Simply put, after what achievement will you be able to say to yourself "Fuck yeah, I finally did it. I can quit the game and be happy about it/cope with it if they shut the servers off"
Everyone's got that 1 goal in mind. Some people want to complete all missions, some people want to get a Mythic weapon for their favorite job and some people want omgfullcompletionofallquests.
Whats your stopping point? What are you working towards as YOUR ultimate goal? Or in the cases of people who have already stopped playing, what made you finally decide "I'm done"?
Mine is 3-fold:
- First I want to cap every skill for the 5 jobs I use. This includes all skills for applicable SJs.
- Second I want all 5 of my main jobs equipped with the gear that I have already got listed out as my "I don't need anything else if I have _____".
- Lastly, I want a Nirvana. SMN has always been my favorite job in the game and I wouldn't feel right if I quit without obtaining the best weapon I can possibly get for that job. The Mythic Weapon: Nirvana is the end all-beat all of SMN weapons. Wielding it for a few weeks and being able to relish in the sheer awesomeness of it would allow me the strength of will to say "Yeah, I did everything I set out to do. If they turn the servers off today, I wouldn't feel like there was something I never got to do."
Everyone's got that 1 goal in mind. Some people want to complete all missions, some people want to get a Mythic weapon for their favorite job and some people want omgfullcompletionofallquests.
Whats your stopping point? What are you working towards as YOUR ultimate goal? Or in the cases of people who have already stopped playing, what made you finally decide "I'm done"?
Mine is 3-fold:
- First I want to cap every skill for the 5 jobs I use. This includes all skills for applicable SJs.
- Second I want all 5 of my main jobs equipped with the gear that I have already got listed out as my "I don't need anything else if I have _____".
- Lastly, I want a Nirvana. SMN has always been my favorite job in the game and I wouldn't feel right if I quit without obtaining the best weapon I can possibly get for that job. The Mythic Weapon: Nirvana is the end all-beat all of SMN weapons. Wielding it for a few weeks and being able to relish in the sheer awesomeness of it would allow me the strength of will to say "Yeah, I did everything I set out to do. If they turn the servers off today, I wouldn't feel like there was something I never got to do."