Hello. My name is Yukijiru. I have heard about FFXI for a long time, but have never gotten into playing it. I am actually interested in trying it out, but I am cautious of if I will meet a welcoming world or not. I feel that most mmo's that I can not meet many people to play the game with due to elitism. I just want to enjoy the game with people and gain some friends. Does this seem like that type of game. Could I gain friends here and enjoy a wonderful game with them without treating this game as most elitists do?
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Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
FFXI is just over a decade old and most people still playing are well-established high level players. As such, old starter cities are fairly empty and some of the older content has become obsolete. If you're just going to stand around expect people to help you, you're going to have a rough time. I'd start instead by looking for a very social and beginner-friendly linkshell, but if you hope to do and see everything plan to find others of like-mind and plan to be a leader rather than a follower. Its really the only way to get older content done now.
I've not played in a few years and lots of things have changed, but one thing that hasn't is there are plenty of people that have been through this content dozens of times and they've simply moved on and don't wish to do it again. If that's what you feel elitism to be, I'd instead suggest you look into an MMO that's a bit more fresh and new. Its not impossible to find people that still want to help and enjoy old content, but they're a rare breed.
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
There are people more than willing and able to help new players get to endgame.
Don't expect them to help with much else, however. Kind of a one-track hive mind, as BBQ mentioned. But it is a friendly one overall.
(It's worth noting that once you're at endgame, you can pretty much solo darn-near everything else there is in the game on your own free time; you're more or less expected to at this point, to be honest.)Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
The elitism you refer to is mainly a byproduct of the game's less than intuitive design. Optimal play is not something you'd generally figure out through basic trial and error. You'll be expected to constantly switch out your gear on the fly at endgame. This is something a lot of people simply can't be bothered to do and they get grief and then complain rather than taking some time to figure out how to do it. You don't have to be the best of the best to avoid "the elitists" badmouthing you. Honestly if you just put in a modicum of effort to do some really basic gear swapping you'll end up being so much better than the bulk of the playerbase that it's kind of unsettling.
That said, I wouldn't worry about it too much until you start approaching the level cap, and when you do start to worry about it we'll all still be here to give you all the pointers you need.Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
I am a noob starting this past January; I am now L95 about to finish LB10 to get to L99 RDM. I must say overall I love the game and have enjoyed myself except when issues such as the various describe come up....I cam imagine how fun this was playing the game from the start (which is why I pre-ordered FFXIV).
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Originally posted by rvk5150 View PostI am a noob starting this past January; I am now L95 about to finish LB10 to get to L99 RDM. I must say overall I love the game and have enjoyed myself except when issues such as the various describe come up....I cam imagine how fun this was playing the game from the start (which is why I pre-ordered FFXIV).What you're not getting is the constant competition for mob pops, the endless treadmill of waiting for things to respawn, the frustration of needing a handful of other people to get anything done, and the horribly slow rate of XP grinding. You got from level 1 to level 95 in 5 months. For most people at launch, they were lucky to get to 50 in that same span of time because there were fewer and less efficient ways to earn XP.
FFXI is a very different animal today than it was than when it first launched, and you're lucky in a lot of ways that you didn't see the Bad Old Days.
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Part of what the above have described is why I continued to find it too difficult to return to the game. There were very few UK and European players on the server I was playing on too, which made things more difficult as you can't lead groups if there are no players online to play with. I either had to stay up until 0200-0400 for the American players to get online or get up at 0500-0600 to play with the Japanese players (Or bug Yyg while he's at work and hope he's got his laptop at the ready).
One of the main problems is what people said, it isn't that FFXI players are elitist. It is just the people who mainly play it have been playing for many years and are self sufficient. It has caused an expectation that you must also be able to do things alone as a new player. Personally I play MMORPGs to play with other people. If I wanted to play an RPG alone I would go play something like Skyrim, Pokemon, Shin Megami Tensei or Final Fantasy. I find solo play a bit pointless for that reason.
But FFXIV is going to get a lot of new players so if you do play FFXIV, expect to find a lot of people that you can form a group with. The regulars on this forum do also mostly plan to play it (except Yyg but he's just grumpy about no FFXI style Summoner) so depending on your server choice you might see one of us running around in the game.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Good info and responses however; while xping might be easier I still find many tasks require parties and the options to find others does not seem to exist.
Anyway; I will continue with the game because I love it...I truly do. I also will be playing ffxiv (pre-ordered) because the beta seems fun, it seems like a natural progression from ffxi to me, and because I want to experience a good MMO from the start.
If I did not mention ffxi is my first MMO as well....yes, my life is now coming to an end!
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Originally posted by rvk5150 View PostGood info and responses however; while xping might be easier I still find many tasks require parties and the options to find others does not seem to exist.
Anyway; I will continue with the game because I love it...I truly do. I also will be playing ffxiv (pre-ordered) because the beta seems fun, it seems like a natural progression from ffxi to me, and because I want to experience a good MMO from the start.
If I did not mention ffxi is my first MMO as well....yes, my life is now coming to an end!
As for the player base. There are elitist in XI. They're in every MMO, can't avoid them. Your best bet is to find a low-man Linkshell usually 10-15 people and just either Duo through the game or Trio. Only time you're going to need to party is in Abyssea or if you're running shit like....oh what the hell is the name of that...OH! SIEGE! Siege in Whitegate. Also not to mention if you plan to play XI, don't be fooled by people's offers of help so blindly. People will always do what is best for themselves first and put you second.
I think the only way I would come back to XI is if they added new Campaign stuff. But that's just me. Also...word of advice, for your first job. Don't go through Abyssea unless you feel like skilling up for 3-4 days before your Maat fight. Good luck dude.
Oh here's a taste of XIV, this area is...I believe Gridania and is one of the opening areas I'll be joining when I play.
Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Maybe you should look into movies instead of games Melody. It sounds like they'd do a much better job of meeting your needs.Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Originally posted by cidbahamut View PostMaybe you should look into movies instead of games Melody. It sounds like they'd do a much better job of meeting your needs.
On Topic: For the OP, just make the game your own experience. A lot of people will help you if you put yourself in the position to be helped.
- - - Updated - - -
Originally posted by cidbahamut View PostMaybe you should look into movies instead of games Melody. It sounds like they'd do a much better job of meeting your needs.
On Topic: For the OP, just make the game your own experience. A lot of people will help you if you put yourself in the position to be helped.Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12
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Re: Hi My name is Yukijiru! I am a newbie ^_^
Originally posted by Melody View PostAlso I love Prishe, but she needs a voice.
. . . available in Japanese and English.
(Spoilers: Prishe is Final Fantasy Haruhi.)Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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