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why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

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  • #16
    Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

    Dragoon cannot wear Haubergeon because it is not purple.
    If that was a joke, you should just be deadly serious from now on.

    Medieval warriors do not run around in loin cloth.
    Medieval warriors do not get swallowed by a pillar of flames and shrug it off either. Nor do they have to wait for a blue gauge to fill up to use their most powerful attacks, and nor do said powerful attacks, when combined, do extra damage to the opponent. Don't even get me started on medieval warriors not exploring other dimensions...


    • #17
      Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

      My response to this is ... why not? Remember, warrior's are masters of weapon proficiency as well as armor proficiency. They better damn well be able to equip whatever they feel like! It's in S-E's own job class description.
      1) WAR can't equip any other easter gear set.
      2) it isn't just WAR, RNG and *Cough*BST*Cough*.

      and heca is a complete joke, alot of work for what? a WS swap gear? for the time spent getting it, and the competition on loting it off the other jobs that want it too it's a complete joke.

      75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


      • #18
        Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

        I thought the purple haub joke was kinda funny >.> Kinda an odd thing to attack him about.

        <.< And SAM can't equip Heca.
        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


        • #19
          Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

          Originally posted by Lmnop View Post
          My thoughts on the new war/pld/drk set is that they're for a more hybrid PLD. Pure DD-wise, they're nothing spectacular. But for a meat tank who wants to contribute to the party damage pool, it's pretty decent or... something. Still though, they made the new abjurations on a power level of the old stuff, which isn't nearly good enough to be considered incredible. Basically, Koenig is becoming quite useless, so they wanted to give PLD something decent.
          And Wyrmal is worse than not having any Abj gear whatsoever -- because whenever you complain about it, people will say "nuh uh! you can wear crimson!" which is, of course, a complete joke.
          All the same, I'd very much like to see a cursed Jerkin sort of set. Especially when you think of that Feral Jerkin that looks pretty cool but never gets worn... you could make a cursed set look pretty cool (or it could just be AJ in hot pink).
          Paladin gets Homam too. That and Wyrmal is pretty sex depending on your job. The Body would be good for RDM (better then errant (shudder), both RDM and PLD can use the pants for kiting. If you don't got anything else DRG can use the boots decently to solo in for the better def then hecat/amir and the bonus to HP and MP. But ya, nothing really DD about it outside of RNG/COR and the gloves (i use them for drain and aspir on RDM).

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          I'd like to see DRG get it's well-deserved spot among the hauberk sets (and haubergeon) but it ain't gonna happen... SE seems dead-set on not allowing DRG to wear all the heavy armors it used to ; ; (in past games I mean)

          Amen! I want Adaberk! I never actually understood the hauby line. Why can't we wear it? Because we gotta jump over tall buildings? Then why do NINs get hauby? Don't they have to be quick and stealthy to avoid being hit? SE... j00 got some 'splanin' to do.. -.-;

          -SpecialAttack: "jump" When the Dragoon jumps, she jumps so high that he will be missing from action for one turn. Nothing can hit her while she is in the air. With this attack, she will never miss, even those enemies with the highest agility, and if (and only if) she is equipping a spear, the damage done to the enemy when she lands on it will be double that of a regular, land based attack.
          -ClassAbility: none
          -Armor: heavy <---- ZOMG
          -Weapons: spears, knives
          ---Description: Although her defense ranks with that of the Knight, her attack power is consistently slightly lower than the Knight. Her jump attack, especially when battling dangerous bosses, more than makes up for such weaknesses though. Not only does it double the attack power, but it is also the ultimate form of defense, since no attack can reach the Dragoon in the sky. Also, the jump attack's strength isn't affected by whether the Dragoon is in the front or back row, so if you find yourself consistently jumping in battle, you can put the Dragoon in the back row and half any damage that befalls upon her. However, when she is in the air, no beneficial things (potions, healing magic) may reach her either.))

          Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
          Drg has heca and its amazing for Ws, we get heca amazing for tp.
          Hoping you mean Homam to TP ^^

          Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
          Want some cheese with that whine?
          Dragoon cannot wear Haubergeon because it is not purple.
          Hecatomb a joke? That just might be the most stupid, naive, statement I've ever read.
          WAR/DRK/SAM wear Hecatomb, Adaman gear is nothing special.
          Shura is nice. Not for DRG. Medieval warriors do not run around in loin cloth.
          Don't quit your day job. >.>


          • #20
            Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

            I thought the purple haub joke was kinda funny >.> Kinda an odd thing to attack him about.
            While I wouldn't attack him over it, but I'd point out that our Relic armor is blue, and the Adaman line has blue in it :P

            And really, I'd be surprised if any dragoon would want a Hecatomb piece other than just for looks, the new Ares set far outstrips it in ability AND it has no +43% slow on it. You get to melee and WS in it, win win ^^

            Now, my earlier post was dealing strictly with dragoon, but getting back to the original topic:

            How many of these neglected jobs really need something new?

            It's been awhile since I last looked at the armor for various jobs, so I may be a little off.

            Pld and Drg can wear Ares and Askir armor sets, for pseudo tank/DD/support, these really look like the best gear out there.

            Whm for example, has a plethora of AF+1/relic/crafted gear that gives them all sorts of nifty boosts, as does Blm, and I'm not too clear on Smn and Rdm, it is my impression that they do as well.

            And just in general, there is alot of good gear out there that you could mix and match to get a gear setup that is pretty good. For example, I may not like every single piece of the Askar set, but the Askar Korazin certainly has my attention.

            And then player preference plays a large role in this as well. The Dragoon Relic armor has little attraction for me beyond the Wyrm Armet, AF+1 however holds huge appeal to me. I would much rather wear, Drachen Finger Gauntlets +1, then say, Alkyoneus's Bracelets, but my personal preference is to wear gear that gives me stat boosts, my wyvern stat boosts, and enhances my job abilities.

            I don't know for sure, but I suspect that this is the case for most, if not all of the jobs.

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • #21
              Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

              xD you guys are so funny lol

              alot of the game's dynamics (jobs, armor names, styles, god names, etc) are based off rl/history. though the gameplay, of course is not, alot of aspects are ;)

              Before posting stupid shit like this read the posting guidelines.
              lol ok mr. mod
              Last edited by Tipsy; 06-23-2007, 01:59 PM.
              In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
              And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
              Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
              Yeah, It’s true.
              It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

              [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


              • #22
                Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                In about 2005, it would have been right to complain that DRG didn't have enough endgame armor choices. But now they have the following endgame full sets: drachen+1, wyrm, homam, askar, ares, hecatomb, crimson, amir, pahluwan. And that's not counting non-ex sets like barone, or non-set pieces (assault jerkin, ace's helm, galliard trousers, tarrasque mitts). DRG is the *only* job that can use both Assault melee sets.

                If you can't find at least a couple good TP pieces and a couple good WS pieces for each slot in that many sets, you're not really trying. If you don't like the abj pieces, do more Limbus, Salvage or Assault (regular and Nyzul). There's more than one way to get high level gear, and has been for several years now.
                Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                • #23
                  Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                  In about 2005, it would have been right to complain that DRG didn't have enough endgame armor choices.
                  Agreed, but I think the OP's original topic was more towards say, bst, thf, sam/nin/mnk and some of the mage jobs who I can't think of anything really good besides AF+1, which for alot of jobs isn't bad at all.

                  I think some mage jobs get use out of the Salvage gears, but I'm not sure how it stacks up with other gear choices and which jobs find which gear the most useful. I don't really know how the sam/nin/mnk gear stacks up to their other choices either.

                  And I thought that the prior drg comments about heavy armors was more towards mid game gear, such as Royal Knight's armor, Hauby, stuff like that. Which, yeah, we got the Peti line of gear, but a little more options would be nice. I'd really like say, RK breeches until I get my AF legs, maybe I'd still wear 'em.

                  Endgame gears though we have plenty to choose from as you say. I didn't know about the Galliaard trousers, those are kinda interesting.

                  You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                  I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                  • #24
                    Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                    Just give DRG the freaking Haubergeon already (maybe Thick gear too?) and I'll be happy with that.

                    If freaking NINJA can wear a haubergeon, there's no reason DRG can't.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #25
                      Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                      In about 2005, it would have been right to complain that DRG didn't have enough endgame armor choices. But now they have the following endgame full sets: drachen+1, wyrm, homam, askar, ares, hecatomb, crimson, amir, pahluwan. And that's not counting non-ex sets like barone, or non-set pieces (assault jerkin, ace's helm, galliard trousers, tarrasque mitts). DRG is the *only* job that can use both Assault melee sets.
                      you are right, but this sets are not as easy to get as say buying a haubergeon off the AH? killing a Lv40 NM (Fuma kyahan/o.kote's R/EXs)? Brown belt(hey, i didn't say black belt ^^)?
                      it isn't about how easy to get only, but the level you get them at.. currently DRG is fine at 70+ but pre70 gear options suck.

                      Haubergeon's STR/DEX+5 Attack/Accuracy+10 beats homam body yet the effort on getting homam is greater..

                      75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


                      • #26
                        Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                        -I'd rather see DRG get access to Byrnie than Haub (Byrnie's a dead piece of equipment which makes me /sad. Also, DRG can take the dex penalty/lack of +10 acc better than most DD jobs).

                        -this game has enough equipment as is. In fact, look at Karinya's list. All that incredible shit of gear a DRG can wear, and honestly, I think the best DRG would still be the one with 5/5 Homam. It's actually kinda a waste that it's so good -- hard for some of the other nifty stuff to have a place in today's world. Especially when the effort involved in getting say... askar head is actually more than the effort for a lot of people to get Homam stuff (if still less time consuming).

                        The only gear I think I'd really like to see is stuff to enhance some of the new aspects of the game. And by this I mean things that enhance job abilities/traits of the 3 new jobs and especially the new Samurai abilities. Nothing that enhances Seigan or Hasso, which I'd quite like to see.

                        -Btw, Homam body is +2.5% triple attack? You do realize that's the equivalent in strength to Brutal Earring, right? That in addition to acc+15... I don't see how that's topped by Haub stats for a DRG. (Unless you're one of those rare level 75 Sushi addicts).
                        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                        • #27
                          Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                          I think I agree with Lmnop, Byrnie looks more attractive to the two handed weapon users with it's +20 att.

                          Interesting, Shadow Breastplate looks like it has almost exactly the same stats as a Byrnie.

                          I'd also like to point out that +12% haste is a bit better than Hasso's +10% haste, and believe you me, I feel like I'm swinging a scythe now whenever I sub something other than samurai on drg, it makes a surprising difference.

                          As a haste/acc setup I think Homam is great, but between that and the other +att/str/acc gears like Askir/Ares/Assault stuff, I find it hard to decide which would be the better setup for my dragoon.

                          And 2.5% triple attack, while low, is still pretty nifty.

                          You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                          I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                          • #28
                            Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                            -Btw, Homam body is +2.5% triple attack? You do realize that's the equivalent in strength to Brutal Earring, right? That in addition to acc+15... I don't see how that's topped by Haub stats for a DRG. (Unless you're one of those rare level 75 Sushi addicts).
                            no, actually brutal's 5% double attack have more chances than homam's 2.5% triple attack so it isn't that good (Triple's 5% on my THF is rare enough).
                            you don't see how Acc/attack+12.5 STR/DEX+5 is better than Acc+15 Triple attack+2.5%..?

                            75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


                            • #29
                              Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                              Well, I think you have to ask, how much damage will 10att and str/dex+5 contribute over the long run, when compared to when Triple Attack goes off?

                              Let's say you do 100 damage per swing and gain 13tp per swing. When TA goes off, you do 300 damage and have 39tp. I might take that chance over the hauby's stats, since it could always activate during a jump or WS.

                              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                              • #30
                                Re: why so many WAR/PLD/DRK abjurations?

                                Originally posted by Tipsy View Post
                                WAR/DRK/SAM wear Hecatomb, Adaman gear is nothing special.
                                Er - since when did sam get to wear Heca?

                                And no, this isn't special at all...


                                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

