When you schedule a maintenance window ahead of time for things other than emergencies, how do you decide what time during the day to perform the maintenance. Obviously, if the matter were to address an emergency issue, you would likely perform the maintenance as soon as possible. The non-emergency maintenance windows tend to fall into the same time slot, which tends to adversely affect NA and EU based players.
Are maintenance windows chosen based on player population distribution? Or is it based on convenience for those performing the maintenance? Or is there some other reason altogether?
Note: I personally don't have a problem with the way maintenance tends to fall partly during NA prime time, though I'm an NA based player. It just seems like every time maintenance occurs, many players cry foul about the way they are scheduled. I'm sure that many players would like to better understand the basis for maintenance window scheduling.
Are maintenance windows chosen based on player population distribution? Or is it based on convenience for those performing the maintenance? Or is there some other reason altogether?
Note: I personally don't have a problem with the way maintenance tends to fall partly during NA prime time, though I'm an NA based player. It just seems like every time maintenance occurs, many players cry foul about the way they are scheduled. I'm sure that many players would like to better understand the basis for maintenance window scheduling.