Re: Can you change drop rate for rare/ex items to 100%
Wall o'text 2.0
It pops between 16-32 hours. Not 24 and then it doesn't spawn.
The auction house and you can buy it, if you want the r/e version spend the time, this goes for any r/e vs sellable drop.
They don't tell you not to spend large amounts of time in this game they tell you to not forget friends, family, school, work.
All very good ideas, don't forget clean your room, work out, spend time with family, anything.
True but also on the 3 hr thing, this is a window for alot of nms, smirugh which benefits your rng for instance. You have 14 min of time you are active in that 3hrs.
Thief knife was never considered the best thf weapon in the game (damage wise), it was a item for people to say my th better then yours! (well by 1% lol)
O hat can be killed with 6-7 people if you are players who have faught it before and have exp -playing with each other.
Uggalepih Pendant is not 100% unless you have a hq, which alot of people don't use.
Tatami Shield is also not 100% unless you have a hq,
Giving everyone every item in the game with little to no work, makes everything about accomplishment and hard work nothing. This is FFXI a multi player game, you won't have everything in the game like in the single player games, you work hard in those leveling up etc, the difference here is that in the online game you can't gameshark your items you just want.
Not to argue here about this, I just wonder what is a difficult fight in your opinion.
And you all still friends right? You camped for each other pulling your static together, granted some people wanted to level up more but you were there for each other, man low drop rates hurt.
Hell This comes from a kid who has very low play time, still telling him to quit his job >.>. He wants a joyeuse, he doesn't complain ofcourse we were mad it didn't pop sunday, but we will be there again sunday working on a joy again till he gets it. Still kind a$$holish the way you posted tho mhurron >.>
Malacite, if you go by drop rate they are. The drop rates aren't bad for most items in the game, but they have no "memory" so its not assured to drop unless it is 100%. It comes down to personal luck Malacite, if it had memory and say it was 10%, you could always claim 9/10 days never get drop and the one time you miss it would drop. If you look at it once it would drop, the next 9 claims will not drop. Ya relic isn't hard if you can make gil, level all crafting mules and bamn you can be on last stage, only to find out gungir blows hard core.
Kings at one time were epic, as well as alot of the mobs considered jokes now. Hell kirin kill was amazing when it first happened, now its so common no one cares, if they hadn't nerfed the way and ban people for wall trapping av, it would be common place by now.
This is the only thing with a semi-bitchy surronding area:
Everything is a real adventure for people the first few times, and then it becomes common place. Like in all games you have an epic quest that is like wow O.O but when you play alone you don't have people beating you too it or saying how easy it is. First kill of anything is epic and given alot of respect, kings are still exicting for people on their first kill. Sky for people who just got it fighting their first god as they are so happy they finally killed a god and love it. Anything no matter how epic it is becomes common place in a MMO.
Wall o'text 2.0
Originally posted by Aeni
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Originally posted by Aeni
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The auction house and you can buy it, if you want the r/e version spend the time, this goes for any r/e vs sellable drop.
Originally posted by Aeni
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Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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Originally posted by Karinya
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Originally posted by Karinya
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Uggalepih Pendant is not 100% unless you have a hq, which alot of people don't use.
Tatami Shield is also not 100% unless you have a hq,
Originally posted by Karinya
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Originally posted by Karinya
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Originally posted by Karinya
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Originally posted by Mhurron
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Originally posted by Malacite
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Originally posted by Malacite
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Originally posted by Malacite
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Everything is a real adventure for people the first few times, and then it becomes common place. Like in all games you have an epic quest that is like wow O.O but when you play alone you don't have people beating you too it or saying how easy it is. First kill of anything is epic and given alot of respect, kings are still exicting for people on their first kill. Sky for people who just got it fighting their first god as they are so happy they finally killed a god and love it. Anything no matter how epic it is becomes common place in a MMO.