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Craft Skill Limitations

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  • #16
    Re: Craft Skill Limitations

    Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
    And yeah, it's a shame they only focus on synergy now but I suppose slowly increasing the cap on a brand new craft has a greater chance of retaining subscriptions over adding new and interesting recipes to crafts people already have levelled.
    I think they should honestly raise the cap to crafts to 150, and make it so that all crafts can go to 85, then only enough to bring one to 100, and another to 150. That way they can add A LOT more items into the game, and could also improve the economy of the game.

    They should also increase rates of HQs, and increase the chance of actually synthisizing items, and increase the skill up rate. I remember crafting 20+ items one day and only getting .1 skill.


    • #17
      Re: Craft Skill Limitations

      Recently I've took an interest in crafts.
      Since my Bst recently hit 75. I've taken a break and had my eye on the triforce of crafts. Fishing, Cooking and Alchemy.
      I'm not crazy enough to think I'm going to compete with the serious hardcore crafters. But I think even just being able to make consumables for myself and friends is better than paying way over the odds for items. My little venture into becoming self reliant came after I looked up the price of dipper yuly jugs for a friend. 150k for a stack. That's abuse right there and there's no way anybody is getting my gil for those when I can collect the items myself even if a little slow.

      It seems outside of consumables things are rarely for sale unless they are big money / heavily camped items. I'ts taken me most of this week to collect Austere gear for my smn 3/5 so far. and ffxiah is still bugged and not showing all transactions which doesnt help things. "Damn you 3rd party tools"

      Um so.... yeah! Increasing the skill limits personally for me is great. I'm sick of being ripped off by greedy people eventually I will be able to make better items to help me and my friends out.

      Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


      • #18
        Re: Craft Skill Limitations

        It only makes sense to raise the craft skill levels when you raise a level cap. Right at 75, the things you could make were the abjuration cursed items (and -1s, rarely) and some other high-tier HQ gear, but that was pretty much it, as far as making a profit. Well, that gear is (mostly) obsolete now, but according to the craft skill charts they're still "elite" based on how rare/hard they can be to make.

        They should increase the skill - 50 points does sound good - and spread out gear from level 76 upwards across those levels, until reaching 150 and they have new Tier 0 synths for stuff people would want at level 99, be they similar in nature to cursed items (-1) where it's an item needed specifically to make the gear after you get a drop, or if they're just really goddamn good pieces of gear that would probably be ridiculously expensive but, giving each craft three or so of these, might give people a reason to fucking craft again.

        It doesn't make sense to let the level cap rise but leave the crafting cap where it was, considering there's probably a boatload of crafts at or near the cap that instead should climb upward.
        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
        ~I has a blog~~
        ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


        • #19
          Re: Craft Skill Limitations

          My two cents:

          I think if they raised the cap to 150, it would cause a lot of people to quit, or be really pissed off. Unless they significantly raised the frequency of skill ups, which they would be hard pressed to do. Even then, it would frustrate those who struggled through to get to 100. If anything 100-150 would be less frequent. Look how hard it is post 50 on any craft? I busted my ass to get to 100 on cooking, and comparitively, that is IMO the easiest craft to level. It still took forever, and I would feel betrayed if they threw in another 50 levels. It would basically mean that anyone that reached 100, would now HAVE to get to 150. Otherwise, they only got 2/3 of the way through the craft. Getting to 100 was an accomplishment. Yeah, I know most people say getting to LEVEL 75 was an acheivement, which it was, it took me about a year to get there when I first started. Then they raised the cap, and that pissed off a part of the community. But at least getting to level 90 now, means you can do more stuff. Getting a craft up to 150 only opens a tiny window of stuff you can do.

          Everything post-75 is Abyssea anyways. We don't need more gear or weapons, that is what the trials were designed for. I like the idea of allowing more than one skill to 100, at least if you want to grind through that it's only 40 more levels, and it wouldn't make all that work to get to 100 all for nothing.
          Shiva Server
          Crafting 60 all (Gold 55, Alchemy 90)
          Sandy Rank 10. Basty Rank 10. COP



          • #20
            Re: Craft Skill Limitations

            Raising the cap to 150 would be far too silly. This is about allowing crafters to multiskill for the purpose of Synergy, while also having the secondary effect of improving chances of HQ for synths with dual requirements.

            Other than that this will change nothing at all since players have always been able to have multiple crafts to 100 using mules.

            TL;DR - Multiple synths at 100 due to this update wont change anything, only Synergy recipes would.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #21
              Re: Craft Skill Limitations

              Originally posted by Takelli View Post
              I think they should honestly raise the cap to crafts to 150, and make it so that all crafts can go to 85, then only enough to bring one to 100, and another to 150. That way they can add A LOT more items into the game, and could also improve the economy of the game.
              Except that nobody cares about crafted gear anymore. It's all about the Rare/Ex NM drops and Trials/Seals/etc. That just leaves the consumables.

              If they make the caps higher, they have to add more stuff to synth from the old crafting that people will want to buy, which is not going to happen since they seem to have a hard-on for adding stuff to Synergy. The only other point of raising the caps past 100 would be more HQs... on items that people won't want. As others have said, higher skill meant higher job level items... and now the highest job levels are popping NMs like popcorn for Rare/Ex drops and "green stamps" to upgrade Rare/Ex stuff.

              And how are you going to get there without at least new recipes being added for no purpose other than to give people something to skill up on? The worst thing about those is how much crap that nobody wants to buy (even if they did two years ago) or doesn't sell to NPCs for a profit that you have to grind through for a skillup every now and then. I haven't reached that point yet myself, but I've heard plenty about it.

              I think they're on the right track with increasing the post-60 limits, moving toward needing fewer mules for the people who must obsessively have every craft. And for those cock-block items such as the ones needed for Dynamis armor... make it possible for people to level more crafts, and it'll be easier to find someone to make that 70-90 skill stuff.

              Originally posted by Satori View Post
              My little venture into becoming self reliant came after I looked up the price of dipper yuly jugs for a friend. 150k for a stack. That's abuse right there and there's no way anybody is getting my gil for those when I can collect the items myself even if a little slow.
              The cost of Dipper Yuly is due to the hard work in getting the chigoes, not due to some sort of "Dipper Cartel". I farmed a couple of stacks of Yuly worth myself, and it was enough work that I'd rather just spam NN, after having stocked up on the materials and completed jugs. (A few hundred NNs worth on my two mules.)

              Originally posted by Satori View Post
              and ffxiah is still bugged and not showing all transactions which doesnt help things. "Damn you 3rd party tools"
              FFXIAH only lists the transactions it sees. You know how when you look at the bidding history, there's only ten items on it? Those are where they get their data from. They have a mule-bot on each server that checks that for every item, one at a time. Fast-moving items where people will buy 20-30 within 5 minutes are basically impossible to catch all the transactions.
              Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
              99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
              F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

              >not having all jobs at 99

              Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


              • #22
                Re: Craft Skill Limitations

                Sorry for the Necro…

                Has there been any more info about this? About raising the ‘hidden’ 40 skill levels to 60 or 80?

                I was talking about it with my buddy where he’s got 100 in a craft (I think) and wanted to level cooking as well past 60. So he started leveling cooking from scratch on an alt char. i'm pretty sure his cooking on his main is 60. hate to see him go though another 60 levels of crafting if it's just going to be changed in a couple weeks.

                Any idea if this is something planned still for the future?
                99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD

                -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
                -Farsha (90) Completed!!
                -Verth (90) Completed!!
                -Guttler (95) Completed!
                -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
                -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
                -Aegis just started

                ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


                • #23
                  Re: Craft Skill Limitations

                  No mention has been made.
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


