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Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

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  • Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

    From the day COR was introduced and players found out what Wild Card could do, people have taken thier level 1 CORs to sea, sky and other endgame zones for the chance of resetting two hour abilities.

    I think this isn't terribly fair to CORs who worked thier way two level 75 that a level 1 COR and just waltz in and reset a two hour. And other jobs can't use thier two hours to the same level of effectiveness. Low level BRDs can't use Soul Voice to the same effectiveness as a high level BRD, nor can a low level WAR deal the same damage with Mighty Strikes as a high level WAR would.

    Is it possible Wild Card's odds could be altered so that they cannot be abused by low level CORs to benefit high level players? I don't think a low level player should have the same odds as a 75 COR in regards to resetting a two hour. I think Wild Card odds should be rebalanced so the odds of its benefits are relevant to players within a COR's level range.

    Just for those that don't know, the values 5 and 6 on Wild Card reset a PT's two hour abilities. At times, players have approached me to reset Two Hours after a failed Snoll Tzar run and the like and I'm glad to oblige since they're often also a level 75 job, but it doesn't seem right a level 1 COR could do the same.

  • #2
    Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

    That does make sense. You think you'd be worse at it or 'unluckier' at level 1.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #3
      Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

      Well why should lower lvls get a crappier two hour? Mighty Strikes on a lvl 5 war vs a lvl 5 mob is just as effective as on a 75 war vs a 75 mob, give or take. I don't see this as a problem with the job as it's a player thing. But if someone wants to spend their time and their two hour sneak/invis/tractoring to high lvl mobs *just* to do one thing to make five others *slightly* more effective instead of going on a higher lvl job and being useful the etire time, I say that's their problem. For those extra 2 hours people use, they lose an effective pt member. And if they have a small army of back up players to swap in and out, then the cor is still having a minimum effect helping only five of said small army.
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #4
        Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

        They shouldn't get a crappier 2hr, just make it so it doesn't effect every level, as this does seem be overpowered that a low level COR has a chance of resetting a 75's 2hr. Just add in a 20 level gap or something that dictates it's field of effectiveness.
        Cleverness - Hades


        • #5
          Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

          level limit sounds good. I'd say +/- 7 of the Cor.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

            Well why should lower lvls get a crappier two hour? Mighty Strikes on a lvl 5 war vs a lvl 5 mob is just as effective as on a 75 war vs a 75 mob, give or take.
            Can a Lv.5 <insert any job here> do anything worthwhile against an HNM or in favor of the alliance fighting the HNM? Consider this: A Lv.1 WHM cannot fully heal a party of Lv.75's with Benediction. Nowhere near that.

            I'm with Omgwtfbbqkitten on this one.


            • #7
              Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              I think Wild Card odds should be rebalanced so the odds of its benefits are relevant to players within a COR's level range.
              Rather than a strict level limit, perhaps the 2 hour should randomly fail on a per-party member basis, using the level difference between the COR and the party member.

              If the COR is at the same level, or higher, than a party member, then a successful roll will reset their 2 hour 100% of the time. But if the COR is lower in level than a party member, their is a chance that the party member "resists" Wild Card, and that chance increases as the level gap increases.
              lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
              Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
              Fishing 60

              Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
              Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
              Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
              Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


              • #8
                Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                Well why should lower lvls get a crappier two hour? Mighty Strikes on a lvl 5 war vs a lvl 5 mob is just as effective as on a 75 war vs a 75 mob, give or take. I don't see this as a problem with the job as it's a player thing. But if someone wants to spend their time and their two hour sneak/invis/tractoring to high lvl mobs *just* to do one thing to make five others *slightly* more effective instead of going on a higher lvl job and being useful the etire time, I say that's their problem. For those extra 2 hours people use, they lose an effective pt member. And if they have a small army of back up players to swap in and out, then the cor is still having a minimum effect helping only five of said small army.
                Let me put it another way.

                You know what the biggest problem with THF is? The fact that both of their most signifigant melee job abilities can be used by any job under sub level. So on top of THFs plugging hate on someone in EXP, we have SAMs and DRKs that can do it at 60+. THF has no exclusive melee abilites pre-merit, only a triple attack trait, which isn't an ability.

                Other jobs being able to SATA robs THF of an essential role that only they should really be playing in EXP and alliance play. What's been done to THF would be like giving Cure V or Tier IV nukes to RDM - it would practically rob WHM or BLM of their roles in PT.

                A level 1 WAR can't use Mighty Strikes like a level 75 WAR can. A level 1 BLM can't Manafont the spells a level 75 BLM can, nor can a level 1 RDM chainspell the spells a 75 RDM could. A level 1 WHM cannot Benediction a level 75 PT to full.

                But a level 1 COR will be able to do the same Wild Card rolls a 75 COR can. That doesn't seem balanced in contrast to a 75 COR or any job's two hour.


                • #9
                  Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                  So because a lvl 1 cor can use one ability to help five people every two hours higher lvl cors are losing alliance spaces?

                  That would be like complaining that people bring Lvl 1 whm to use Benediction. They use one ability and are *completely useless* for the entire rest of the battle.

                  As I'm sure you're aware, the Cor 2 Hour isn't the only ability Cors have to contribute to an HNM fight. If people would choose the lvl 1 Cor over the lvl 75 Cor then they're freaking idiots. If they were to change anything then it should be a change in effectiveness when a severe lvl gap is present as others suggested and that's it. As opposed to making low lvl Cors have a weaker 2 hour, just make it less effective while being used on higher lvl people.

                  But seriously though, I doubt this is in any way a severely major problem.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #10
                    Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                    They would rather have a lv75 Rdm come as Cor 1, reset abilities and play Rdm for the next 2hours rather than having a Cor for 2hours (Im pretty sure they dont stay as a lv1 Cor for the cooldown of Wild Card). Endgame doesnt make sense.
                    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                    Woodworking 91.9+2
                    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                    • #11
                      Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                      Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                      So because a lvl 1 cor can use one ability to help five people every two hours higher lvl cors are losing alliance spaces?

                      That would be like complaining that people bring Lvl 1 whm to use Benediction. They use one ability and are *completely useless* for the entire rest of the battle.

                      As I'm sure you're aware, the Cor 2 Hour isn't the only ability Cors have to contribute to an HNM fight. If people would choose the lvl 1 Cor over the lvl 75 Cor then they're freaking idiots. If they were to change anything then it should be a change in effectiveness when a severe lvl gap is present as others suggested and that's it. As opposed to making low lvl Cors have a weaker 2 hour, just make it less effective while being used on higher lvl people.

                      But seriously though, I doubt this is in any way a severely major problem.
                      Are you even reading anything here?

                      I'm not saying weaken Wild Card for low levels, so long as the COR is using the two hour with people of his level, the odds should remain the same. But I think the odds of Wild Card should be stacked against a low level COR when partied with 5 75 players, just like EXP is calculated differently with players of different levels.

                      Hell, just being able to reset 5 RNGs Barrage is powerful enough, now consider resetting 5 Eagle Eye Shots. We're talking a level 1 COR being able to let RNGs flinch and do 7-8k damage together on one round, then Sidewinder for more and then EES for about the same.

                      That is very powerful, that's power no other job can really tap. Why should a level 1 COR be able to do that? People have done this with RNG and SAM/RNG for Snoll Tzar BC, hell, I'm considering it, but why should a level 1 be able to reset high PT? Please explain your reasoning here.

                      Just because it might not be a rampant thing doesn't make it any less unbalanced or less in need of being addressed. A lot of people hoped SE wouldn't notice Mazurka and how broken that was, but you know for damn sure a lot of PLDs and NINs were complaining. How would you like the be a 75 tank and have part of your job taken away from you.

                      This is the same thing. Its bad enough people haven't really explored COR's potential for endgame, exploiting us for such a shallow, chance function shouldn't be happening at all. Players should be working to integrate COR in allianced activity, not reduce COR to a one-trick pony.

                      We have Random Deal to reset random job abilities every 20 mins, which can be useful to all kinds of melee jobs. We have Quick Draw to enhance enfeeble. Light Shot to Sleep things if needed, Dark Shot to Dispel. We can allow a melee PT to amass more TP per hit for more WS/SC damage, enhance Double attack rate to do the same, enhance critical hit rate.

                      We can Refresh, do +hMP buffs for mages. Hell, we're THE best mage buffing job in the game, period. BRD can't touch our mage buffs. They can't tweak a SMN's Spinning Dive damage. They can't enhance magic attack or magic accuracy in any way. They can't make Bio do more damage, they can't make paralyze proc more often.

                      Why reduce that to a two-hour refresh monkey and why let it be like that?

                      And adding to the "endgame doesn't make sense" bit. When Octave Club's latent was discovered (2-8 hit effect is active when you're level 64 and 72, 8 level spread, hence "octave"), there were two DRKs on another server ordered to delevel to 72 so they could always use it and K Club with thier two hour lest they be kicked from the shell.

                      These guys were being asked to give up all they had meritted, that's insane. I can't blame them for refusing. Can't DW multihit weapons to gain TP faster anyway, you'd TP with this faster single-wield. Barstupidra these poor DRKs, please.

                      So does bringing a level 1 COR to sea now seem any less farfetched?
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-06-2007, 08:24 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                        Sorry Ziero got to go with omgwtfbbqkitten on this. At best I would say that a lv. 1 COR should not completly reset a lv. 75 player's timer. Instead reduce it by a set percent, let the lv. 75 CORs (or at least a level closer to 75) reset a 75 player's timer completly.

                        That way the CORs still are basically as effective as any other Lv. 1 but isn't a cheap trick were a player can go switch really quick use the 2hr and return as their other job.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                          I guess it t could be something like starting at lvl 1 with a 50% reduction on recast time, and then gain an aditional 10% every 15 lvls.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #14
                            Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                            Im against this Spirit surge fails at the lower lvls because lack of jump high jump etc, And yes i have switch to my cor to reset the 2hrs of friends ls mates etc, Dont call for a nerf or you end up getting more then you want, if you want a nerf, take out the ability to restore 2hrs on cor so it stay balanced.
                            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                            • #15
                              Re: Why can a level 1 COR reset a level 75 player's Two Hour with Wild Card?

                              Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                              Im against this Spirit surge fails at the lower lvls because lack of jump high jump etc, And yes i have switch to my cor to reset the 2hrs of friends ls mates etc, Dont call for a nerf or you end up getting more then you want, if you want a nerf, take out the ability to restore 2hrs on cor so it stay balanced.
                              Well the 2-hrs are share a timer, if I understand it as long as you are not a COR job then a COR can reset your timer. If that is the case then RNGs could potentially create an almost infinite use of their Barrage and EES. Same with any job getting almost an infinite use of their abilities.

                              Just take 2 players 1 switch to a lv. 1 COR when other members have used 2-hours then COR resets them and a second goes a switches to COR while the previous switches back to their Main. End result is player 1 should have a 2-hr timer cooling while they are their main job and player 2 should be a COR with a ready to use 2-hr. Other members burn 2-hours again and COR resets them, player 2 switches back to main job and player 1 goes COR and now you have players 2 with 2-hr cooling while player 1 is COR and ready to use 2-hr again.

                              Unless the CORs 2-hr sets a timer on the players so that their 2-hrs can't be reset again for a time, it just gives to much versatility for a lv. 1 COR to be used in.

                              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

