Re: Post your FFXI goals of the week!
Thanks for the bump on this thread guys. It reminded me of a few things I wanted to post.
Goals for this week:
- Finish WotG Missions (On the final fight with Lillith)
- Finish WotG Windy Quests (Currently 10/13 with 3 fights to go!)
- Finish ACP for my Increased Movement Speed+/Elemental Siphon Pants. Hell... to... the... yes.
- Pick up my Garuda Staff trials again. The recent changes to the Empy trials for it have given the +3 version -12bp timer. This effectively caps my -bp timer as long as I'm wearing my Tieris' Cloak along with it. You can't beat that. Unfortunately, it will render my Caller's Earring useless on Garuda
- Continue to grind Nyzul Isle like I've been wanting to for a while. (currently at floor 20 and I already have the Gun/Staves/Katana at the ready... I just need floor 100... because lets face it... I'm not in this for 8000 WS to get any of those WS)
- Re-cap Dagger/Marksmanship/Great Katana
- Work on capping Staff/Club/Sword
- Finish the final 150 WS points for Savage Blade and fight the NM to unlock it
- Get the Serpantes Cuffs to complete the set so my WHM isn't walking around in only the Feet (the harder of the 2 pieces to get)
- Farm more of the seals to complete the following pieces: WHM Hands, WHM Feet, PUP Hands, PUP feet, PUP Body, PUP Head
- Farm up a pair of NQ PUP AF3 Feet
- Finish upgrading at least one of my Sekka +2's into a Sekka +3 Evasion Katana (It might only be +1 AGI and +2 Damage... but damn it I dumped 23/40 Breeze Geodes into it already and I freaking want it)
- Start working on the PUP AF1 equipment quests
- Dynamis San d'Oria win
- Begin working on MKD
- Collect my Soulsoother Head from the NPC in WG tomorrow to be finished with the Puppet frame upgades
- Take revenge on Ob for allowing me to solo him down to 2% health and then romping on my NIN with a cheap-ass move that wiped my shadows and 1 shotted me.
- Take more pictures to increase my Zeni stock for higher tier pops
- Participate in my first Voidwatch fight
- Get a T2 Voidwalker pop item in preparation for my Kannagi trials yet to come
- Complete my Briareus pop set to match my Sobek pop set... also in preparation for my Kannagi trials yet to come
- Get a T2 Voidwalker pop for Abyssea (currently 0/54... wtf?)
I have a feeling... and bare in mind it's just a feeling. I don't think this is going to happen in a week. Just sayin.
Thanks for the bump on this thread guys. It reminded me of a few things I wanted to post.
Goals for this week:
- Finish WotG Missions (On the final fight with Lillith)
- Finish WotG Windy Quests (Currently 10/13 with 3 fights to go!)
- Finish ACP for my Increased Movement Speed+/Elemental Siphon Pants. Hell... to... the... yes.
- Pick up my Garuda Staff trials again. The recent changes to the Empy trials for it have given the +3 version -12bp timer. This effectively caps my -bp timer as long as I'm wearing my Tieris' Cloak along with it. You can't beat that. Unfortunately, it will render my Caller's Earring useless on Garuda
- Continue to grind Nyzul Isle like I've been wanting to for a while. (currently at floor 20 and I already have the Gun/Staves/Katana at the ready... I just need floor 100... because lets face it... I'm not in this for 8000 WS to get any of those WS)
- Re-cap Dagger/Marksmanship/Great Katana
- Work on capping Staff/Club/Sword
- Finish the final 150 WS points for Savage Blade and fight the NM to unlock it
- Get the Serpantes Cuffs to complete the set so my WHM isn't walking around in only the Feet (the harder of the 2 pieces to get)
- Farm more of the seals to complete the following pieces: WHM Hands, WHM Feet, PUP Hands, PUP feet, PUP Body, PUP Head
- Farm up a pair of NQ PUP AF3 Feet
- Finish upgrading at least one of my Sekka +2's into a Sekka +3 Evasion Katana (It might only be +1 AGI and +2 Damage... but damn it I dumped 23/40 Breeze Geodes into it already and I freaking want it)
- Start working on the PUP AF1 equipment quests
- Dynamis San d'Oria win
- Begin working on MKD
- Collect my Soulsoother Head from the NPC in WG tomorrow to be finished with the Puppet frame upgades
- Take revenge on Ob for allowing me to solo him down to 2% health and then romping on my NIN with a cheap-ass move that wiped my shadows and 1 shotted me.
- Take more pictures to increase my Zeni stock for higher tier pops
- Participate in my first Voidwatch fight
- Get a T2 Voidwalker pop item in preparation for my Kannagi trials yet to come
- Complete my Briareus pop set to match my Sobek pop set... also in preparation for my Kannagi trials yet to come
- Get a T2 Voidwalker pop for Abyssea (currently 0/54... wtf?)
I have a feeling... and bare in mind it's just a feeling. I don't think this is going to happen in a week. Just sayin.