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Abyssea Experiences

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  • Re: Abyssea Experiences

    Then you need to put more ATK into your build. DNC gets access to more Base Damage daggers than RDM and a slightly higher skill (therefore the slightly higher base attack). This means you should be able to deal damage if I can with a Blau Dolch. What food do you eat? I can get around a 90% ACC rate with 22% gear haste /DNC which means a DNC sould be able to get 95% with the same or similar haste. I also have over 400ATK pre food, which means I wind up around 450ATK unless im getting minuet in which case I clear 500. (i use marinera pizza +1)

    Avg DMG is 30-40 per swing main and off hand a DNC should be able to get that same amount of damage. So hitting for 0's, are you talking about NM's?

    Also I hope a DNC can average 500-600DMG, I average 400-500 damage with evisceration, 500-600 on piercing weak mobs, and my WS set is still missing a few items that should push me up another 50 or so.

    sig courtesy tgm
    retired -08


    • Re: Abyssea Experiences

      I finally tried 2 abyssea xp PT.... horrible horrible! It take 5-6 hours to get 150k xp total? wouldn't i get more mana burn every hour?
      1) Even if all you got for 5 hours of play was 150K, that's still 30K per hour.

      2) You can't manaburn on WAR.


      • Re: Abyssea Experiences

        Originally posted by wrongfeifong View Post
        There is no denial that DNC can out TP a sam consider the speed a dnc can hit.

        If you have joytoy with sword merit. You can have 2 weapon hit 2-3 time on each head with a 50% double atk (or higher if you have the gear) running @ MAX haste (dual weild V).

        Then again dnc's normal dmg is so shitty you should worry about hitting 0 or not, @least i am ..since i am a taru.

        I finally tried 2 abyssea xp PT.... horrible horrible! It take 5-6 hours to get 150k xp total? wouldn't i get more mana burn every hour?

        Alright, here's my observations about how to get the best Exp on Mandies in Tahrongi-Aby:

        1. Get 100 keys, possibly more, but 100 to start.

        2. Show up to the party

        3. make the following macro, /item "Forbidden Key" <stnpc>

        4. Spam every chest that drops

        5. get 600xp per kill in 3-4hrs.

        Major factors that inhibit XP

        1. Everyone standing around Checking chests...

        2. Having 3-4 players level 60 or below (I don't mind 1 maybe 2, if everyone else is on point, but 4 level 38's running around popping chests is bullshit now that everyone can get 100 keys for 50k curor in 15 seconds)



        • Re: Abyssea Experiences

          Originally posted by wrongfeifong View Post
          I finally tried 2 abyssea xp PT.... horrible horrible! It take 5-6 hours to get 150k xp total? wouldn't i get more mana burn every hour?
          What were you fighting?

          On Friday, we had 11 people & we got over 200k in roughly 4.5 hours in La Theine. Most of us had been capped at level 80, and we all wound up about 12k into level 85. We stopped with 100 minutes left just because people were tired (LS group - we usually go for 4-5 hours and stop).

          So far, we haven't taken lower-level people in to open chests. We have two (or sometimes three) people opening chests between casting spells. Most of us have keys so we can pop time chests right away -- or we can open any chest when the puzzle-solving aspect isn't working out.


          • Re: Abyssea Experiences

            Originally posted by NightShayde View Post
            So far, we haven't taken lower-level people in to open chests. We have two (or sometimes three) people opening chests between casting spells. Most of us have keys so we can pop time chests right away -- or we can open any chest when the puzzle-solving aspect isn't working out.

            Again Abyssea Parties:

            - People AFKing randomly until it gets to the point where 4-6 people are AFK
            - eat some friggin food folks, I mean Chiefkabobs are like 3-4k a stack?
            - Insta pop- gold, ruby, and here's the nice trick with Blue's
            -after awhile and your checking your Capped blue chests, open a temp item chest, and then tell everyone to use theirs, which are really awesome, and last about 5 mins i think?
            -Spam all chests until those buff's wear, then if you haven't gotten Temp items in the chest spam, go back to checking blue chests until you find another temp, and do a caps lock message in party chat, i like : USE TEMPS, 20 SECONDS X3 (start count after the third message)

            Unless your doing a certain type of party, 2hr reset for blms is the most beneficial as it resets their MP.

            Just food for thought really.


            • Re: Abyssea Experiences

              We do that "Use Temp Items" thing, which works out nicely. When we have a SMN, that person is usually the beneficiary of the 2hr chests. Popping out Odin & killing a few beasties at a time is a good thing.

              I really like going with my LS. We're pretty small (hence usually doing Abyssea with just 11 or 12 people), but we all work together very well. People know what to expect from each other, everyone knows what he/she is doing, and we don't have random people becoming asshats for no apparent reason. AFKs are announced (usually to get a snack, put kids to bed, walk dogs, or have a cigarette) and pretty short. Nobody is taking advantage of anyone else. The leaders don't have to get all shouty WITH CAPS LOCK to get people to do the desired kind of kills. It's just fun, relaxing, and quite lucrative.


              • Re: Abyssea Experiences

                I don't remember who posted that Gimp abyssea parse, but I will match and raise you one.

                im going to load in a photo unless I can make a table

                Jobs in order
                WAR/NIN (then BLM/RDM)
                PLD/NIN (DD)
                RNG/NIN (then COR /???)
                RDM/DRK (/DNC for a bit)
                PLD/WAR (tank)
                THF/NIN (puller)
                BLU/NIN (then RDM/BLM)

                Jobs in order are
                Diablos (blacked out by mistake)

                Healing done by jobs in order:
                PET (LUCKY LUSH)
                RDM/DRK (/DNC)
                PET (Auto)
                BLU/NIN (RDM/BLM)

                Now that is bad DPS. I am sorry but like I said earlier in the thread if a RDM is out DPSing you then you are doing something wrong. I did not see one other person eat food, I was eating pizza +1. My party was BLU/BLU/BRD/RDM/BLM/RNG, so I didn't have a big haste cycle (me) or refresh cycle (blm and me) which gave me time to melee. I did however cure the most out of anyone there. (Granted I was there the longest but still the next closest to me, was still in group when I left.) I ranked 7th on total DPS (excluding magic DPS because it is broken) settling in behind RNG/SAM (31DPS) WAR/NIN (whose DPS was 19 before going to BLM), SAM/NIN (16DPS) BLU/NIN (15 DPS) DRK/SAM (12.9 DPS) BLU/NIN (12.6 DPS) RDM/DRK (12.1 DPS).

                Now had I stayed RDM/DRK and only used Sanguine Blade id likely have maintained my 16DPS I had for the first couple hours, however I wanted to finish capping dagger and went /DNC for a while, and Evisceration was hardly as consistent, and my DPS suffered greatly due to it, It wasn't until I got Aeolian Edge until it started to climb again.

                This is an example of people who would normally not make my cut, and an example of why I avoid random groups as much as possible. There are several DRG's WAR's NIN's DRK's that didn't break 10DPS, and focusing attention to the melee DPS only coloumn (first) I had higher melee DPS than all but 4 people. (lot DPS in Magical DPS vs BLU's and WS DPS vs Melee, however had I continued using Sanguine Blade that was likely going to be different.) The far column 3.37 represents the average of Aeolian Edge and Sanguine, and Aeolian is considerably weaker.

                There is the melee ACC and crap 15 PPL under 75% ACC 17PPL under 80% only 6 people were over 85% That is sad.
                (note the top 7 had the highest ACC, weird isn't it. The RNG had terrble melee ACC but i think he swung once or something)
                Like I said pages ago, there is no reason for melee to be worse than a RDM, unless they are not trying or gimp as all hell. There is no reason I should be 7th over (I understand 5th in melee cuz RDM has fast melee DoT). But had these jobs ate some food, then this parse wouldn't look so bad.
                The black is for anti-drama purposes, I use the forums to handle drama, not my server.
                Last edited by MrMageo; 09-18-2010, 12:38 AM. Reason: im going to load in a photo unless I can make a table

                sig courtesy tgm
                retired -08


                • Re: Abyssea Experiences

                  A little disgusted this morning...

                  ... some duded name Umemiyo... Umemiyu or whatever on Gilgamesh finished Masamune yesterday. It only took him about a 5 days or so to get all the stuff done for it. I heard he had alot of people helping him from his linkshell; and apparently it was from simple pick-up parties in Abyessea as well while trying to shoot for the NM. They would do the NMs non-stop all day one after the other. I don't know how long it took him to work up to getting Masamune though.... but chances are with all his help it didn't take long

                  I mean, I'm glad for the guy that he knows how to get stuff done and has alot of friends, but some of us have a life and a job and can't devote that kind of time to a video game HAHA. I want a Gandiva! But I can't find a shell now in these dreadful last days full of people who want to be cool and do that kind of thing. I mean, I just -wonder- how people accomplish these things.

                  I guess only the select few who are better than everyone else can get this kinda of crap lol. There's just so much worked invovled in it. I hope FF14 isn't like this........... lol

                  ok done /ranting
                  "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"


                  THIS LOOKS AWESOMESAUCE:


                  • Re: Abyssea Experiences

                    How in the nine hells did he get it done like that? Ive had nothing but theory after theory of grinding carabosse with pickups but they all get shot down by my ls groups and whitegate itself (5 hours shouting and got 1 person and 39 "good luck with that). If he got it done like I think he did I'm gonna rage harder then I've ever raged before!

