Hey guys, just found out my 90 days are finally up from when I jumped to Sylph back in December. I've been wondering what server to join. Sylph has gone down the toilet for me and I think it's time for a fresh new server to join. Here's the list of server's I've tried and didn't like.
Phoenix - Economy/Money/Business = Main Priority, this is like this for all XI servers but Phoenix takes it to an extreme. 1.2 Mil for Warp I. No thanks.
Sylph - Too much drama here, not enough helpful player base. Money talks, shit walks.
Valefor - Decent server, lack of friends makes it hard to get work done.
Asura - Home server, where my XI life began, too quiet for my taste. Lack of socialism kills me.
Bahamut - Came here for awhile, found it to be okay. Finding an LS is hard though and it acts like a mix of Sylph and Phoenix. Not my cup of tea.
Cerberus - Cricket Cricket. Need I say more?
I don't want to sound like a brat and be like picky and tip toeing around the servers I like and dislike. But each one sets off a pet peeve of mine (like all servers will eventually) But the biggest one is lack of help/ignoring. I dislike that, XI to me seems to be a community game and everyone seems to have forgotten they were once newbies too and thus ignore the lower playerbase of new comers.
I want a server that isn't like "YEAH WE LOVE YOU!" But I want one that is like "Hey how you doing, how was your day?" Then like if you ask for help, you're not sitting in Jueno for 3 hours shouting. I'm not saying I'm going to get a button and have like OnStar of XI come help me right away, but maybe within 10-15 minutes of waiting, get a decent amount of responses. But sitting in Jueno for 3 hours shouting for a Tele-Mea is ridiculous. I even went up to 15k for the reward.
I have friends on Sylph yeah, but most of them are scummish and only want something to do with me when they gain something beneficial from me, like gil or if I am farming seals for someone. But I know for a fact NO SERVER is perfect, but I would like to find one which I could mold myself to and stay around on for a year or two instead of being a nomad and having to hop servers. I make mules and I check out other servers. The next stop if Lakshimi or Bismarck to see if I can find Crimson Crusader members one or the other. I'm also on the hunt for Tsumakiri from Titan server, but that means I'd have to peel back Phoenix just to find the man. So that's out of the question. So if someone can help me out here that'd be nice. -stares at the pile of Crysta- I need to do something with these...
Phoenix - Economy/Money/Business = Main Priority, this is like this for all XI servers but Phoenix takes it to an extreme. 1.2 Mil for Warp I. No thanks.
Sylph - Too much drama here, not enough helpful player base. Money talks, shit walks.
Valefor - Decent server, lack of friends makes it hard to get work done.
Asura - Home server, where my XI life began, too quiet for my taste. Lack of socialism kills me.
Bahamut - Came here for awhile, found it to be okay. Finding an LS is hard though and it acts like a mix of Sylph and Phoenix. Not my cup of tea.
Cerberus - Cricket Cricket. Need I say more?
I don't want to sound like a brat and be like picky and tip toeing around the servers I like and dislike. But each one sets off a pet peeve of mine (like all servers will eventually) But the biggest one is lack of help/ignoring. I dislike that, XI to me seems to be a community game and everyone seems to have forgotten they were once newbies too and thus ignore the lower playerbase of new comers.
I want a server that isn't like "YEAH WE LOVE YOU!" But I want one that is like "Hey how you doing, how was your day?" Then like if you ask for help, you're not sitting in Jueno for 3 hours shouting. I'm not saying I'm going to get a button and have like OnStar of XI come help me right away, but maybe within 10-15 minutes of waiting, get a decent amount of responses. But sitting in Jueno for 3 hours shouting for a Tele-Mea is ridiculous. I even went up to 15k for the reward.
I have friends on Sylph yeah, but most of them are scummish and only want something to do with me when they gain something beneficial from me, like gil or if I am farming seals for someone. But I know for a fact NO SERVER is perfect, but I would like to find one which I could mold myself to and stay around on for a year or two instead of being a nomad and having to hop servers. I make mules and I check out other servers. The next stop if Lakshimi or Bismarck to see if I can find Crimson Crusader members one or the other. I'm also on the hunt for Tsumakiri from Titan server, but that means I'd have to peel back Phoenix just to find the man. So that's out of the question. So if someone can help me out here that'd be nice. -stares at the pile of Crysta- I need to do something with these...
