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What is the proper plural form of "gil"?

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  • #31
    Re: What is the proper plural form of "gil"?

    Looking up information on wikipedia and through old college english books, there's really no definitive rule concerning this. I will quote however, what I found in wikipedia (<3 it 4eva):

    Irregular plurals
    There are many other less regular ways of forming plurals, usually stemming from older forms of English or from foreign borrowings.

    [edit] Nouns with identical singular and plural
    Some nouns spell their singular and plural exactly alike; these are regarded by some linguists as regular plurals. Many of these are the names of animals:

    fish (and many individual fish names: cod, mackerel, trout, etc.)
    The plural deers is listed in some dictionaries,[3] but is considered by many to be an error.

    Fish does have a regular plural form, but it differs in meaning from the unmarked plural; fishes refers to several species or other taxonomic types, while fish (plural) is used to describe multiple individual animals: one would say "the order of fishes," but "five fish in an aquarium." The plural fishes is found in the King James Bible, in the miracle of the loaves and fishes, for example, and is also sometimes used for rhetorical emphasis, as in phrases like sleep with the fishes.

    Other nouns that have identical singular and plural forms include:

    cannon (sometimes cannons)
    Note 3: Referring to individual songs in the blues musical style: "play me a blues"; "he sang three blues and a calypso"
    Note 4: Referring, in the plural, to animals in a herd: "fifty head of cattle"
    Basically, it seems like it depends on how it sounds and flows in conversation that is best suited to how the plural should be written. And, ultimately, it depends upon what the intention is of the creator of the word.

    Given the example of gold, one would not use the term "I have 80 golds," to signify a plural sense of of the word gold. It would be assumed that the word "gold" is the plural form of the word. The same example can be taken for the chinese yen. "I have 8000 yens," would not be a grammtically correct way to pronouce the word "yen."

    If you ask me, it stems from social acceptance. The idea of what "sounds the best" seems to be the rule of thumb.

    I hate the word gils. It sounds unintelligent. "I have 80 gil," equates to a more sublime, audible tone.

    However, if we wanted to use a socially accepted phrase with a plural form of gil, I refer you to the following:

    "stfu noob I gawt 8million gilzorz lawl!!!111 I pwn j00"

    (and shame on me, I broke a rule of English where, using quotation marks to accentuate meaning is actually done by italicizing a word and not placing it into quotation marks.... bad Kage /slap)
    Last edited by Shinhiryu_Kage; 03-11-2007, 11:01 AM.


    • #32
      Re: What is the proper plural form of &quot;gil&quot;?

      Just thought I'd pop in with a clarification on the blind/blinded thing...

      Both are correct, but have slightly different meanings that are hard to distinguish because of the construction of the sentence. Listing out the present, past and the modified past tense for each should make this a bit clearer...

      Eohmer is blind
      Eohmer was blind
      Eohmer is no longer blind

      Eohmer is blinded
      Eohmer was blinded
      Eohmer is no longer blinded

      Blind is an adjective that implies nothing else. It is complete as it stands. Blinded is a form of a verb that implies a source of the blindness, and thus can seem incomplete when taken on its own (i.e. think of the sentence continuing on, 'by the forest hare.') But it is still a valid sentence. (edit: The previous sentence fragment, however, is not. I'm going to leave it as-is, because even us grammar people make mistakes sometimes, and I like the irony. ;) And run on sentences. Oops, I did it again. Aaargh! This post is riddled with grammar problems.)

      Thus both sentences are valid to the situation, but give a slightly different take on the same meaning. The choice of which one you should use is wholly dependent on the style of writing and the context in which it is being used.

      Hope that clears it up!

      Oh and gil is officially the plural again according to SE and their fancy update.
      Last edited by Evran; 03-12-2007, 06:24 AM.


      • #33
        Re: What is the proper plural form of &quot;gil&quot;?

        Looks like the latest update answers this question nicely:

        Mar. 12, 2007 01:15 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI
        FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 12)
        At the following time, we performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

        * This update consists of a version upgrade of the client program. When you press the play button after the time stated below, the version upgrade will begin automatically. Please follow the instructions on the screen.

        [Affected Period]
        Mar. 12, 2007 1:15 (PDT)

        [Affected Services]

        [Important Update Details]
        The following issues have been addressed:

        - Thief's job ability, "Aura Steal" may sometimes cause a forced termination on both the ability user and nearby players.

        - A program issue that caused "gil" to be displayed as "gils" in auction house-related messages.
        Translation: We're sorry, some n00b intern that we hired messed this up. He's currently feeding the fishes (yes multiple species of them) at an undisclosed location in the South Pacific. Thank you for your patience.


        • #34
          Re: What is the proper plural form of &quot;gil&quot;?

          Translation: We're sorry, some noob intern that we hired messed this up. He has since been aksed.

          *webpage flickers*

          We're sorry, the person responsible for axing the intern, has since been axed. Sorry for any inconvineance.

