Hey guys I was wondering if anyone would be generous enough to take me in under their wing on another server. I have an open Content ID and I don't mind starting from scratch. From being on Sylph it has been not such a bad run but it's not my cup of tea. I was also wondering if anyone would be kind enough to give me their access code for the Destrier Beret from the Ultimate Abyssea Edition. I see so many people using it, I was just hoping someone who was an oldbie wouldn't mind sharing it as a Christmas Gift with me or something. I'd like to add it to my collection of rare items. Below is a list of what I've collected from rare occasion.
-2009 Dinner Set
-2010 Summer Festival Kimono's
-8th Anniversary Novennial Set
-2011 Dream Set
-Magna/Savage Set
-Opaline Set
If anyone has any information on the following I'd much appreciate it.
-Sol Set? I seen a Sol Hat
-Moogle Hat (Rumor has it only Devs give these out)
-Mandragora Hats
I'm a rare item hunter of fashion on Vana'diel.
I would love to have that little hat tucked safely away in my MH. Not trying to beg someone for it, just a kind gesture would suit me just fine.
As for the server I'd like it if someone could possibly make a reccomondation, since I am also getting my brother to play today. He's a newbie so I promised I'd start new with him. So if anyone is willing to take me under their wing on another server with him that'd be great. I've tried Asura/Sylph & Phoenix, I know there isn't a "perfect" server but I'd at least like one with a good player base. Sylph in my eyes is way too focused on being 75+ in Abyssea. I dropped about 3 link pearls due to how rude the players were and how little help they were when I asked a simple question. I felt ignored and quite frankly, hurt. I'm very friendly and I like helping people, but at the same time a little helping hand is okay. I'll give an example, I was asking an LS mate if she could just escort me through the PUP Quest area. Since I hadn't unlocked PUP on my Elvaan, she gave me such an attitude, I ended up dying on the ship on the way over to White Gate and I also asked another LS mate if he could come raise me. Instead he pegged me with odd questions of what sex I was, where I was from and what my name meant. I instead in brief told him I am not obliged to give such answers and that I'd appreciate if he wouldn't bring up such topics. So he goes and says, "I don't like your tone." I got into a small debate on where I was from and simply told him what continent so he'd leave me alone, albeit that did not sedate his lust for knowing more about me. He proceeded to hound me with more questions when all I asked for was a simple raise since the Kracken spawned on the ship at the last minute when it was "Close to Al Zahbi". I ended up dying from it on the ship and the zone point spawned me on the dock, dead of course. In the end I ended up tossing the pearl due to frustration and lack of simple cooperation. I did not believe that the Vana'diel players I knew to grow and love had sunk so low as to interrogate a fellow adventuerer such as myself to get the answers they want before giving a helping hand. I mean I don't wish to make a server look bad due to one experience I shared, but it continually stacks to the point of where I don't feel comfortable on a server enough to ask anyone for help due to being treated in such a manner. It's like going to a store and being new to the line of work, it takes that one jerk to reach over the counter and fondle you before you decide to quit. So if anyone has any suggestions as to a server I'll gladly listen, since I wouldn't like my brother to view the game as a hard place where nobody cares to listen to what he has to say, he's human and so are we all. If we all in turn help one another I think it would benefit the more lower ranking players.
-Sincerely, The Tall Elvaan of Vana'diel, Melody
-2009 Dinner Set
-2010 Summer Festival Kimono's
-8th Anniversary Novennial Set
-2011 Dream Set
-Magna/Savage Set
-Opaline Set
If anyone has any information on the following I'd much appreciate it.
-Sol Set? I seen a Sol Hat
-Moogle Hat (Rumor has it only Devs give these out)
-Mandragora Hats
I'm a rare item hunter of fashion on Vana'diel.
I would love to have that little hat tucked safely away in my MH. Not trying to beg someone for it, just a kind gesture would suit me just fine.

-Sincerely, The Tall Elvaan of Vana'diel, Melody