hello to all who are returning to cerberus and FFXI.
For those of you returning congradulations on the journey back.
I myself have returned from a 4 year break. Yes this game has changed alot. When i left there was a cap of lvl 75, Aht Urhgan was the new expansion and people were just learning the area.
I was originally on Hades and fortunately my charecter was still alive for me to be able to get it back. Not every one is able to do that.
Here is what i offer. The Link Shell I am in is made up of old returning players. And Really each server should have one of these. I believe there are a few already around. What we offer is friendly fun, excitement. We do missions, and quests with each other because it is fun.
If you ever wanted to get revenge on the Sea Horror, or the Pirates, Maybe even a scorpion or two in Crawlers nest. Yes we do that too.
Come join the S.O.B on Cerberus and we will show you a Great time. We are a US link shell from the east coast to the west. We have a few overseas members that play in our time zones.
Sack holders are Pxchelldog, Randomscrub (owner), Redreem, and Nicgrin.
We are more than happy to have old and new friends join us. Hell you can even find us on face book.
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For those of you returning congradulations on the journey back.
I myself have returned from a 4 year break. Yes this game has changed alot. When i left there was a cap of lvl 75, Aht Urhgan was the new expansion and people were just learning the area.
I was originally on Hades and fortunately my charecter was still alive for me to be able to get it back. Not every one is able to do that.
Here is what i offer. The Link Shell I am in is made up of old returning players. And Really each server should have one of these. I believe there are a few already around. What we offer is friendly fun, excitement. We do missions, and quests with each other because it is fun.
If you ever wanted to get revenge on the Sea Horror, or the Pirates, Maybe even a scorpion or two in Crawlers nest. Yes we do that too.
Come join the S.O.B on Cerberus and we will show you a Great time. We are a US link shell from the east coast to the west. We have a few overseas members that play in our time zones.
Sack holders are Pxchelldog, Randomscrub (owner), Redreem, and Nicgrin.
We are more than happy to have old and new friends join us. Hell you can even find us on face book.
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