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Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

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  • #31
    Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

    Exactly. That saved me and my party more than once.

    Tank dies, I provoke the mob while the rest of the party tries to escape. Nearing very low HP, I use SuperJump. Wyvern fights the mob when I land and move to escape.

    Whats so wrong with that? Does it make the game unbalanced?


    • #32
      Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

      They used to have allowed the wyvern to keep fighting the mob when you do a Super Jump but now they gave him Super Climb so if you're soloing a mob, theres no more escape.
      But the way Super Jump works is that you will ALWAYS have lower hate than anyone else, including your wyvern.

      Tips for Super Jumping hate to wyvern, unlock the target, super jump (if in a hurry), when you land immediatly turn around and run out of melee range.

      Hate will be on your wyvern then, except for links/aggro, then you have to actually have your wyvern hit them first before it will work.

      You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

      I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


      • #33
        Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

        Because a lot of dragoons get pissed when they're wyverns die, especially when they're trying to ESCAPE death? A soloing dragoon without a wyvern is as good as out, which is why super climb is a great thing.


        • #34
          Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

          The 20 min timer on Call Wyvern isnt bad.

          Do you live when you use Superjump and your wyvern uses Superclimb when soloing ? You still regain hate when you come back anyway.


          • #35
            Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

            Originally posted by raidenn View Post
            The 20 min timer on Call Wyvern isnt bad.

            Do you live when you use Superjump and your wyvern uses Superclimb when soloing ? You still regain hate when you come back anyway.
            Your wyvern will have hate when you get back down unless you cast a spell or strike the target.
            Thanks Kazuki.
            Dragoon Equipment


            • #36
              Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

              just face away from the mob then super jump. your wyvern will have hate and will hit the mob while you run. until your out of ranger and it disengages


              • #37
                Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                To bring it back to the OP i'd like to have Wyvern type attachments. like for instance a Wyvern belt so you can get an extra 10 inventory slots. Or Wyvern Helm that would cause extra dmg per hit due to the spikes on the helm. Or even an extra attack it could randomize in like say it has its normal attack and then add a slashing attack where your wyvern would swoop in and claw it twice. More breath attacks would be nice my drgs at lvl 50 right now and i havn't seen any staus effects like slow, blind, bind, bio...that would be great.

                another thing i just thought of after posting was Wyvern Food giving it different abilities like Blinding Fruits, Sloth Fruits...something to that effect.

                Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                • #38
                  Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                  Hmmm...a Dragoon story discussion. My Take:

                  I would tell my friend to attack that goblin and bring it back to camp which is the only thing I was sugesting(as in asking your cute friend to pull). "Assault" and "Retreat" are just minor controls which let you pick a taget for said pet to attack or run away from.

                  Basicly you'd be asking your Wyvern to pull or hit another mob for a sec....
                  Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                  (have fun MMO players ^^)
                  Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                  • #39
                    Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                    Why not have another party member pull then? "Hey, you, taru! go up and swing at that goblin"

                    Yes, he's probably going to die, or at least get seriously injured. Not to mention, it's not an issue if you could've bought some damn pebbles or such.


                    • #40
                      Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                      Can you call a taru back to the living without loss of XP?
                      Can you ask your friend to rest without you resting?


                      • #41
                        Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                        kinda exactly. Since we're on about Dragoon here are some other suggestions for it:

                        1. Attachments for the Wyvern- I like this idea but it's not mine. Being able to add armor to your little pet to tune DEF and other stats would be really fun!

                        2. Allow Dragoon to use throwing weapons like boomerangs and such- I've always felt like pebbles were not enough. Dragoon and monk are the only mele jobs I know of that can't use some sort of reusable ranged weapon(I don't count pebbles) and I think Dragoon should be able to use just one.

                        3. Pet control- this is the idea behind my thread. I just thought it would break the game to control breath or something since that's supposed to be random, but abit of basic pet control would just help out.

                        4. Armor choices- people say Dragoon should have more armor to choose from...I say for get the stuff that's out there and make some new stuff aimed at Dragoon stats. This party goes for the Wyvern armor/attachments but we could see some stuff with att+ and ACC+on it together ^^

                        Whole idea behind it: Stupid people's idea that Dragoon is a useless job. It doesn't seem to go away and I do not see why it's like this. Personally I've liked most of the Dragoons I've met and they do a good job. They can't DD as much as a Samurai or a Dark Knight but they are still decent...and they still do a really good job ^^
                        Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                        (have fun MMO players ^^)
                        Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                        • #42
                          Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                          The only thing I can think of is that BST and SMN have many choices for what they can use, as oppose to DRG only have 1 Wyvern friend.

                          I guess Retreat was used so that SMN and BST can call something else.

                          About the 20 minutes casting timer enough... if I was DRG and my wyvern died with, I'd also be mad/sad... regardless of what the timer showed how much was left. :-P
                          Last edited by Eohmer; 03-18-2007, 11:13 AM.


                          • #43
                            Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                            Why? In the time it would take you to open up your menu or hit your macro, you would be able to re-summon him. O.o


                            • #44
                              Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                              You wouldn't?

                              It's the same as you dying... you can always click the "Home Point" button. True yoru wyvern doesn't lose experience points like you do, but you can always get them back anyway.


                              • #45
                                Re: Why don't you give Dragoon "Assault" and "Retreat"?

                                I'm confused. You said you'd be mad if you had a second left on the timer when your wyvern died. But you'd be able to immediately re-summon him in that case, so I don't see the problem.

