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What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

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  • #31
    Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

    Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
    That's enough complexity to make you cry blood.
    makes my eyes bleed 2 (^.^)b
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #32
      Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

      Originally posted by Lmnop View Post
      meh, I'm no psychologist. I was meaning it like... your subconcious thoughts came to the surface. In this case, inserting the word "sex" anywhere.

      How about this:
      what if you can have every single spell slotted. For every spell that you disable (unslot), you gain a point or some number of points. You then use these points to slot job traits. Thus, there's no loss from the current system. Just a boost.

      But yes, once again this would make the disparate melee classes even less interesting, by comparison.

      And yes, Melee still get shafted at end game, and Blms still get shafted at exp.
      when your in school and ment to be doing your work you type to fast and makes mistakes and don't have time to go but to them and change them

      EDIT: look at the keyboard my name is sRxjo and the E is right next to the R and many of the people i met mistype my name as sex in a fast hurry to not mess up there CoP, ZM or other events
      "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
      "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
      "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


      • #33
        Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

        Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
        proc rates
        You're in the wrong forum.


        • #34
          Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

          Well just skimmed but I did see it looked like someone pointed out what I had thought. This idea doesn't seem that needed in the game, since you have merit points which SE can easily continue to build on with the limited points you can give it already makes you think on if you want to specialize or be general.

          The big twist will be if SE were to release element spells and merits to really push that part of the concept more.

          For me what I would find intresting is if SE added some more complexities to AM. I mean they have a pretty long casting time, it would be intresting if they added in a sort of game to what is there. A game of were the mage is trying to concentrate and focus in the element they are attempting to cast. The better they succeed varying how effective the AM's end result will be.

          For simplicity sake to understand what I mean it would be taking something like the fishing concept. Players has left arrow, right arrow, up arrow, and down arrow. Setup a mesh screen of elements that the player gets so much time to set the marker to the right element, and tier it so there is a certain amount for the spells casting time.

          Each tier when times up if it's on the right element indicated by a color mesh of sorts would give 1, on a neutral element give 0, and on an opposing element give -1. With each tier make it harder to get to the right element. By end tally 0 gets normal, negative reduces effective and increase chance of resist, positive increases effectiveness and reduces resist.

          Something more like that so you just aren't sitting there. Think that's why I was having such fun with Neo Steam. I mean the game makes you interact more, for example when a chance to resist a spell comes up it pops a space bar icon with a number next to it. So you are mashing a space bar to get above the needed number to resist while trying to hit the keys to get other spells and such off.

          Something to make you interact more between those delays. They could influence more the use of elements that match the day, having when a spell matching the days element and such that some random key sequence displays or something they do to get a better effect out of the spell.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #35
            Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

            I like that idea, would force people to learn their elements as well.


            • #36
              Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

              Gonna to steal from Feba and say that this proposal looks mostly like making things more complicated for the sake making things more complicated.

              To OP:
              "Fun" complexity in game play is from emergence, IMO, which is not incompatible with an compact, orthogonal system. One can even go as far as saying a compact orthogonal set of rules/system is conducive to emergent behavior. i.e. You're asking for the wrong kind of complexity.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #37
                Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                You're in the wrong forum.
                Actually, it's the perfect forum, because I've been meaning to ask S-E about certain skills *AHEM*enfeeblingandhealing*AHEM*, but I'm still trying to figure out how to pose it without sounding like "yet another spoiled RDM asking for more shit."
                ... but I digress.

                Anyhow, I really wasn't trying to talk shop in this thread, I was just trying to illustrate a point. Magical skills and spells are complex enough without adding more to the mix. The factors driving them are already incredibly ambiguous.


                • #38
                  Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                  Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                  The current magic system needs no more complications.

                  You want complicated? Try juggling gear to maximize magic accuracy and proc rates on enfeebles in endgame events. And with the highest rated Enfeebling, no less.

                  That's enough complexity to make you cry blood.

                  1 thing to add to this qute:anyone who has played BLU will tell you there is never enough slots for spells needed. Instead of making Mages better, I feel this would essentially handicapp WHM, and BLM to the point no-one would play these jobs anymore.
                  u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


                  • #39
                    Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                    Like someone said, making the complex just for the sake of being complex is quite dumb no offense. What does this really add to the game that it needs? Nothing.
                    Read my blog.
                    Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                    Entry 32: Death to Castro


                    • #40
                      Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                      Originally posted by Srxjo View Post
                      when your in school and ment to be doing your work you type to fast and makes mistakes and don't have time to go but to them and change them
                      EDIT: look at the keyboard my name is sRxjo and the E is right next to the R and many of the people i met mistype my name as sex in a fast hurry to not mess up there CoP, ZM or other events
                      It was a joke, Dude. >.> I know exactly why you made the mistake. I used to be in an LS named Fuzball. The X key, being next to the Z key, made it so someone once called him Fuxball. When this happened, he immediately stated "Freudian Slip..."

                      See? It's a joke? Not everyone on forums is a hater.
                      "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                      • #41
                        Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                        Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                        Gonna to steal from Feba and say that this proposal looks mostly like making things more complicated for the sake making things more complicated.
                        To OP:
                        "Fun" complexity in game play is from emergence, IMO, which is not incompatible with an compact, orthogonal system. One can even go as far as saying a compact orthogonal set of rules/system is conducive to emergent behavior. i.e. You're asking for the wrong kind of complexity.
                        Well I can agree making something complex just to do so is not that good. The idea I had in mind was to just have those points were you can't really do anything anyway have something extra. Not like the extra event has to occure every time, just when right conditions are met and to make it worth doing the extra event have it grant some bonuses and negatives.

                        It isn't that complex either I mean to remember 8 elements and which element the spell is you are casting isn't that hard.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #42
                          Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                          NO WAY IN HELL

                          How in the world can you be a 75 mage and even think this is feasible? Your a BLM, you know(at least you should) how mage mechanics work. Having one puppetmaster in the game is bad enough. For the love of atlanta don't add 3 more. BLM and WHM are wounded enough without going around and gimping magic to oblivion.
                          Originally posted by Ellipses
                          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                          Originally posted by MCLV
                          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                          More Sig:


                          • #43
                            Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                            It just seems to me that this idea could go so horribly wrong on so many levels that it wouldn't be feasible.

                            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                            • #44
                              Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?

                              For the love of atlanta
                              You know, I was born there, visited numerous times, it's not really that great.

