Re: Abyssea Experiences
No, but I "should" be out DD'ing THF or NIN via melee simply for being geared better. If the NIN is rocking Usukane with a perfectly augmented OAT Magian Katana, then by all means, outdamage deal me. If the NIN is doing it in a Psilos Mantle, then well...don't.
Being "able to" doesn't even remotely imply that it always, or even usually, will.
Not sure if you think being an angsty, defensive little prick helps convey your point or if you're just looking for some love but the fact remains RDM should not be out DD'ing THF or NIN via melee simply because those jobs have little to no use outside of that role.
Any clearer? Ketaru brought the subject of superior gear up in his response to me but considering I was responding to MrMageo, who never stipulated that, it has zero relevance to the discussion.
A RDM should not be able to walk in and out damage anything other than its equals, which are THF, NIN, DNC, BLU. Those are the only melee jobs a RDM should be able to out perform melee wise