With the dynamics of party and looking for members in FFXI, the search function is a key tool, yet provides little help to us all in some situations or reasons. What I'm asking is, will there be any ways to improve the search function and search comments?
Will there be a better way to list the following?
What areas we have access to
What areas we are willing to go/don't go to
Multiple jobs we could play as
Preffered role in party with subjob combonations
How much til our next level or merrit
What is our prefferences as to a skill chain
As partying together, the key of our exp system, will there be such improvements to help ease the difficulties in obtaining one and reduce stressful ires that comes with it by improving search?
Will there be a better way to list the following?
What areas we have access to
What areas we are willing to go/don't go to
Multiple jobs we could play as
Preffered role in party with subjob combonations
How much til our next level or merrit
What is our prefferences as to a skill chain
As partying together, the key of our exp system, will there be such improvements to help ease the difficulties in obtaining one and reduce stressful ires that comes with it by improving search?