Current state of affairs:
The price of an item that a NPC will sell to you will fluctuate based on how many of that item is in stock.
However, the price that you can sell that same item to that same NPC will stay static.
It is not uncommon to find Linen Doublets for sale at the Weaving Guild in Windurst for about 150,000 gil, you can sell these same Linen Doublets (might be cotton, I forget) for about 1,872 gil. When the guild is offering to sell you a Linen Doublet for a mere 90,000 gil, you can still only sell one to the guild for 1,872 gil.
So my question is:
Will SE make it so that the price that a NPC will pay you for an item change based upon the amount in stock in the NPC's inventory?
I'd like to see it so that if they are low they pay a higher price than if they have a full inventory, perhaps this could be a way to restock a guild shop, and perhaps they won't even buy from you if they have a full inventory.
The price of an item that a NPC will sell to you will fluctuate based on how many of that item is in stock.
However, the price that you can sell that same item to that same NPC will stay static.
It is not uncommon to find Linen Doublets for sale at the Weaving Guild in Windurst for about 150,000 gil, you can sell these same Linen Doublets (might be cotton, I forget) for about 1,872 gil. When the guild is offering to sell you a Linen Doublet for a mere 90,000 gil, you can still only sell one to the guild for 1,872 gil.
So my question is:
Will SE make it so that the price that a NPC will pay you for an item change based upon the amount in stock in the NPC's inventory?
I'd like to see it so that if they are low they pay a higher price than if they have a full inventory, perhaps this could be a way to restock a guild shop, and perhaps they won't even buy from you if they have a full inventory.