Re: Willl the rewards of Dynamis be adjusted?
add to this that most HNMLS have and know how to use their thiefs (as opposed to most dynamis ls, which basically make everyone come on rdm/blm/whm/pld/nin/brd if they have that job and mnk/war/rng if they have that job - thinking that killing fast is all that's necessary to make great drops.) and you can start to see what sort of numbers in coins you might get, especially if the group has the discipline, puller talent, and job mix to make consistent full clears.
now, I think that hourglass prices do need adjusted, but not because of the drop rates of dynamis (rather, the effect that a dozen dynamis linkshells running 24 runs a week between them has on the rate that gil leaves the server) but that's a discussion for another thread.
Originally posted by Jei
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now, I think that hourglass prices do need adjusted, but not because of the drop rates of dynamis (rather, the effect that a dozen dynamis linkshells running 24 runs a week between them has on the rate that gil leaves the server) but that's a discussion for another thread.