Re: What do you think of my idea for how the magic system could be improved?
First off, different mages could have have differing amounts of skills. RDMs, for instance, would rationally be able to set more spells at a time than any other.
Second off, wouldn't it be nice to get some more traits into the system for jobs?
If you look at Black mage, what does it offer a party? Most people will say: Damage, light enfeebles, some light curing and maybe occasional buffing. That archetypal BLM is already assumed to be subbing WHM. If you invite a PLD, you expect it to tank. And you pretty much assume he's gonna provoke. My point? Look at BLU. It does... everything and can do everything without subjob. The set point system on BLU is what subjobs are for with the other 17 jobs in the game. This is sorta a flaw, as it makes every other job seem bland in comparison. The fact that they can not only equip a spell for every effect in the game, paired with the fact that they get a myriad of job traits available to them just makes them better designed than the rest of the jobs. Obviously, this is my opinion.
I'm not talking about total power level, obviously. Set points have limited that. But by giving them a limit, you've also given an avenue for "builds." In a day and age where all MNKs are "built" the same way.
All that in mind, I think the OP is a pretty good idea. However, I think the sub-skills shouldn't be "skills" in the strictest sense. More like conditional modifiers. For instance, your "Ice Skill" for BLMs wouldn't have to be a skill that they have to raise seperate. It could simply be a meter for your elemental potency that's only visible in your magic equip screen.
Next thing: It doesn't have to be a complicated process. Especially if most of your spells will remain the same most of the time - like BLUs currently are. I tell my friend that we'll want him to use Diamondhide and he chooses maybe 2-3 spells to sac and move around to fit it in. Then we wait the minute.
About the WHMs not having Flash -- how many spells would a Whm even need? Cure 2 (just for topping people off) Cure 3, Cure 5, Regen 3, Haste, 2 -na spells, 2 -ra spells, and Flash. That's 10 spells. Make it so they can always have ~12-15 spells equipped at a time and I don't see the problem. Having more cure spells equipped wouldn't exactly mean that they can cure -more-. They'd still only be using cure 3/5.
Lastly: aren't you tired of having 100 spells on your BLM and only 6 of them are any good?
I think it's a pretty good idea, though I'd like to see more modifications:
Your Enhancing magic is nothing but "I want Time Mage." What about Regen and Refresh? Or Stoneskin? And then there's Summoning Magic. Healing Skill needs a system like this more than any, as healing isn't exactly fun.
I know it'd be a severe reworking of the game, but I'd honestly like to see something like this for all skills. Imagine if DRGs got a bonus all the time for having Sword skilled up - even when using a Lance. Just need a skill so high to learn an ability that they could choose to equip. This is mainly since Mages get new stuff almost every level, while melee sometimes go 10 levels without anything new (or at least relevant to them - hello Resist Virus).
First off, different mages could have have differing amounts of skills. RDMs, for instance, would rationally be able to set more spells at a time than any other.
Second off, wouldn't it be nice to get some more traits into the system for jobs?
If you look at Black mage, what does it offer a party? Most people will say: Damage, light enfeebles, some light curing and maybe occasional buffing. That archetypal BLM is already assumed to be subbing WHM. If you invite a PLD, you expect it to tank. And you pretty much assume he's gonna provoke. My point? Look at BLU. It does... everything and can do everything without subjob. The set point system on BLU is what subjobs are for with the other 17 jobs in the game. This is sorta a flaw, as it makes every other job seem bland in comparison. The fact that they can not only equip a spell for every effect in the game, paired with the fact that they get a myriad of job traits available to them just makes them better designed than the rest of the jobs. Obviously, this is my opinion.
I'm not talking about total power level, obviously. Set points have limited that. But by giving them a limit, you've also given an avenue for "builds." In a day and age where all MNKs are "built" the same way.
All that in mind, I think the OP is a pretty good idea. However, I think the sub-skills shouldn't be "skills" in the strictest sense. More like conditional modifiers. For instance, your "Ice Skill" for BLMs wouldn't have to be a skill that they have to raise seperate. It could simply be a meter for your elemental potency that's only visible in your magic equip screen.
Next thing: It doesn't have to be a complicated process. Especially if most of your spells will remain the same most of the time - like BLUs currently are. I tell my friend that we'll want him to use Diamondhide and he chooses maybe 2-3 spells to sac and move around to fit it in. Then we wait the minute.
About the WHMs not having Flash -- how many spells would a Whm even need? Cure 2 (just for topping people off) Cure 3, Cure 5, Regen 3, Haste, 2 -na spells, 2 -ra spells, and Flash. That's 10 spells. Make it so they can always have ~12-15 spells equipped at a time and I don't see the problem. Having more cure spells equipped wouldn't exactly mean that they can cure -more-. They'd still only be using cure 3/5.
Lastly: aren't you tired of having 100 spells on your BLM and only 6 of them are any good?
I think it's a pretty good idea, though I'd like to see more modifications:
Your Enhancing magic is nothing but "I want Time Mage." What about Regen and Refresh? Or Stoneskin? And then there's Summoning Magic. Healing Skill needs a system like this more than any, as healing isn't exactly fun.
I know it'd be a severe reworking of the game, but I'd honestly like to see something like this for all skills. Imagine if DRGs got a bonus all the time for having Sword skilled up - even when using a Lance. Just need a skill so high to learn an ability that they could choose to equip. This is mainly since Mages get new stuff almost every level, while melee sometimes go 10 levels without anything new (or at least relevant to them - hello Resist Virus).