?

    It sounds like a difficult issue to resolve, if this is an issue, as the heart of the would be 'problem' is the economy and the crafting system.

    (This is my first post on this section, and though I have read the sticky, am unsure wether or not I am in breach of any regulations. So if I am, please, kindly let me know where my post needs rectifying. Thank you.)

    There is a windmill in my beard. Your argument is invalid.

  • #2
    Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

    Of course, with how often this particular sub-forum is actually used anymore, I don't think you're going to be seeing many results as far as anything related to an answer. Sorry.
    Last edited by Yellow Mage; 05-06-2008, 08:55 AM. Reason: Ninja'd.
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #3
      Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

      Ninja was suppose to be a jack of all trades, but master to none. Nin was suppose to be a main puller with moderate damage. Its ele wheel was mainly for Bm nukers and ele specific ws. It was suppose to be an ok range attacker, but below that of Rng. It was suppose to be a good debuffer, But not in the same league as rdm. A good Dd but not like war or mnks.

      Shurikens are a huge money loss to craft. So its no wonder why its avoided upto and beyond its crafting limits. I think the blame is mainly S.E fault with the player owning the rest. S.E could impliment newer shurikens, or introduce them to vendors at cheap prices. But in the grand scheme of this game S.E will not do neither. They will try and rely on players for that short of things.

      Question in the end is this. As a crafter would you rather craft something for 10k profit or a 30k loss. Its obvious what the player will do. An its the reason why Shuriken ninjas are pretty much dead.

      Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


      • #4
        Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

        Or they could tweak the recipes to use cheaper materials >_>



        • #5
          Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

          I look at it like how SAM are with Rice Balls. They seem to be not worth the amount of gil that are being put into them. This could easily be fixed, but I guess they figure no one would bother anymore. I'd love to be able to make Shurikens for a decent cost and put my throwing skill to use. Maybe that should be a question we should bring up to them at another Fan Fest or interview.
          To be the best in this must help each other become the best.


          • #6
            Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

            More than anything I want all ninjutsu put under alchemy into various tiers like they should have been from day 1.

            Amateur: Tonko and Monomi
            Recruit: Hojo, Jubaku, Kurayami and Dokumori
            Initiate: Suiton, Raiton, Huton Hyoton, Katon and Doton

            This way you'd only need around 80 skill (which is reasonable; certainly no higher than 90 @.@) to break the 51 cap on all ninjutsu tools. This would go a long way in making the job more accessible, and would really eliminate any excuse people could have for not having their tools handy.

            It'd be nice if shuriken weren't so damned hard to come by as well. God forbid we have 3 different viable Ninja builds by end game instead of just the one (well, NIN/BLM is viable but costly to the point that you're really pissing away money).

            I mean come on, for what was intended to be a puller class SE sure screwed up it's implementation. I still don't understand why NIN can wear any heavy armor types at all.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              Or they could tweak the recipes to use cheaper materials >_>
              If they aren't doing it for BST by now, what do you think the chances are of NIN crafts getting any cheaper than they are? There has been well over three years of complaining about CoP jug pet materials and SE hardly did anything to improve the situation with those, now we have pet food that status cures and guess what?

              Rare, extremely expensive materials are required.

              Its like they're not learning.


              • #8
                Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

                I hear you BBQ. WTF is up with those materials that can only be harvested during specific (and often quite rate) weather conditions?!

                Don't demean my point though by pointing out BST's flaws; rather, I see it as part of a larger problem, right along with a good chunk of the "RMT nerfs" that have hurt more than helped legit players.

                Wouldn't kill them to make Kaburra arrows a little easier to make too while we're at it.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Does your crafting system reflect your job intentions for Ninja?

                  What gets me the most about these kinds of things, isn't entirely the crafting, and how the player economy has made shuriken redundant, but the shuriken that I wouldn't mind paying more than ridiculous amounts of money for, for example...the Koga Shuriken. Never has it sold, because it's impossible to get them in a stack, as they are single drops from a chest in an Ashu Talif BCNM. I would have alot less to feel disappointed about, if this item was craftable, as then, I could collect the materials people actually use, and get myself some 88 damage shuriken! But, unfortunately, I'm going to that trouble for 65 ish damage. :/

                  I'm sure there's more examples with other jobs where their ace in the hole, or holy grail is a single drop from some BCNM nobody does, but in large quantities would make your said job awesome. Which is why the heart of my question refers to SE's intentions. If they intended for these weapons to be items that only people who went to large amounts of effort to get could use in small quantities, then I'd take it for that and carry on. But as long as that isn't in some way confirmed, I'm a touch unsure as to whether or not the developers are aware of their predictions of a job role in contrast to the player adaptiatons of them.

                  There is a windmill in my beard. Your argument is invalid.

