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Final Fantasy XI or XIV

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  • Final Fantasy XI or XIV

    Hey guys,

    Been a LONG time i know, alot of new and old member still around ^.^ nice to see! soe of you might remember me or might not.

    Anyway i as wondering the current state of XI. Since XIV has come t i was wandering if this has effected the state of XI economy? ive also heard XIV sucks hard from IGN and Gamespot.

    Are you still playing XI or XIV??? or both???

    75 Summoner
    37 White Mage

    75 Red Mage
    37 White Mage

    Rank: 7
    Currently Leveling: WHM

  • #2
    Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

    one MMORPG for me at a time, so XIV only ;p .....for now
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

      How are you enjoying XIV kail?? im going to pick my copy up in a couple of weeks. Isn't there a 36 hr cooldown on levequests and a week cooldown on fatigue??

      75 Summoner
      37 White Mage

      75 Red Mage
      37 White Mage

      Rank: 7
      Currently Leveling: WHM


      • #4
        Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

        No matter how many times FFXIV gets ragged on - hell I do it all the time, I'm still going to play it come the PS3 release. (Though with the 3DS coming around that time and me still not having a PS3... damn, tough choice.)

        One reason is, I can't go back to FFXI because I deleted my characters to ensure I wouldn't. Second, I'm optimistic by the time the PS3 release comes around, most of the bugs and annoyances (like leve cooldown) will hopefully be gone. Third... dammit, I gotta make a Dunesfolk Lalafell. I just gotta!

        And holy crap, I was a lurker back then and I can actually remember you. o_o
        Originally posted by Yygdrasil
        Originally posted by Nandito

        You make me want to hurt things.


        • #5
          Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

          [And holy crap, I was a lurker back then and I can actually remember you. o_o

          Hehe gladsomeone does ^.^ and i think i agree with what your saying. It would be meaningless now to play FFXI with FFXIV being such a close replacement.

          Even though the game does get the stuffing beaten out of it (verbally), everything that the reviewers have mentioned has been in comparison to FFXI. Which i LOVED .

          The only problems iveread about that actually annoy me, is the fact there is NO auction house?! wht the hell? i heard they are going to implement one though?

          Cant wait to join you guys

          75 Summoner
          37 White Mage

          75 Red Mage
          37 White Mage

          Rank: 7
          Currently Leveling: WHM


          • #6
            Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

            Originally posted by emeraldpearl View Post
            Anyway i as wondering the current state of XI. Since XIV has come t i was wandering if this has effected the state of XI economy?
            Between Abyssea, magian trials, and FF 4.0, er, I mean XIV, prices of some things are on the rise because nobody is doing the stuff they used to that gave crystals and Imperial Standing. I've gotten 2k for stacks of freaking wind crystals by being at the right place at the right time.

            But I put the blame more on Abyssea and magian trials sucking people away from their usual old stuff than on anything else. That new shiny thing makes people disappear entirely, but the ones who stay in FFXI are the ones buying the stuff that people aren't farming as a side-effect of leveling/meripo.

            Also, new content is making old gear worth a lot less, or even nothing. If one thing has been consistent about FFXI over the past few years, it's that if you quit playing you should just sell all your good gear and leave the gil on your character in case you decide to go back.
            Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
            99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
            F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

            >not having all jobs at 99

            Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


            • #7
              Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

              There are 2100 players on Fenrir right now. If anything I think XIV has actually made some people come back. <_<;
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #8
                Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

                I would stick with XI for the time being. For like $15~20 you can get the ultimate edition that comes with everything except the Abyssea add-ons.

                XIV has the potential to be amazing, but is in my eyes a half-finished product right now and should still be in beta for the next 3~6 months.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

                  Final Fantasy IX definitely. It's a much better game with plenty of replay value and no monthly fee. You can buy it straight off of PSN, too, so you don't even have to worry about finding a used copy at a garage sale or anything like that. As far as I am concerned, IX was the last good FF title. Admittedly, Zidane isn't the best main character, but the rest of the cast (except for Quina) make up for that.

                  Not sure why all you guys are talking about XI when he clearly asked about IX in the title. FFXI is pretty cool too and easily better than FF 4.0, but the man clearly asked about IX, not XI. Way to read, guys.

                  500 hours in MS paint


                  • #10
                    Re: Final Fantasy IX or XIV

                    Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
                    Final Fantasy IX definitely. It's a much better game with plenty of replay value and no monthly fee. You can buy it straight off of PSN, too, so you don't even have to worry about finding a used copy at a garage sale or anything like that. As far as I am concerned, IX was the last good FF title. Admittedly, Zidane isn't the best main character, but the rest of the cast (except for Quina) make up for that.

                    Not sure why all you guys are talking about XI when he clearly asked about IX in the title. FFXI is pretty cool too and easily better than FF 4.0, but the man clearly asked about IX, not XI. Way to read, guys.
                    EDIT: my sincerest apologies, just been told someone edited the title because i made the mistake! so sorry

                    but yeah im not sure either way, looks like XI is still going strong, however with all the bugs in XIV it seems abit hard to invest £8.99 a month on a game that as you said feels like a half finished product. However i am willing to give the free 30 day trial a go

                    im sure if its ANYTHING like XI it will be amazing.
                    Last edited by emeraldpearl; 10-10-2010, 01:55 PM.

                    75 Summoner
                    37 White Mage

                    75 Red Mage
                    37 White Mage

                    Rank: 7
                    Currently Leveling: WHM


                    • #11
                      Re: Final Fantasy XI or XIV

                      The original thread title before TGM changed it was "Final Fantasy IX or XIV" (look at the titles of the replies)
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: Final Fantasy XI or XIV

                        Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                        The original thread title before TGM changed it was "Final Fantasy IX or XIV" (look at the titles of the replies)
                        My apologies my mistake. Hadnt realised it had been corrected

                        75 Summoner
                        37 White Mage

                        75 Red Mage
                        37 White Mage

                        Rank: 7
                        Currently Leveling: WHM


                        • #13
                          Re: Final Fantasy XI or XIV

                          I find XI too much of a timesink to get back into to be honest. You basically have to get a new Linkshell and hope they are ones that actually are helpful then proceed to somehow make money when Squeenix have gotten rid of all of the good ones due to RMT abuse. Oh and you also have to update your gear, starting from scratch to do these Magian Trials that are just over glorified grinding sessions that you are unlikely to get done i na reasonable amount of time if you have a job, or family, or school.

                          Just go for FFXIV, the game has it's faults but at least you don't have to wait until ridiculous o clock in order to scrape together a party to get anything done.
                          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                          Reiko Takahashi
                          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                          Haters Gonna Hate


                          • #14
                            Re: Final Fantasy XI or XIV

                            Doesn't matter. Just putting everyone on the same page.
                            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                            • #15
                              Re: Final Fantasy XI or XIV

                              Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                              starting from scratch to do these Magian Trials that are just over glorified grinding sessions that you are unlikely to get done i na reasonable amount of time if you have a job, or family, or school.
                              This is not true for most trials, because except for the NM/VNM weapons most the rest are VERY casual/solo friendly for the most part. Proof of that is I have not 1 but 4 weapons currently leveling that I started from scratch after coming back after more than half a year away from the game.

                              With specific day/weather trials all you really need to do is get a timer like the Vana timer so you can see what days of the Vanaweek you can be online and just kill stuff for an hour at a time. For toughest trials there's usually a party going on at least. Etc. Etc.

                              (Although I wish people were that willing to team up for easier trials instead of wasting time trying to go solo at it even if they can kill 50+mobs on their own. orz)

                              And you get better weapons than old relics spending only a fraction of the time, so it's definitely worth it.

                              So I'd suggest you just gave it a try if you go back to XI, you might be surprised about how fast you can get trials done sometimes.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


