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Should I start FFXI???

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  • Should I start FFXI???

    I'm looking for some information on FFXI.

    I started playing MMO's with EQ, moved on to shadowbane, ffxi, wow, and eq2. I played ffxi with a real life friend and leveled a white mage to around 50 if I remember correctly. I remember lots of fun times leveling sub jobs, such as when I went on what I called the 'Rarab genocide' and leveled to level 30 as a summoner killing almost solely rarabs.

    I enjoy MMO's alot but when I play them on my PC I get sucked in for long hours and sit in a dark room away from my wife. She doesn't like that and neither do I.

    I have not been MMOing lately and all of the games I have been playing on my xbox (dragon age, mass effect, etc) just can't hold my interest. I really want something online and social, and generally multiplayer on my xbox is a bunch of little kids yelling and trying for high scores. I am sick of this.

    As I was walking through the store I saw FFXI ultimate collection for 14.99 amidst the "19.99 and under' games. I have been reading a bit about it online, and saw that FFXIV is on the way later this year. I'm very interested in FFXI and have a few questions for anyone who has played, or knows something about the gameplay, for xbox 360. I want it on the 360 because then I can sit in the living room and play while my wife is in the room and I don't have to isolate myself in front of my PC.

    1. Is there still action at low levels, or is it fairly dead (like everquest 1 now is.)?
    2. If there is little action, will I still be able to level up in a timely fashion? I seem to remember alot of things requiring group play and grinding. I don't want to rely on waiting for a high level player leveling a sub job to come along to get into a group and advance.
    3. How hard is it to play on the Xbox 360? I read that you MUST use a USB keyboard in order to chat on ffxi. Do you then use it for basic gameplay? Also, are you then able to use a mouse, or are you reliant solely on the keyboard?
    4. I read that without having a good bit of gil at low levels that you're kind of screwed. Is this true? I refuse to buy gil from a korean breaking the EULA.
    5. Can I play for 2 hour blocks of time and still do fairly well in the game? I don't want to play hardcore, soul sucking style like I used to.

    If anyone could get back to me on this I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and maybe I'll meet you in Vanadiel soon!


  • #2
    Re: Should I start FFXI???

    Are you just simply asking whats' changed? Becuz it sounds like you are asking about the game in general yet you say you've played it before. As for whats changed honestly im pretty new too but im liking the laid back feel and making a series about it on youtube . Anyways i just wanted to see if you could clear it up so someone a lil more knowledgeable could help ya out.

    Look for the youtube channel "Grimfyreproductions" for my videos about Final Fantasy.

    Oh about ur question on grouping. yes far as i know this game is still strictly grouping from 10 up or you could be in for a long ride lol. Im just playing it until FFXIV comes out


    • #3
      Re: Should I start FFXI???

      No I'm not really checking to see what's changed.

      I played the game for PC just before chains came out.

      I want to play the game for Xbox 360.

      I'm curious how it plays on the console and if you can use a mouse, and if I'm going to be able to easily find people to group with.


      • #4
        Re: Should I start FFXI???

        Price of admission is your soul, but the lack of whiny children makes it worth it.

        1. Yes there is still low level action, although not much of it. Mostly people leveling subjobs or mules and the oddity that is a genuinely new player every so often. It's not quite a wasteland, more like the Wild West of old.

        2. Yes, you can level in a timely fashion. It won't be fast if you do it all by your lonesome, but it won't be foot-eatingly slow either. Besides, a good experience party can rocket you through the early levels if you catch one. Folks do still party as early as the Valkurm Dunes (~lvl 11), although it doesn't really pick up until Qufim Island at level 20 or so. I wouldn't worry about "waiting" on a high level player to be leveling a subjob. There's an endless stream of people working on subjobs or taking up new main jobs.

        3. I have a friend who plays on the 360, controller in hand. He also has a USB keyboard plugged in so he can chat, but it's possible to play the game using just the controller. I have no idea if you can use the keyboard on the 360 the same way you can for PC. You won't use a mouse, regardless of which platform you're on.

        4. You are not screwed. You won't be grabbing all the top gear off the Auction House on your first job right away, but you'll do just fine if you're willing to farm and maybe dabble in some gardening or other gil-making scheme. Gil-buying is not even remotely necessary. Economy's pretty deflated from how it used to be ages ago from what I understand, so even selling loot to NPC shopkeepers can net you acceptable earnings on a fair number of items.

        5. I guess so. I tend to go a little longer on weekends, but a few hours each day should do you just fine.
        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
        Name: Drjones
        Blog: Mediocre Mage


        • #5
          Re: Should I start FFXI???

          Okay, I'll be getting it. You convinced me =D

          Next step... Server suggestions??


          • #6
            Re: Should I start FFXI???

            Ha ha, server selection's pretty much a crap shoot. I think one of them has gathered all the PvP crowd if you're into that sort of thing. Other than that the only difference would be population density. There was recently a set of servers that got merged, so they have slightly higher head counts. Off the top of my head it was:
            Sylph and Fairy
            Hades and Cerberus?
            Midgardsormr and Quetzacoatl
            Bismark and Leviathan

            Someone correct me if I missed any or mismatched them.
            I was on Midgardsormr and got merged with Quetzacoatl. Overall I prefer the larger population, although I'm not at endgame and some people swear the crowding and competition there is unpleasant after the merge. But hey, it'll be a while before you hit that bottle neck and in the meantime it'll mean more people to bump into and party it up with. Or maybe you prefer it a little less crowded, I don't know.
            There's good folk on every server, the trick is finding them once you get there.
            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
            Name: Drjones
            Blog: Mediocre Mage


            • #7
              Re: Should I start FFXI???

              Ya server choice is completely random at best...unless you have rl friends that play any will do. like cidbahmut said there are a couple that are more populated b/c of the server merger. I'm on Slyph and have been for last 4 years and have loved being there. was on caitsith before that. Economy on my server just deflaited a bit and prices are going down...quit a bit in a short time actually but have leveled off the last couple weeks.

              Up to you what server you pick theres good and bad people on every server...good thing is you get to choose who you hang around.

              Look me up if ya decide Slyph but good luck where ever you go.


              • #8
                Re: Should I start FFXI???

                Here my response to your questions... slightly more realistic from my experiences:

                1. Is there still action at low levels, or is it fairly dead (like everquest 1 now is.)?
                - If you mean solo action, yes. 1-10 has pretty much always been solo anyways, unless playing with a friend. After 10... trouble begins.

                2. If there is little action, will I still be able to level up in a timely fashion? I seem to remember alot of things requiring group play and grinding. I don't want to rely on waiting for a high level player leveling a sub job to come along to get into a group and advance.
                - Simple answer, no. Valkurm Dune parties are getting real rare (10-20) now, and with the new expansion out people have stopped leveling up their lower characters and are exploring the new expansions content. Also, PL'ing is non existant for same reason (if you like PLs). Solo'ing is still an option, but this goes slowly. If you're planning on doing WHM, then it'll be real slow.

                3. How hard is it to play on the Xbox 360? I read that you MUST use a USB keyboard in order to chat on ffxi. Do you then use it for basic gameplay? Also, are you then able to use a mouse, or are you reliant solely on the keyboard?
                I play on PS2, and a friend of mine is on 360. All you'll need is controller + keyboard. It'll take a little getting used too at first, but it's not hard.

                4. I read that without having a good bit of gil at low levels that you're kind of screwed. Is this true? I refuse to buy gil from a korean breaking the EULA.
                - You won't be screwed, and at lower levels items aren't a huge concern. However, if you'll be soloing, which you probably will be unless you want to sit around with your 'looking for party' flag up for hours on end, you'll want the best gear possible. The best gear possible = expensive.

                5. Can I play for 2 hour blocks of time and still do fairly well in the game? I don't want to play hardcore, soul sucking style like I used to.
                - This will tie into some earlier questions you posted. FFXI has never been a game where 2 hour blocks would yield nicely to do "fairly well" in the game. But it all depends on what your goals are. As I said earlier, if you're looking to party you will be spending the majority of the "2 hour blocks" looking for a party/solo'ing... there's no easy way around it.

                Unfortunately, you're joining the game right after a pretty big expansion, with a level cap raise and more content to explore. But like I said before, it hugely depends on what you want to get out of the game. Realistically, I'm not sure you'd be able to get level 75, let alone 80 or 99, even before FFXIV came out with the play schedule you described.

                If never hurts to give it a try though. Shell out the $30 and see if you like it. I don't mean to discourage you... I think you'll get enough of that once you're in the game.

                I started playing in Sept/Oct of '09, and probably wouldn't be playing now if I started any later, for what it's worth. But I like end-game stuff, so I could be biased.

                Hope this didn't sound too pessimistic... never been pessimistic on a Friday!
                Joined FFXI September 15th, 2009 | PlayStation 2/3
                Retired July 8th, 2010.
                Current Server: Unicorn
                Current Home Nation: San d'Oria (Rank 10)
                Race/Sex: Hume/(Fe)male
                Current Jobs: 80BRD, 75NIN, 59DNC, 51WHM, 43WAR, 38BLM, 38DRK


                • #9
                  Re: Should I start FFXI???

                  Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                  Off the top of my head it was:
                  Sylph and Fairy
                  Hades and Cerberus?
                  Midgardsormr and Quetzacoatl
                  Bismark and Leviathan

                  Someone correct me if I missed any or mismatched them.
                  Kujata was dumped on Valefor.
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • #10
                    Re: Should I start FFXI???

                    Originally posted by Chromemage View Post
                    2. If there is little action, will I still be able to level up in a timely fashion? I seem to remember alot of things requiring group play and grinding. I don't want to rely on waiting for a high level player leveling a sub job to come along to get into a group and advance.
                    - Simple answer, no. Valkurm Dune parties are getting real rare (10-20) now, and with the new expansion out people have stopped leveling up their lower characters and are exploring the new expansions content. Also, PL'ing is non existant for same reason (if you like PLs). Solo'ing is still an option, but this goes slowly. If you're planning on doing WHM, then it'll be real slow.
                    Maybe on your server, but the Dunes is still alive here on Quetzardsormr. Just the other week my friend landed himself a Dunes party(after much prodding on my part) and it came complete with a PL.

                    Since the OP last played during the Chains of Promathia era, it's worth noting the addition of level sync. It's a wonderful feature that allows you to artificially lower everyone's level to match that of a designated party member. It makes waiting for a party much less of a headache than the old-school days. However there are still times when you can run around with your invite flag up all night and not get a party.

                    Like Chrome, I too started playing in 2009, but I don't share all of Chrome's pessimism. That might have something to do with the pace I've taken and my approach to the game. I'm in it for the adventure and the ride, so I'm still a ways off from endgame and enjoying the spectacle of everything along the way.
                    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                    Name: Drjones
                    Blog: Mediocre Mage

