Since I wish someone had made one of these long ago to quell some VOIP fights. Taken from Vana'diel WORLD REPORT .050224. Will only cover up through COP, unless I get a more recent one for whatever reason. Katakana listed because if you're a geek you really ought to at least be able to squeek by in reading them, and they'll give a better pronunciation clue to people who know it. And yes, many of these are more annoying than pronouncing Bahamut as Bah-hah-moot instead of Bah-hah-mit.
**Dem (デム): Dem
**Holla (ホラ): ¡Hola! With a hard H though.
**Mea (メア): May-a. Think Thomas Menino.
**Vahzl (ヴァズ): Vah-zoo(l)
Altepa (アルテパ): Ahl-tep-ah
Attohwa (アットワ): Ottawa. Technically it's a little different, but fuck trying to explain it, it's Ottawa now.
Balga (ãƒãƒ«ã‚¬): Bahl-gah. Alternatively, Baluga as in whale.
Batallia (ãƒã‚¿ãƒªã‚¢): Ba tal li a.
Beadeaux (ベドー): Bay doh
Beaucedine (ボスディン): Boss-deen.
Bibiki (ビビã‚): Bih bih key
Bostaunieux (ボストーニュ): Bos toh nyu. Alternatively, we all call it Boston U from now on.
Boyahda (ボヤーダ): Bo yah duh
Buburimu (ブブリム): Bu bu ri mu
Dangruf (ダングルフ): Dan groo+(f)
Davoi (ダボイ): Dah voy
Delkfutts (デルクフ): Delk-foo(ts?)
Eldieme (エルディーム): El deem
Fei'Yin (フェ・イン): Fay Een
Garlaige (ガルレージュ): Garl age
Ghelsba (ゲルスãƒ): ...Ghelsba. Hard G. Other than that it's basically what you'd expect reading it.
Giddeus (ギデアス): Gidday-us
Gusgen (グスゲン): Goose-gen.
Gustaberg (グスタベルグ): Goose ta behrg
Gustav (グスタフ): Goose taf
Horlais (ホルレー): Whore lay. Jesus Christ, the orcs are perverts.
Horutoto (ホルトト): Ho ru to to
Jugner (ジャグナー): Jug ner.
Konschtat (コンシュタット): Cone-shoe-tat
Korroloka (コãƒãƒã‚«): Kor roh loh kah
Kuftal (クフタル): Koof tahl
La'Loff (ラ・ãƒãƒ•): La Loh+(f)
La Theine (ラテーヌ): Lah Thay+(n)
Lufaise (ルフェーゼ): Loo phase-A
Meriphataud (メリファト): Mary fat oh.
Misareaux (ミザレオ): Mizarayoh
Movalpolos (ムãƒãƒ«ãƒãƒã‚¹): Moovahl poh-lohs
Onzozo (オンゾゾ): Own zo zo. Guys I am not even kidding about this, seriously. This is just romanized Japanese up ins.
Ordelle (オルデール): Ordell. Just think "Orwell" with a D.
Palborough (パルブãƒ): Pal boo row
Passhow (パシュãƒã‚¦): Pah shauw (rhymes with "cow")
Phanaut (ファノエ): Fa no eh
Phomiuna (フォミュナ): Foe Mewna
Promyvion (プãƒãƒŸãƒ´ã‚£ã‚ªãƒ³): Promih vian
Pso'Xja (ソ・ジヤ): So Ji-ah
Qu'Bia (ク・ビア): Koo Bea
Qufim (クフィム): Koo-fim
Qulun (クゥルン): Koo loon
Ranguemont (ラングモント): Wrong moont
Ranperre (ランペール): Rahn pair
Rolanberry (ãƒãƒ©ãƒ³ãƒ™ãƒªãƒ¼): Row lan berry
Ronfaure (ãƒãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒ«): Rohn fohr.
Ro'Maeve (ãƒãƒ»ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ´): Row May+(v)
Ru'Aun (ル・オン): Rue Own
Ru'Avitau (ル・アビタウ): Roo Ah vee tau
Sarutabaruta (サルタãƒãƒ«ã‚¿): Sa ru ta ba ru ta. Because Windurst is actually how SE sees Japan.
Sauromugue (ソãƒãƒ ã‚°): Sorrow-moog
Shakrami (シャクラミ): Shock rah me
Tahrongi (ã‚¿ãƒãƒ³ã‚®): Ta ron gi
Teriggan (テリガン): Te ri gan
Toraimorai (トライモライ): To rai mo rai
Uggalepih (ウガレピ): Oo-gally-pee.
Uleguerand (ウルガラン): Ull Gran(d)
Valkurm (ãƒãƒ«ã‚¯ãƒ«ãƒ ): Vahl-koorm. Alternatively, Val Kilmer.
Ve'Lugannon (ヴェ・ルガノン): Vay Loo ga non
Waughroon (ワールン): Wah rune. The "gh" is just for shits and giggles.
Xarcabard (ザルカãƒãƒ¼ãƒ‰): Zar kah bard
Yhoator (ヨアトル): Yoah-tore. Not sure if the yo ah is supposed to be two separate syllables or not.
Yuguhott (ユゴホト): You goo hoe+(t). The first one I honestly did not see coming.
Yuhtunga (ユタンガ): You-tongue-ah
Zheruhn (ツェールン): Zay rune
Zi'Tah (ジ・タ): Zee Tah
Zvahl (ズãƒã‚¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«): Zvahl
Town pronunciation starts 164, ends 234 if I ever decide to get around to it.
**Dem (デム): Dem
**Holla (ホラ): ¡Hola! With a hard H though.
**Mea (メア): May-a. Think Thomas Menino.
**Vahzl (ヴァズ): Vah-zoo(l)
Altepa (アルテパ): Ahl-tep-ah
Attohwa (アットワ): Ottawa. Technically it's a little different, but fuck trying to explain it, it's Ottawa now.
Balga (ãƒãƒ«ã‚¬): Bahl-gah. Alternatively, Baluga as in whale.
Batallia (ãƒã‚¿ãƒªã‚¢): Ba tal li a.
Beadeaux (ベドー): Bay doh
Beaucedine (ボスディン): Boss-deen.
Bibiki (ビビã‚): Bih bih key
Bostaunieux (ボストーニュ): Bos toh nyu. Alternatively, we all call it Boston U from now on.
Boyahda (ボヤーダ): Bo yah duh
Buburimu (ブブリム): Bu bu ri mu
Dangruf (ダングルフ): Dan groo+(f)
Davoi (ダボイ): Dah voy
Delkfutts (デルクフ): Delk-foo(ts?)
Eldieme (エルディーム): El deem
Fei'Yin (フェ・イン): Fay Een
Garlaige (ガルレージュ): Garl age
Ghelsba (ゲルスãƒ): ...Ghelsba. Hard G. Other than that it's basically what you'd expect reading it.
Giddeus (ギデアス): Gidday-us
Gusgen (グスゲン): Goose-gen.
Gustaberg (グスタベルグ): Goose ta behrg
Gustav (グスタフ): Goose taf
Horlais (ホルレー): Whore lay. Jesus Christ, the orcs are perverts.
Horutoto (ホルトト): Ho ru to to
Jugner (ジャグナー): Jug ner.
Konschtat (コンシュタット): Cone-shoe-tat
Korroloka (コãƒãƒã‚«): Kor roh loh kah
Kuftal (クフタル): Koof tahl
La'Loff (ラ・ãƒãƒ•): La Loh+(f)
La Theine (ラテーヌ): Lah Thay+(n)
Lufaise (ルフェーゼ): Loo phase-A
Meriphataud (メリファト): Mary fat oh.
Misareaux (ミザレオ): Mizarayoh
Movalpolos (ムãƒãƒ«ãƒãƒã‚¹): Moovahl poh-lohs
Onzozo (オンゾゾ): Own zo zo. Guys I am not even kidding about this, seriously. This is just romanized Japanese up ins.
Ordelle (オルデール): Ordell. Just think "Orwell" with a D.
Palborough (パルブãƒ): Pal boo row
Passhow (パシュãƒã‚¦): Pah shauw (rhymes with "cow")
Phanaut (ファノエ): Fa no eh
Phomiuna (フォミュナ): Foe Mewna
Promyvion (プãƒãƒŸãƒ´ã‚£ã‚ªãƒ³): Promih vian
Pso'Xja (ソ・ジヤ): So Ji-ah
Qu'Bia (ク・ビア): Koo Bea
Qufim (クフィム): Koo-fim
Qulun (クゥルン): Koo loon
Ranguemont (ラングモント): Wrong moont
Ranperre (ランペール): Rahn pair
Rolanberry (ãƒãƒ©ãƒ³ãƒ™ãƒªãƒ¼): Row lan berry
Ronfaure (ãƒãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒ«): Rohn fohr.
Ro'Maeve (ãƒãƒ»ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ´): Row May+(v)
Ru'Aun (ル・オン): Rue Own
Ru'Avitau (ル・アビタウ): Roo Ah vee tau
Sarutabaruta (サルタãƒãƒ«ã‚¿): Sa ru ta ba ru ta. Because Windurst is actually how SE sees Japan.
Sauromugue (ソãƒãƒ ã‚°): Sorrow-moog
Shakrami (シャクラミ): Shock rah me
Tahrongi (ã‚¿ãƒãƒ³ã‚®): Ta ron gi
Teriggan (テリガン): Te ri gan
Toraimorai (トライモライ): To rai mo rai
Uggalepih (ウガレピ): Oo-gally-pee.
Uleguerand (ウルガラン): Ull Gran(d)
Valkurm (ãƒãƒ«ã‚¯ãƒ«ãƒ ): Vahl-koorm. Alternatively, Val Kilmer.
Ve'Lugannon (ヴェ・ルガノン): Vay Loo ga non
Waughroon (ワールン): Wah rune. The "gh" is just for shits and giggles.
Xarcabard (ザルカãƒãƒ¼ãƒ‰): Zar kah bard
Yhoator (ヨアトル): Yoah-tore. Not sure if the yo ah is supposed to be two separate syllables or not.
Yuguhott (ユゴホト): You goo hoe+(t). The first one I honestly did not see coming.
Yuhtunga (ユタンガ): You-tongue-ah
Zheruhn (ツェールン): Zay rune
Zi'Tah (ジ・タ): Zee Tah
Zvahl (ズãƒã‚¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«): Zvahl
Town pronunciation starts 164, ends 234 if I ever decide to get around to it.