As you probably all know by now, I've returned to the game. The day I quit was the day before the server merge was said to happen. I used to be on Kujata... now on Valefor. Because Kujata was the server being "consumed", my LS and every other Kujata LS was broken when the merge happened.
Now that I have come back, I no longer have my original LS or really any of the friends I has in the game before I quit.
After a little bit of asking around, I decided that I really don't want to "buy in" to any of the current LS's and would rather start my own.
I know when people try to start a LS... it's usually not successful, but I already have 10 people willing to join once we finally decide on a name.
Linkshell: There are a few... contact me in-game
Server: Kujata/Valefor
Activities: Abyssea/Dynamis/Limbus/Missions and MORE!
Recruiting: Always!
Friendly/Helpful?: Always!
I want to make a LS that's friendly to people who are just starting Abyssea and Veterans alike. Those of us that are already committed have come up with a list of events that we would like to regularly undertake along with others that we would be willing to do if the need came up. The following are the activities we are definately shooting for:
Abyssea: Obviously. Farming Seals/Papers/Cards/NM Drops/Mega Bosses
Dynamis: Low man mostly. We'd do runs if there was nothing else to do or if we had a "completionist" in our midst who really wanted to just... have everything for their job.
Limbus: For those people who want to low man it or simply wreck house to get their +1 Rare/Ex items
Missions (Any): If you need help. We're all wiling to aid you. We just ask that you simply return the favor when it's someone else asking.
Sea/Sky Gods: On a case by case basis...
Too many LS's out there have strict rules and regulations that you have to follow. I want ours to be a partnership. The rules will be simple:
1. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours
2. Seacom 1 specific item/event. We'll be doing this at the start of every undertaking. This is the one and only item you are permitted to lot on if it drops. Those items that are not being seacom'd by anyone will be available for lotting by anyone/everyone.
3. No trash-talking. This applies to members of not only our LS, but of others. We're not out to make a reputation for ourselves... and definately not a negative one.
4. Equal partnership. Nobody has veto-power over anyone else. I might hold the Pearl... but I'm no more important than anyone else in it.
5. If a particular mission/quest/event has an entry cost, those who are participating split the cost equally. This will prevent the accumulation of a "LS Bank" and subsequently avoids the chance that anyone can run away with the afformentioned "bank". We've all seen it happen.
6. In events such as Dynamis/Limbus, where currency drops are abundant, they will be pooled to 1 of the officers and split evenly among those who participated. Everyone gets an equal share. (100 Byne Bills will be sold and their profit will be split evenly as well)
7. Attendance is NOT mandatory for any event. But we would like to see you at more than just the events you personally need.
8. Parties will be formed on a "First Come / First Serve" basis. If you weren't on when we started building the party, you'll have to convince someone to swap out for you. Try to keep in mind that people who need something from the event should take some priority over those who do not.
9. If you need help with something specific that requires a lot of people, ask ahead of time. We will make it a point to set aside time to help you, just don't expect it to happen "RIGHT NOW" or even "LATER TODAY".
10. There are NO entry requirements. Anyone can join.
11. Your continued partnership with us will be based on your behavior upon joining. (Hint: If you're not a total asshat... you'll never have to worry about being voted out).
12. Dismissal of any member will fall to a vote. As previously stated, this should never have to happen... but if the situation calls for it, everyone gets an equal vote and NOBODY has veto power.
13. Sense of humor is a must
14. Honor is a must
15. Trustworthyness is a must
16. Kindness is a must
17. Having FUN... is a must.
If you're on Kujata/Valefor, and this sounds appealing to you, either respond here or contact one of the following players in-game.
Yygdrasil - Me
Now that I have come back, I no longer have my original LS or really any of the friends I has in the game before I quit.
After a little bit of asking around, I decided that I really don't want to "buy in" to any of the current LS's and would rather start my own.
I know when people try to start a LS... it's usually not successful, but I already have 10 people willing to join once we finally decide on a name.
Linkshell: There are a few... contact me in-game
Server: Kujata/Valefor
Activities: Abyssea/Dynamis/Limbus/Missions and MORE!
Recruiting: Always!
Friendly/Helpful?: Always!
I want to make a LS that's friendly to people who are just starting Abyssea and Veterans alike. Those of us that are already committed have come up with a list of events that we would like to regularly undertake along with others that we would be willing to do if the need came up. The following are the activities we are definately shooting for:
Abyssea: Obviously. Farming Seals/Papers/Cards/NM Drops/Mega Bosses
Dynamis: Low man mostly. We'd do runs if there was nothing else to do or if we had a "completionist" in our midst who really wanted to just... have everything for their job.
Limbus: For those people who want to low man it or simply wreck house to get their +1 Rare/Ex items
Missions (Any): If you need help. We're all wiling to aid you. We just ask that you simply return the favor when it's someone else asking.
Sea/Sky Gods: On a case by case basis...
Too many LS's out there have strict rules and regulations that you have to follow. I want ours to be a partnership. The rules will be simple:
1. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours
2. Seacom 1 specific item/event. We'll be doing this at the start of every undertaking. This is the one and only item you are permitted to lot on if it drops. Those items that are not being seacom'd by anyone will be available for lotting by anyone/everyone.
3. No trash-talking. This applies to members of not only our LS, but of others. We're not out to make a reputation for ourselves... and definately not a negative one.
4. Equal partnership. Nobody has veto-power over anyone else. I might hold the Pearl... but I'm no more important than anyone else in it.
5. If a particular mission/quest/event has an entry cost, those who are participating split the cost equally. This will prevent the accumulation of a "LS Bank" and subsequently avoids the chance that anyone can run away with the afformentioned "bank". We've all seen it happen.
6. In events such as Dynamis/Limbus, where currency drops are abundant, they will be pooled to 1 of the officers and split evenly among those who participated. Everyone gets an equal share. (100 Byne Bills will be sold and their profit will be split evenly as well)
7. Attendance is NOT mandatory for any event. But we would like to see you at more than just the events you personally need.
8. Parties will be formed on a "First Come / First Serve" basis. If you weren't on when we started building the party, you'll have to convince someone to swap out for you. Try to keep in mind that people who need something from the event should take some priority over those who do not.
9. If you need help with something specific that requires a lot of people, ask ahead of time. We will make it a point to set aside time to help you, just don't expect it to happen "RIGHT NOW" or even "LATER TODAY".
10. There are NO entry requirements. Anyone can join.
11. Your continued partnership with us will be based on your behavior upon joining. (Hint: If you're not a total asshat... you'll never have to worry about being voted out).
12. Dismissal of any member will fall to a vote. As previously stated, this should never have to happen... but if the situation calls for it, everyone gets an equal vote and NOBODY has veto power.
13. Sense of humor is a must
14. Honor is a must
15. Trustworthyness is a must
16. Kindness is a must
17. Having FUN... is a must.
If you're on Kujata/Valefor, and this sounds appealing to you, either respond here or contact one of the following players in-game.
Yygdrasil - Me