I'm looking for some information on FFXI.
I started playing MMO's with EQ, moved on to shadowbane, ffxi, wow, and eq2. I played ffxi with a real life friend and leveled a white mage to around 50 if I remember correctly. I remember lots of fun times leveling sub jobs, such as when I went on what I called the 'Rarab genocide' and leveled to level 30 as a summoner killing almost solely rarabs.
I enjoy MMO's alot but when I play them on my PC I get sucked in for long hours and sit in a dark room away from my wife. She doesn't like that and neither do I.
I have not been MMOing lately and all of the games I have been playing on my xbox (dragon age, mass effect, etc) just can't hold my interest. I really want something online and social, and generally multiplayer on my xbox is a bunch of little kids yelling and trying for high scores. I am sick of this.
As I was walking through the store I saw FFXI ultimate collection for 14.99 amidst the "19.99 and under' games. I have been reading a bit about it online, and saw that FFXIV is on the way later this year. I'm very interested in FFXI and have a few questions for anyone who has played, or knows something about the gameplay, for xbox 360. I want it on the 360 because then I can sit in the living room and play while my wife is in the room and I don't have to isolate myself in front of my PC.
1. Is there still action at low levels, or is it fairly dead (like everquest 1 now is.)?
2. If there is little action, will I still be able to level up in a timely fashion? I seem to remember alot of things requiring group play and grinding. I don't want to rely on waiting for a high level player leveling a sub job to come along to get into a group and advance.
3. How hard is it to play on the Xbox 360? I read that you MUST use a USB keyboard in order to chat on ffxi. Do you then use it for basic gameplay? Also, are you then able to use a mouse, or are you reliant solely on the keyboard?
4. I read that without having a good bit of gil at low levels that you're kind of screwed. Is this true? I refuse to buy gil from a korean breaking the EULA.
5. Can I play for 2 hour blocks of time and still do fairly well in the game? I don't want to play hardcore, soul sucking style like I used to.
If anyone could get back to me on this I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and maybe I'll meet you in Vanadiel soon!
I started playing MMO's with EQ, moved on to shadowbane, ffxi, wow, and eq2. I played ffxi with a real life friend and leveled a white mage to around 50 if I remember correctly. I remember lots of fun times leveling sub jobs, such as when I went on what I called the 'Rarab genocide' and leveled to level 30 as a summoner killing almost solely rarabs.
I enjoy MMO's alot but when I play them on my PC I get sucked in for long hours and sit in a dark room away from my wife. She doesn't like that and neither do I.
I have not been MMOing lately and all of the games I have been playing on my xbox (dragon age, mass effect, etc) just can't hold my interest. I really want something online and social, and generally multiplayer on my xbox is a bunch of little kids yelling and trying for high scores. I am sick of this.
As I was walking through the store I saw FFXI ultimate collection for 14.99 amidst the "19.99 and under' games. I have been reading a bit about it online, and saw that FFXIV is on the way later this year. I'm very interested in FFXI and have a few questions for anyone who has played, or knows something about the gameplay, for xbox 360. I want it on the 360 because then I can sit in the living room and play while my wife is in the room and I don't have to isolate myself in front of my PC.
1. Is there still action at low levels, or is it fairly dead (like everquest 1 now is.)?
2. If there is little action, will I still be able to level up in a timely fashion? I seem to remember alot of things requiring group play and grinding. I don't want to rely on waiting for a high level player leveling a sub job to come along to get into a group and advance.
3. How hard is it to play on the Xbox 360? I read that you MUST use a USB keyboard in order to chat on ffxi. Do you then use it for basic gameplay? Also, are you then able to use a mouse, or are you reliant solely on the keyboard?
4. I read that without having a good bit of gil at low levels that you're kind of screwed. Is this true? I refuse to buy gil from a korean breaking the EULA.
5. Can I play for 2 hour blocks of time and still do fairly well in the game? I don't want to play hardcore, soul sucking style like I used to.
If anyone could get back to me on this I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and maybe I'll meet you in Vanadiel soon!