I find it weird in abyssea we have 3 ??? for large, powerful NMs that take anywhere between 2-4 key items to pop, yet smaller NMs, that are even needed for the large ones, have only 1 ???.
I would assume that the reason for the large NMs having 3 is to prevent people from over camping the NMs and making it unable to be fought by other partys, this makes sense... However! There is a problem in this idea. We only have 1 for the NMs that we must kill to fight these larger ones, and at that, some are on a respawn timer much longer than the time it takes to kill a NM...
For example, Sobek, anyone who has ever fought this buggy buggard knows what Im talking about when I say Guku, is impossible to get ahold of, alot of times I don't even see it pop up on my screen before its claimed to a party and being killed... This is a pain, why is there only one of it? There are 3 times in 1 minute that Sobek can be spawned, and in that 3 times, 1 minute after a Sobek dies, you may use the ??? again. This is helpful... if you have more pops saved up, but not for other partys. It takes 10 minutes for Guku to become available again, so that he can be killed, and his KI obtained, however in this time it is easy to kill Sobek, and reap his rewards so that you can go after Guku again for the KI.
Another example is Amarok and Orthrus, Amarok drops seals, some hard seals to get even, PLD body, DNC body, these are highly sought after at times, and yet, the fact he is the sole source of the key item that lets you spawn Orthrus, makes him hard to find open and able to be farmed for his seals. I have even been insulted in a party I made to farm seals from him. I was told I was wasting the items and everyones time by not going after Orthrus as well for his trial items. I admit, its nice to go after an extra one at the same time, but still, its no waste to people needing the seals, and there is no reason that he should be camped so much, it makes the only way to kill him and get seals, to make a commitment to a party for killing Orthrus, and ask them to let you have the seals.
I guess my point of making this is to see other peoples opinion on if they think this is a lil awkward, and kinda voice my opinion that maybe Square should make 3 ??? for the other NMs too, it seems more fair to me, but others might disagree... but thats what forums are for right
I would assume that the reason for the large NMs having 3 is to prevent people from over camping the NMs and making it unable to be fought by other partys, this makes sense... However! There is a problem in this idea. We only have 1 for the NMs that we must kill to fight these larger ones, and at that, some are on a respawn timer much longer than the time it takes to kill a NM...
For example, Sobek, anyone who has ever fought this buggy buggard knows what Im talking about when I say Guku, is impossible to get ahold of, alot of times I don't even see it pop up on my screen before its claimed to a party and being killed... This is a pain, why is there only one of it? There are 3 times in 1 minute that Sobek can be spawned, and in that 3 times, 1 minute after a Sobek dies, you may use the ??? again. This is helpful... if you have more pops saved up, but not for other partys. It takes 10 minutes for Guku to become available again, so that he can be killed, and his KI obtained, however in this time it is easy to kill Sobek, and reap his rewards so that you can go after Guku again for the KI.
Another example is Amarok and Orthrus, Amarok drops seals, some hard seals to get even, PLD body, DNC body, these are highly sought after at times, and yet, the fact he is the sole source of the key item that lets you spawn Orthrus, makes him hard to find open and able to be farmed for his seals. I have even been insulted in a party I made to farm seals from him. I was told I was wasting the items and everyones time by not going after Orthrus as well for his trial items. I admit, its nice to go after an extra one at the same time, but still, its no waste to people needing the seals, and there is no reason that he should be camped so much, it makes the only way to kill him and get seals, to make a commitment to a party for killing Orthrus, and ask them to let you have the seals.
I guess my point of making this is to see other peoples opinion on if they think this is a lil awkward, and kinda voice my opinion that maybe Square should make 3 ??? for the other NMs too, it seems more fair to me, but others might disagree... but thats what forums are for right
