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    I just registered the game and have activated my payment. When i try to play the game, it says i need to obtain a Content ID. I find the Square-Enix website very very confusing to use. Where do i go to get a Content ID. Any help will be appreciated.

  • #2

    Well I can't help you right now since I am at work. maybe some one else can. But you can come to Cerberus and we can help you in the LS.

    From what I do remember about Content ID's it is from POL. You now need an SE ID and you get that from the new website. You have to do ti that way now. When I switched over from POL to SE it was a pain trying to get POL to accept my new Se id because it didn't want to update my PW. It took about 3 hours to get it to transfer over. After that it was all good though. Not sure if it helped you but I think the problem is in the way SE is handling this. Try to register your game through the Se site and that might help. You might get an Id from there when you do it that way.
    Whm- 90, BLM-90, BST-90, PLD-90,

    Played from 2003-2006, Quit when my son was born

    Returned in 2011.

    Yes I am an old time player who learned to play the hard way.


    San O Doria - 9
    Windhurst - 9
    Bastok - 0


    • #3

      Originally posted by pxch View Post
      Well I can't help you right now since I am at work. maybe some one else can. But you can come to Cerberus and we can help you in the LS.

      From what I do remember about Content ID's it is from POL. You now need an SE ID and you get that from the new website. You have to do ti that way now. When I switched over from POL to SE it was a pain trying to get POL to accept my new Se id because it didn't want to update my PW. It took about 3 hours to get it to transfer over. After that it was all good though. Not sure if it helped you but I think the problem is in the way SE is handling this. Try to register your game through the Se site and that might help. You might get an Id from there when you do it that way.
      I already registered my game. It just says i need a content ID. Don't know where or how i go about getting it.

      ---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

      I went into the Play Online Viewer thing and i clicked obtain Content ID. Then it said i needed to go to FFXI top page and obtain it there. But it didn't even give me a link to it, so i don't know where to go. I am really frustrated because i just got done spending hours finding out how to make an account for the game and now that ive finally gotten that over with i have to deal with this. I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME!!! HOW MUCH MORE FRUSTRATING CAN THIS GET!!!


      • #4

        Originally posted by thrashhead View Post
        I already registered my game. It just says i need a content ID. Don't know where or how i go about getting it.

        ---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

        I went into the Play Online Viewer thing and i clicked obtain Content ID. Then it said i needed to go to FFXI top page and obtain it there. But it didn't even give me a link to it, so i don't know where to go. I am really frustrated because i just got done spending hours finding out how to make an account for the game and now that ive finally gotten that over with i have to deal with this. I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME!!! HOW MUCH MORE FRUSTRATING CAN THIS GET!!!
        Did you type in your CD Key? That is what I had to do and it showed my content ID.
        Whm- 90, BLM-90, BST-90, PLD-90,

        Played from 2003-2006, Quit when my son was born

        Returned in 2011.

        Yes I am an old time player who learned to play the hard way.


        San O Doria - 9
        Windhurst - 9
        Bastok - 0


        • #5
          Re: NEED HELP PLEASE!

          Originally posted by thrashhead View Post
          Dealing with SE, probably a lot.

          I don't know how to obtain a content ID from the new website though, I'm sorry.
          99 DNC
          99 WHM
          99 WAR
          * 99 THF
          99 BLM * 99 RDM *
          99 PUP



          • #6
            Re: NEED HELP PLEASE!

            It is all good and fine. I have my Content ID finally. Thanks for trying to help me out though. Very much appreciated. I will add a thanks to your account.


            • #7
              Re: NEED HELP PLEASE!

              so what was the solution? Now I am wanting to know.
              Whm- 90, BLM-90, BST-90, PLD-90,

              Played from 2003-2006, Quit when my son was born

              Returned in 2011.

              Yes I am an old time player who learned to play the hard way.


              San O Doria - 9
              Windhurst - 9
              Bastok - 0


              • #8
                Re: NEED HELP PLEASE!

                You should use the SE account to manage these things now.
                Pol isnt to be used. I had to reactivate my characters when the change happened as my payment failed because of the introduction of the new payment system. But I had to handle my id's via SE account instead of POL.
                One thing to make sure you check is that the ammount of content id's you have is correct.

                I've always had 1 main character and 2 mules. and that is what I paid for for the past 5 years. The change happened and suddenly I now pay game service + my main and 2 mules and they squeezed in a blank content i'd that I have never purchased. I've never had 4 id's on my acccount.

                All the clickandbuy hate I have seen is unreal. SE seem to be the underhanded ones well in my instance anyway.

                Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                • #9
                  Re: NEED HELP PLEASE!

                  Originally posted by pxch View Post
                  so what was the solution? Now I am wanting to know.
                  1. Go to and sign in
                  2. Under "Services and Options" click select service
                  3. then click "Play Online/Final Fantasy XI"
                  4. Under "Active Service Accounts" click options list
                  5. Click "Add New Options" and follow the instructions from there.

                  Hope i helped.

