If a BST is fighting a single mob, swapping pets will cause the mob to go yellow - claimable by anyone else - until the BST or the new pet start attackinng it again. The current game mechanics seem to be that the 'current' mob is changed by the charm ability, If the charm fails, that would make sense, but if the charm is successful it shouldn't happen. The change of current mob should occur based on the result of the charm, not on the action of initiating the charm, which means that the first mob would not go unclaimed if the charm is successful.
This change would result in the BST fighting a mob, on leaving the current pet, the mob's hate switches to the #2 on the hate list, the BST. The BST now charms another pet. IF the charm is successful, then the BST has just added a new member to their 'party', which is NOT a hate changing move and so should not change the status of the mob. If on the other hand, charm fails, then the new mob goes red and the current mob goes yellow since there are two mobs being fought simultaneously.
I said that the bst has added a new member to the party - this is based upon the already existing rules where if a mob is a higher level than the other party members it will affect the exp for all party members, therefore the pet is a party member. "Invite to join party" should not, under any circumstances, cause a change in the clamed state of any mob currently being fought - if it does, then it should be unilateral across the board: Summon an avatar, call wyvern, invite a party member that DCd, form an alliance, these should all cause loss of claim but don't. Why would adding a BST's pet to the party cause it?
Note that this is a separate issue, and separate question, from "leaving a pet causing loss of claim" - that isue refers to leaving the pet at the end of a fight so the BST can kill the mob with minimal loss of exp. Please don't get these two mixed up - I already did that once! :(
This change would result in the BST fighting a mob, on leaving the current pet, the mob's hate switches to the #2 on the hate list, the BST. The BST now charms another pet. IF the charm is successful, then the BST has just added a new member to their 'party', which is NOT a hate changing move and so should not change the status of the mob. If on the other hand, charm fails, then the new mob goes red and the current mob goes yellow since there are two mobs being fought simultaneously.
I said that the bst has added a new member to the party - this is based upon the already existing rules where if a mob is a higher level than the other party members it will affect the exp for all party members, therefore the pet is a party member. "Invite to join party" should not, under any circumstances, cause a change in the clamed state of any mob currently being fought - if it does, then it should be unilateral across the board: Summon an avatar, call wyvern, invite a party member that DCd, form an alliance, these should all cause loss of claim but don't. Why would adding a BST's pet to the party cause it?
Note that this is a separate issue, and separate question, from "leaving a pet causing loss of claim" - that isue refers to leaving the pet at the end of a fight so the BST can kill the mob with minimal loss of exp. Please don't get these two mixed up - I already did that once! :(