Hi folks.I just bought FFXI for the 360.After starting it up, it said there was a problem with the Playonline Viewerand if I wanted to re install it, un install it, etc. I picked the quit option, and after starting it up again, it wouldnt play again (disc read error it says).Its not my system, other games work fine. Is this game useless now?I googled online but couldnt find 1 thing about playing FFXI on 360 and any problems with this. Is this somehow related to the now defunct PlayOnline Viewer?
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Final Fantasy XI on XBox 360.
Re: Final Fantasy XI on XBox 360.
Hey there, I know this thread is a few days old, but I felt I should post my experience.
I had the same problem. I am going to assume you are using the NXE, and not the old "Blades" Dashboard. It seems to be a problem related to the NXE, where if you don't properly quit the PlayOnline Viewer, it refuses to work, that is, you have to go back to the log in screen, then select Quit, in your case, that'd be Exit on the install screen. It is recommended that you DO NOT use the Xbox Guide to quit the game. I see you already did that, so you're good so far.
This is how I fixed mine: The first thing to do is power cycle your 360, turn it completely off, wait about 10 seconds, then boot it back up. Keep the FFXI disc OUT of the Xbox while doing this. Then, clear your Disk cache. Power cycle again, and then, insert the disc. If you are able to get into the Viewer, select the Install option on the log in screen, and reinstall POL. This should also help if POL is not cleanly installing. If that doesn't work for you, the only other option is to wipe the hard drive, and start fresh. I don't think you'd want to do that though, since it will erase all your saved data.
Its stupid, the Viewer should be able to boot, it did on the old Dashboard, and SE doesn't seem like they are interested in fixing it, actually, they're ditching POL, but, it would still need to be used AT LEAST as a launcher, so if we can't get it to work now, how could they guarantee it will work then?
EDIT: Found this online, hopefully it will help:
"So looks like the key to a successful FFXI install using NXE is:
1) Make sure you have the 2008 Vana'diel Collection and not an earlier version
2) Install POL to HDD, launch from HDD, Choose Uninstall software.
3) Verify no POL exists on your HDD by checking in the Memory tab. If there is a copy there, after having done #2, remove this copy too (thru dashboard delete)
4) Launch disc and install as normal."Last edited by Kapi; 12-18-2010, 11:13 PM.
Thanks 0