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Outpost warps not working anymore ?

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  • Outpost warps not working anymore ?

    Good week-end all.

    I've been using Outpost waprs for a couple years, and it used to be that once you completed an outpost (say: Sarutabaruta in W. Sarutabaruta), you could go back there and use the outpost to warp back to your homettown even if the area is not under your control.

    Well, seems I am stuck as it dosent bring up the prompt to teleport back.

    This must be new becuase exept from an odd PS2 bug that happened last year I am not findng anything whatsoever om Google about that one.

    Anyone know if that's something new or if it's something that was changed ?
    Thanks for any clarification
    -- FrancoisX

    EDIT: Note that i've changed nation to do more Outpost, as of latest patch you keep the outposts you have already done. That might be the bug in itself. Cou can teleport there, but you can't use it to go back. What a bummer if that is the case.
    Last edited by FrancoisX; 10-09-2011, 09:13 AM.
    Active Server: Asura
    Active Characters: Samuriko, Goerkhan

  • #2
    Re: Outpost warps not working anymore ?

    The patch notes indicate that you can teleport TO any outpost you've completed a supply run to, but not FROM. I'm guessing the "teleport anywhere" only works for outbound travel, not travel back to your hometown unless you've actually completed the supply mission for that city.



    • #3
      Re: Outpost warps not working anymore ?

      Originally posted by FrancoisX View Post
      you could go back there and use the outpost to warp back to your homettown even if the area is not under your control.
      Just to add to what Icemage said, you can travel to any OP you've done a supply run for from your home city regardless whether your nation, another nation, or the Beastmen hold it. Prices just increase depending on who has it that week. Teleporting from an OP can only be performed if your nation holds it however. Considering there's a FoV book near every OP you should never run in to issues returning as long as you keep some tabs handy though.


      • #4
        Re: Outpost warps not working anymore ?

        Yeah I figured it out this weekend and basically you guys have it right;
        but to clarify in case anyone comes to check it out on that thread :

        - You can teleport TO any outposts you have done period. And you keep them (as of patch) even if you change nation.

        - You can teleport FROM outposts to your Nation, ONLY AND ONLY IF you have done a supply quest to that outpost from the nation you are currently part of.

        Situation :
        As a San d'Orian, I had managed to do Sarutabaruta one day as we captured it from Windy...
        I can warp from the Outpost when I am San d'Orian.
        However if I change to Bastok allegiance, I will not be able to warp FROM the outpost except if I ever do a supply quest there when/if (never happened that I know of) Bastok is control of it.

        I hope it clarify for anyone looking at this thread.
        Have a Nice day !
        -- FrancoisX
        Active Server: Asura
        Active Characters: Samuriko, Goerkhan


        • #5
          Re: Outpost warps not working anymore ?

          This bug was fixed as of today's patch.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Outpost warps not working anymore ?

            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
            This bug was fixed as of today's patch.
            Thanks for the heads-up !
            Will go try soon with my lowbie character !

            -- Francois
            Active Server: Asura
            Active Characters: Samuriko, Goerkhan


            • #7
              Re: Outpost warps not working anymore ?

              I was unaware of this problem... but am happy it has been resolved before it caused me any issues.

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