After a long thought, I finally said screw it to NIN. The job isn't for me, I am horrible at holding up shadows and I found myself dying a lot @ 90 off level 70 Mobs. Which discouraged my use of NIN even further. Yeah the idea of attacking 24/7 is cool due to the %Haste Gear NIN gets but it's also like pulling teeth on trying to get NIN Seals. Especially after last night's trip in Uleguerand Range fighting the bull NM for pop items. Anyways, I've dropped NIN and taken up PUP. I dropped PUP before for NIN due to the sole fact that I hated spending money on stuff that might go to waste. But looking further into PUP I found out that depending on how much you spend on PUP is how much you get out of it. I also found PUP to be more useful to me than BST which is know for its excellent Dynamis soloing. But that in turn would cause me to burn money buying up Jug Pets since my craft level is not adequate, and even then if I didn't buy the Jug Pets I'd run around all day collecting the Mats to craft them. So instead I took up PUP and so far I am loving it. Your Automaton is a carbon copy of anything you want it to really be. I also found its more useful to me than a BST since I am not burning money on Jug Pets. My friend burned 100k on Faithful Falc and Dipper, which threw up a red flag for me to not bother.
What also made PUP more worth it to me than a BST is that you don't waste money having to constantly buy "pets". Where as with PUP yes, you spend more gil on Attachments, but they're a one time payment and like I said, you get what you spend out of it. With BST on the other hand your losing money per pet if you happen to zone out, where as a PUP's Automaton will follow you and you can have it do a variety of things.
I like PUP due to the sole fact of how well you can set it up. Mine is set up as a NIN Tank. I have Shock Absorber on it along with Replicator which throws up Stoneskin and Shadows. On top of that I do believe PUP gets more shadows than an actual NIN player does. Since I've seen it lose 3 Shadows and then lose another 2, which was lost during a fight with a Tabar Beak when I was skilling it. I also can seem to wrap my head around PUP a bit more than I did my NIN or on my BST. Now any experienced PUP who replies feel free to correct me on this, but I have the Attuner attachment which increases its own attack Vs Stronger Mobs and by the Wiki's standard a good 15% that ignores defense. Now correct me if I am wrong but would 15% x 3 Fire Maneuvers equal out to 45% Defense Ignore Bonus?
As for some other questions on PUP
-How is the AF3 for this job?
-Is Turbo Charger Questable - The Wiki didn't provide me much information, it showed me there was a quest but the reward table chart confused me.
-Is Optic Fiber Questable - No information on this at all for me.
-How effective is Ranged Automaton Vs Storm and Valor. I seem to be sticking to my Storm since it pops Shadow(Skin) more often.
So if anyone could give me some advice/tips please let me know.
What also made PUP more worth it to me than a BST is that you don't waste money having to constantly buy "pets". Where as with PUP yes, you spend more gil on Attachments, but they're a one time payment and like I said, you get what you spend out of it. With BST on the other hand your losing money per pet if you happen to zone out, where as a PUP's Automaton will follow you and you can have it do a variety of things.
I like PUP due to the sole fact of how well you can set it up. Mine is set up as a NIN Tank. I have Shock Absorber on it along with Replicator which throws up Stoneskin and Shadows. On top of that I do believe PUP gets more shadows than an actual NIN player does. Since I've seen it lose 3 Shadows and then lose another 2, which was lost during a fight with a Tabar Beak when I was skilling it. I also can seem to wrap my head around PUP a bit more than I did my NIN or on my BST. Now any experienced PUP who replies feel free to correct me on this, but I have the Attuner attachment which increases its own attack Vs Stronger Mobs and by the Wiki's standard a good 15% that ignores defense. Now correct me if I am wrong but would 15% x 3 Fire Maneuvers equal out to 45% Defense Ignore Bonus?
As for some other questions on PUP
-How is the AF3 for this job?
-Is Turbo Charger Questable - The Wiki didn't provide me much information, it showed me there was a quest but the reward table chart confused me.
-Is Optic Fiber Questable - No information on this at all for me.
-How effective is Ranged Automaton Vs Storm and Valor. I seem to be sticking to my Storm since it pops Shadow(Skin) more often.
So if anyone could give me some advice/tips please let me know.