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Name changes: Could it be possible?

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  • #16
    Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

    Originally posted by Murphie View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that about Titan, but on Bahamut, people with bad reps aren't able to easily escape their pasts. There are some players who can't get an LS to save their lives. At this point they may as well just delete and start over (or do the name change thing, but people will still recognize some of their gear).
    Explain this, because I honestly don't believe you. There are very talented players that are good people, but there are also very talented people who are selfish, freeloading, backstabbing jerks. People are perfectly content to follow either so long as they get good stuff.

    There's also talentless leaders and players that have been successful, the gear goes to waste and I think that's a shame. Plently of backstabbers who have multiple v2s and full sky sets now.

    Back on subject, only problem with a name history is the "Scarlett Letter" scenario. There are nice players who get tagged with a bad rep for being a friend or in the same LS with bad people. There are people who are territorial about linkshells, treat them like gangs or something. I've seen friendships fall apart the moment a pearl's color changed, I think that's unfortunate.

    As much as the bad person could use this to a name change get away, what of the person who got unfairly tagged with the same brush? Does the nice player not deserve a chance at a clean slate? They might not have anything to hide, but there will always be people who say bad things about them that might not be true.

    Obviously a bad player would use it to the same ends, but pattern behavior should be easy to pick up.

    One thing I think would be interesting, is in several games I know of(not just FFXI) your first character name is your Character ID, which can be seen by anyone who examines or searches you(as well as on friend and black lists), and then mabye for a small fee you can add and change your character's nickname, i.e. what appears over your head.
    I actually do use this POL feature to sniff out a bad player by their main handle's name, I'd rather they not be able to change it in that regard.

    I know I'm not the only one who's levelled a mule and there are those that have done so to "get away" from their old reputation. I've got nothing to hide, I practically advertise the connection between Omgwtfbbqkitten and Foobar in their bazaar comments, so many people know its the same player. Those that don't think I'm a chick and I'm fine with letting them think that.

    Just don't give me stuff or try to make a move on me, because then I'll have the joy of embarassing you. :evil:
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-07-2007, 06:05 AM.


    • #17
      Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

      I'm not sure what there is to explain. On Bahamut, players who have a bad rep don't generally get away with anything for very long. Yes there are bad people who are in endgame LS's, but they aren't good endgame LS's, and they aren't the ones that any respectable player would associate with.

      I'm not sure why other servers would be filled with people who would knowingly team up with players who lie, cheat and steal on any sort of regular basis. That's just stupid. Sure, they may fool you once, but that's where you learn from the experience and never trust them again.


      • #18
        Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

        Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
        Someone on Bahamut had a foul rep, and changed his name. Then started applying to endgame shells. It was amazing how quickly his old name got out - and he still doesn't have a shell. Name change is no escape here.
        You know what, he is quitting now, cause he can't get an endgame shell. That is what is it like on Bahamut.

        Blame it on the fact that our server is home to one of the best knows HNMLS FFXI wide. Every single move is scrutinised. Get a bad rep on Bahamut, you are made into a forum title!

        One thing I have noticed is that every server works its own way. I was shocked to find (through the LJ community) how different Seraph is from us. We tend to have one shell for everything - HNM/Dynamis/Limbus. But there, they seem to have different shells depending on what they do. Now that strikes me as weird...

        Originally posted by Aksannyi
        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


        • #19
          Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

          Blame it on the fact that our server is home to one of the best knows HNMLS FFXI wide. Every single move is scrutinised. Get a bad rep on Bahamut, you are made into a forum title!
          Order of the Blue Garter is the HQ of elitism and e-peen, that's not a particularly good thing, you could eat sushi and get a bad rep with them. Their forum is an HQ of Killing Ifrit, which is not so bad and they don't have the RMT ads, but the elitism is very annoying. Nothing says "ego" like having a "noob forum" and an "advanced player" fourm.

          Plus they're bitter they're not a premier site, but who can't be bitter when the only sash AV has dropped on any server went to the village idiot SAM on Titan with an underlevelled WAR sub? Titan came up with "lolMap" before Bahamut came up with "lolsash."

          One thing I have noticed is that every server works its own way. I was shocked to find (through the LJ community) how different Seraph is from us. We tend to have one shell for everything - HNM/Dynamis/Limbus. But there, they seem to have different shells depending on what they do. Now that strikes me as weird...
          People on Titan are so unreliable we've started having smaller shells for various endgame activities.

          My social is moving into being sky/limbus/assault shell since you can get that stuff done easily with a small group. Why deal with the politics of a point system when you can just do this with a small group of friends you can trust? We've lived on need-before-greed as a social, so we don't need to BS on points.

          Dynamis, sea? We'll deal with a point system in some other shell.

          HNMs? I personally don't need anything from them, nor do most of my friends. Let the HNM Linkshells tear each other up.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-07-2007, 08:34 AM.


          • #20
            Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

            Well considering it is their ls forums, and they are a top HNMLS - yeah.

            And it isn't necessarily them that makes it elitist, but everyone else who has graduated to it....

            But you kind of missed my point. Murphie and I were talking about how you can't get away with behaviour like that on Bahamut - I pointed out a reason why.

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #21
              Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

              And way to completely miss the point besides. It's not about BG. They aren't that hot an LS anyway. It's about the fact that players on Bahamut are under a lot of scrutiny. And if you mess up, everyone knows about it. Even people not on your server. So people don't just get away with bad behavior.


              • #22
                Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

                Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
                But you kind of missed my point. Murphie and I were talking about how you can't get away with behaviour like that on Bahamut - I pointed out a reason why.
                Its still a pretty vague reason, maybe Titan has jaded people there to the point its very hard to believe.

                We have this player on our server known as Limica, I've probably mentioned her before. She is one of the lowest, sleeziest, backstabbing players on our server and that's a very generous description. I've got more decriptive words I could be using, but they're not appropriate here.

                Even though she's an admitted bought account, even though she cheated on her RL boyfriend with a man she met in-game, even though she broke into said boyfriend's account and sold his Sheikah Gages, Osode and Eurytos bow; she still has friends and an HNMLS.

                There was a moment where her boyfriend wised up and deleted her account. Seeing as he was paying for this account and she clearly had problem, I think that was fair. She got a hold of his credit card info and used his name and birthdate to send an email to SE, requsting its restoration. Yeah, identity theft, real life crime.

                But she's not the only person like this, they get into endgame shells and that is why Titan fails. That is why people are moving to smaller, more focused and sepearated endgame event shells. Get what you need, get it done, get it for your real friends and cut out the scum.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-07-2007, 08:55 AM. Reason: because monkeys made me do it.


                • #23
                  Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

                  That definitely doesn't happen on Bahamut. I'm going to lean towards the "Titan makes you jaded" theory.


                  • #24
                    Re: Name changes: Could it be possible?

                    I've heard stories of such reprehensible acts occurring on Ragnarok, and it doesn't surprise me, as I've partied with a few potentially dirty players. My schedule doesn't permit time for Dynamis or HNMs, which I guess is fortunate in the sense that I tend to miss all the inherent drama.

                    But I still want my name change, just once, without having to roll the dice on my account.

