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Do you have any plans on adjusting BST?

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  • Do you have any plans on adjusting BST?

    Do you have any plans on adjusting BST?
    over the past 2 years, specially after the famous MPK patch BST issues started and 'till now no single adjustment have been made to fix them..
    i'll try to list some examples:
    1) Call Beast:
    A ) Pets can't zone with their master.
    i don't see why, all pet jobs can zone with their pets except BST for some odd
    reason. at sky a BST that calls a pet at Despot will have to call another one just by zoning to fight Zipacna, then call another to fight Faust, a 4th pet to fight Olla,5th pet to fight Ulli (probably 3 to farm it's trigger too) and 6th to fight Steam Cleaner... at pets's current costs that's will be over half a stack on average consedring the NM is up and no farming was done with the pet..considering the BST is using the DD pets, it'll cost him over 400K of jugs.
    another area that makes BSTs cry is Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi where you have to zone through the zone itself to get Ix'DRG to pop...

    B) Call Beast pet have level caps.
    i'd like to know why pets have a lvl cap on them...since the day Killer Instict was added pet caps's problem risen, we can't effectivly use our ability because all we have at Lv75 is crabs,cactuars(Sabotender),Diramite and Antlion ><;
    i believe pets is BST's A+ weapon, and the good pets should not cap at early levels like 45,50,55,63 and 65. Beast Affinity might have fixed the problem of the level75 cap pets.. making them pop at Lv near to 75 more often, but the level cap65 and lower jugs are still unusable.
    I don't see why calling a rabbit at level75 is considered overpowered, or having my tigers at level75 too..

    C) Call Beast pets have a timer!
    on top of all the issues mentioned above, max we got on pets by level75 is 15-20 minute a jug...can our pets stay 'till they die or we use leave, please? like any other pet job.

    D) Jugs's ingredients are extremly rare...
    please reconsider the drop rate of the beastmaster jug pet's ingredients AND the skill level needed to make them... and up the HQ rate or give the HQ jug their own separate recipes, i've tried to make Noisy Grasshopper Broth(HQ) and the result was a stacks of Grasshopper Broth(NQ) by a Lv100+3 Cooking... and again the NQ jugs are caped so i can't really use them at all.

    E) Our pets's Accuracy is too low.
    Call Beast's pet accuracy is too low (65-70% on Tough+ mobs..), other pet jobs have access to gear/merit to increase their pet's accuracy (ie DRG AF hands, SMN Merits) where i think BST should have the same too... then again DRG's wyvern is never above 70% accuracy.
    F) No way to increase our pet's Attack power.

    2) Claiming system is broken.
    the second a BST hits his Leave command macro, his claimed mob goes yellow (Unclaimed) EVEN IF HE IS STILL MELEEING IT! ><;
    even when duoing with another player, they still go unclaimed for some odd reason. in alliance, the second we use leave our mob turns purple (Claimed by alliance) even if only the BST is fighting..

    3) Charm is broken ><;
    Charm has an added effect Bind, if it fails.. and it's quite useful. why can't we use the added effect while having a jug pet called? WAR for example can provoke another mob while fighting, Charm becomes unusable when we have a pet, can we have the ability to charm (with a 100% rate of fail) if we have a pet? just to claim a NM or have access to more kiting power.
    Using warp while having a none aggressive pet charmed (like rabbits in bibiki bay) makes the charmed pet attack the party members, GM said that it can't happen and i must be wrong but it happened hundred of times to me and many other BSTs.

    4) SIC is so random, not really random but always makes the pets use their defensive abilities ><
    Can we choose what kind of ability we want our pet to use? i know it may overpower certain jugs (ie sabotender) but it won't if it was like this commanding the pet to use a DD ability, AoE Ability or a defensive ability.

    5) No damage dealing abilities, no ability to increase our low STR/attack rate.
    i'd like to see BST's base STR be buffed from BRD's STR level to at least DRG's, BST is a knight job and should never have the same STR rating as a BRD..
    An ability to Berserk our pets can fill out the gap between BST and the other DDs.

    6) We don't need more Charm+# gear, we don't need more CHR gear and we don't need more soloing gear.BST's solo gear options are fine, and we don't need more soloing gear (ie Chimera set, see Bison set also... it's almost the same set give or take some!).
    the Charm+# stats does nothing to the BST but increase the charm duration, please tell me where in an endgame area BST have something to charm to loads us by this stats in every set you make ><. it isn't useful unless the BST is planing to charm a Tough mob, and if he's planing to charm a Very Tough mob Familiar will do the job better..

    7) No charmable mobs at endgame areas.
    Sky,Sea,Limbus,Assault(Except some) and salvage have no charmable mobs to use our Charm+# stats on, or our 2H.

    8) Familiar on jug pets is broken.
    Currently the ability is supposed to increase our pet's powers, where all it does is increase it's level by 1-2 which DOES NOT make any differance.

    9) we need a better 2H ability.
    Currently familliar is perfectly fine, 'till endgame where NO CHARMABLE mob was given to BSTs so using it in KSNM30,KSNM99,Assault,Salvage,Sky or Sea is not going to make any differance.. we need a 2H that can make a differance when used like WAR's Mighty strikes, MNK's hundred fists, RDM's Chainspell, DRG's Spiret Surge,THF's perfect dodge, WHM's Benediction, BLu's Azure lore or you know what? like any other 2 hour ability.

    10) AF+1 blows!
    please revise the stats on BST's AF+1, it's really...really..really useless (NIN hands STR+6 DEX+6 R.Att+20 R.Acc+20 we want something close to that..).

    11) Auto_pet-Fight and Auto_pet-Heel when the BST attacks/disengages.
    in fast paced parties having to use /pet "Fight" <t> command every 1 minute or less is too annoying, in HNM fights when ShadowBind/Sleep have to be used our pet is always the last thing in the game that stops fighting because ontop of having to disengage we have to heel our pet too..

    12) Killer effects is useless in parties.
    the game is all about parties, and doing things in teams... killer effects offer nothing but a low chance to intimidate the mob IF THE BST ACTUALLY GOT HATE. with no ability to increase any of our melee stats, getting hate in EXP party is near impossible (unless the BST used WS at the start of the fight, where another melee will use a better WS and draw hate)..
    an ability to sacrifice the intimidation rate for attack speed+, attack+, STR+, Accuracy+ or any of this would be much appreciated.

    13) BRD-COR buffs doesn't buff our pets.
    in a party with a melee BST deals around 75% of that melee's DMG while pet covers the 25% making us even, when BRD-COR is added to the party that melee's DMG is increased (BST's too) but BST's pet's DMG/accuracy is still the same leaving us far behind..
    COR buffs although they buff the pet, the buffs have to be casted on players limiting the use of that rolls ._.
    Can BRD-COR-PT buffs access our pets, or the buffs already casted on the BST be active on the pet too, maybe food too ...

    i hope reading this list will make you really consider adjusting BST.
    Sorry for my bad english, it's my third language ^^"
    edit: added how charm can make mobs aggressive toward party members.
    Last edited by seq; 07-03-2007, 04:44 AM.

    75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69